Grape Vortex, or Omni Vortex, different names for the same thing. The enormous structure sizing endless kilometers could once again be seen by the experts of the Lisan Universe.

"Hmph!" However, Black Locust just snorted in the end. "Soul Gem managed to destroy it once; he just needs to do the same again."

The other Semi-Celestials nodded. They still weren't very sure about how Soul Gem did that, but he did. That's what mattered.

More Spatial Gates continued to appear as everyone remembered that sensation. One of the Spatial Gates, obviously, turned out to be Soul Gem, who had a terrible expression on his face. "I can't believe they sent another one of these monsters."

His arrival was noticed by the Semi-Celestials, who quickly flocked around him. "Good, you are here. Just give us those devices you asked us to spread last time this thing appeared. We better get rid of it as soon as possible."

"Don't worry," Himmel smiled. "Don't forget that the Universe was separated in two last time the Grape... Omni Vortex appeared. This time, this thing will need a lot more time to cause trouble. Of course, we can't let it stay, but we are not in a hurry either. Soul Gem, let's get to work."

Yet, Soul Gem bitterly smiled. "We can try, but I hardly doubt what I did before will work this time."

"What?!" Everyone was taken aback. "Why?!"

Soul Gem could only give them an easy explanation since most of them didn't even know what encryptions meant. "Simply put, what I used last time was an encryption key. Just forget the word encryption, though. Focus on the 'key' part. I used that key to access the Omni Vortex's controls."

"At that time, you spread my devices so that I could catch the signal being used to operate it. Through that signal, I used my key and got control over the Omni Vortex. Basically, it was a copy. Nonetheless, the key was the main reason for my success," Soul Gem continued. "The Garisan Forces would need to be a bunch of idiots if they sent another Omni Vortex that can be accessed by using the same key. We can try, but I'm at least 99% sure the key I have will be of no use."

No one liked what they heard. Still, the part that puzzled them the most was definitely this so-called key. "How did you even get that key before? Can't you do the same?"

"The way I got it is a secret of mine," Soul Gem already expected that question but had no intention of answering. "Still, even if I could use the same method, I don't think I would get the encryption key of this Omni Vortex."

Those hearing could only assume that Soul Gem used some method from the time he lived in another Universe. "Then... what do we do?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Kafan took the chance to speak. "We try the same method again. Soul Gem said he is almost certain, not absolutely. Perhaps it will work. Just as Himmel mentioned, now that our Universe is back to its full self, this Omni Vortex will need much more time to cause our Universe's destruction. Let's try Soul Gem's previous key first."

Soul Gem nodded and immediately spread his decives between the various experts in the surroundings. Just like the last time, Kafan stayed by his side while keeping his power spread around. If the Celestial Realm expert from outside tried to attack Soul Gem again, Kafan would be ready to save him.

Outside the Universe, the cameras from this new Omni Vortex continued to show everything that was happening around, just like the last one that was destroyed. "Sir, they are spreading those devices again. They will catch our signal sooner or later. Should we intervene?"

Flavio shook his head. "No. Catching our signal and copying it is of no use. They will need the encryption key, and only that idiot has it. The Omni Vortex is safe. If it is not, then sending our forces to defend it will be meaningless. It is way too big for our forces to cover its entire extent. Just keep watching."

"Yes, sir!" The subordinate nodded and followed the orders.

Flavio wasn't the only one watching. Lucas would not intervene with this conquest, but the Vortex was his. He definitely wouldn't just sit around and do nothing. He was also on the bridge of his spaceship and watched all the cameras and the efforts of the Lisan Universe experts. "Hahaha! What a bunch of idiots. As if I would send this Omni Vortex with the same key. Let's watch the show."

It took several hours, but the experts from Lisan managed to spread the devices just like Soul Gem required. Following that, Soul Gem once again activated them all and caught the signal being used to operate the Omni Vortex.

Several screens could be seen in front of Soul Gem as he nodded. "Alright, Kafan. You can tell them they can stop using their energy on the devices. They should retreat now."

Kafan knew why and passed the order. If Soul Gem managed to destroy this one as well, it would be an extremely powerful explosion that could kill even the Semi-Celestials easily. no one should stay close at that moment. "Done! All of them are already out of range." Soul Gem nodded and took a deep breath. Soon, his equipment used the copied signal and managed to communicate with the Omni Vortex. However, all the information he got made no sense without the encryption key. Naturally, Soul Gem used the encryption key he had acquired and tried to decrypt the information...

"Sigh..." Yet, he shook his head in the end. "As I thought, the encryption used in this new Omni Vortex is completely different. I will not be able to destroy it through this method."

Kafan and the others narrowed their eyes. "What do we do now? Last time, we joined forces with everyone and attacked at the same time without holding back. Yet, it proved meaningless. It shouldn't be different now."

Everyone went silent while they thought of a solution. Even the Vruves, who now were obligated to take part in everything regarding defending against Garisan, were clueless about

what to do.

As they thought, more Spatial Gates appeared, and more experts arrived to check the situation. It was then that another one appeared in the midst of the Semi-Celestials, and a certain duo stepped out.

"Oh! This one is as big as the last one!" Rean commented as he admired the enormous


"I don't give a shit. Let's just get rid of it and go back to our posts." Roan didn't seem to care,


Sure enough, it was the twins... and their words definitely caught some attention.

They ignored the surprised eyes, though. Instead, Rean and Roan simply extended their



And so, just like that... the Omni Vortex was gone!

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