Death... and me

Chapter 2834: Where Did It Come From?

"Wait, wait, wait!" Beelzebub couldn't help but speak. "It is not that simple, right? Sure, we got the Fragment, but what about this Cube? How did it even end here? Also, why are you taking it for yourself? I also have right over it."

Suddenly, the Cube disappeared, entering the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. "What fucking right? You don't even have a Universe Foundation Fragment anymore, so how will you even power this thing? Stop dreaming."

Beelzebub's mouth twitched. "Even if I can't, it is still extremely valuable."

Rean patted Beelzebub's shoulder. "Well, don't be sad. Don't forget the only reason you even escaped this thing was because Roan and I worked together to find the exit. What if you had come into this place alone? Consider the fact we helped you come out as the payment for your share of the Cube. Hahaha!"

Beelzebub was enraged, but the problem was that he couldn't retort Rean's words. It was true. Without them, he most likely would have been trapped inside the Cube for an eternity. Would he ever find the exit? Hard to say. The exit definitely existed inside one of the chambers in the Cube, but there were millions of chambers, and only the very last one was the exit. That showed the Cube might have kept moving its chambers forever and never allowed the chamber with the exit to appear.

"Fuck! Fine! But I want some extra compensation! Otherwise, I will spread the information about the Cube everywhere. I can't talk about you two, but the Cube was something after we made our pact, so it doesn't count in the agreement," Beelzebub spoke. He simply didn't want to leave with nothing.

"Compensation..." Rean pondered a moment while Roan just ignored Beelzebub's antics. Finally, Rean had an idea. "Would you accept Divine Origin Energy Cores?"

Beelzebub knew about those. After all, news about the Divine Origin Energy cores acquired from the destroyed spaceships during the war against Garisan was available in the communication badge. He spent an entire hour scouring the news shared in the communication system. "There are millions of those things now. Why would I accept them?" Rean shrugged. "Isn't that obvious? All the races had already concluded sharing the Cores between themselves. Unless you steal them, you won't get a single one. Even if you do, you will only get a few tens or maybe a few hundred of them at most since there are way too many experts for not that many Cores. I, on the other hand, am willing to give you a thousand right here and right now."

Roan glanced at Beelzebub. "Although I'm not very willing to give the Cores away, it is a good deal for both sides. Let's not forget that if Kafan speaks for you and you can come out in the open, the moment you try to steal the Cores from other experts, even Kafan won't be able to stop everyone from hunting you again. With the war against Garisan here, the Semi-Celestials will not care about the agreement of no interference. Anything that can jeopardize the efforts will be eliminated even if the Semi-Celestials have to make a move themselves."

Beelzebub pondered about it. As a Soul Devil, his main source of energy was indeed Dead Souls. However, as a being of this Universe, he also used Divine Origin Energy. Not to mention, it would be extremely useful once he tries to absorb the four Semi-Celestial Souls to try to reach the Semi-Celestial Level. Anything that can increase his chances of doing that is absolutely worth taking. "Two thousand! Two thousand, and we will put this talk behind us."

"No way! They are too hard to obtain!" Rean immediately refused. "I'll give you an extra hundred."

"Let's just stop this bullshit, shall we?" Roan wasn't in the mind for negotiations. "Rean will give low values, and Beelzebub will ask for higher values. In that case, let's just agree to stop in the midterm. 1500, and this conversation is over."

Beelzebub and Rean looked at each other before they extended their hands.

"Deal?" Rean asked.

"Deal!" And Beelzebub accepted.

After a shake of hands, Rean gathered 1500 Cores inside a Spatial Ring and threw it to Beelzebub. Naturally, Beelzebub checked them and even took one to test. "This thing is truly great..."

"Why do you think it is so hard to get? Hmph!" Rean agreed with that. Well, the twins actually had a mountain of such Cores, but they wouldn't tell Beelzebub that.

Beelzebub sent all the Cores into his Pocket Dimensional Realm before something could happen. "Alright, you got your fucking Fragment. Now, it still doesn't answer my other question. How did this thing end here? It wasn't here when I visited last time."

Rean was also confused. "I also have no idea. Roan, what about you? You were the one to touch it first."

Roan pondered about it and looked at the location where he touched the small Cube. "To be honest, I think this Cube was already here before. Or, to be more specific, this place only exists inside the Reincarnation Path because of the Cube's presence."

Beelzebub was taken aback. "I see... That's right! This location simply doesn't make any sense. It shouldn't exist. And yet, it is here. But how come I didn't find the Cube before?"

"Because it didn't have a power source, so it was concealed," Roan explained. "The great thing about this Cube is that it also has the ability to conceal its user. Didn't you all see? Divine Sense, Natural Spatial Perception, Soul Power Scan, nothing worked. We simply couldn't see past the distortion... and even the distortion can be concealed as well now that I'm in control. Its user can keep himself hidden and operate it from afar. Truly an amazing treasure."

"So that's how it is..." Rean and Beelzebub nodded.

Beelzebub still felt some regret about not having the Cube, but it is also true he wouldn't be able to use it without a Fragment. "Whatever. Let's get fucking out of here. I want my Semi- Celestial Souls."

The twins had no complaints, so their group finally left.

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