Death... and me

Chapter 2812: Unbalance Domain

"Hum?" Rean immediately noticed the addition of another rule. "It doesn't work against Semi-Celestials and above? That rule wasn't there before..."

[That's because the system upgrades are related to your experiences, Rean and Roan. When this option first appeared, you didn't even know Semi-Celestials existed. In any case, it is still an extremely powerful upgrade, even though it is expensive,] Sister Orb explained.

The twins nodded. "It would have been very overpowered if it worked against them. Oh well, it is worth it for sure."

[Yin Yang Cultivation Unbalance Domain - 5000000]

[Leviathans' Liberator Title effect: 500000 Destiny Points will not be used.]

[Total Cost: 4500000 Destiny Points.]

[Acquire Upgrade?]


Immediately, the Orb shined with Light and Dark Lights. The Dark and Light Laws also reacted and seemed to fuse together before two small spheres appeared. These two spheres, one white and the other dark, then entered the twin's foreheads. The Domain skill was imprinted directly into Rean and Roan's Soul.

Rean and Roan closed their eyes and checked the information. It was quite different from Divine Sense Messages, Thoughts Talismans, or Communication Badges. It was as if it had always been there, but the spheres were used just to unlock the memory. Still, even Rean and Roan understood how to use it. They simply couldn't explain to others how it worked. They couldn't put it into words.

[Upgrade completed. Yin Yang Cultivation Unbalance Domain is now available for use.]

"Quite esoteric if you ask me..." Rean couldn't help but comment.

Roan agreed. "Yes, it is a very weird feeling. In any case, we need to give it a try."

The first thing the twins noticed was that they needed to be no more than a thousand kilometers from each other. If they went further apart, the Domain would break apart. "It is basically the same distance as our Random Circuitry Teleport Formation. Seems like the 1000 mark has some meaning for the system."

Roan pondered a bit. "Let's activate it and see how far the Domain expands."

The twins understood that they had to use their Soul Connection for it to work. The Light and Dark Elements and Laws they were the best at reacted to the Yin and Yang of the environment. Immediately, the domain expanded through a range of over fifty thousand kilometers! Even better than that, the Domain was completely invisible, different from all other Domains they had seen so far.

The twins obviously understood why the Domain was capable of reaching so far. But first, they turned it off as each second consumed 1000 Destiny Points. It was only a test that lasted five seconds, but 5000 points were gone just like that.

"It is the average size of both our own Domains together," said Roan.

Rean nodded. "Indeed. That means the bigger our own Domains, the bigger will be the range of the Unbalance Domin as well."

Kentucky heard all of that and was curious. "When you activated it a moment ago, I didn't feel like I grew any weaker. Is the effect also hidden, or do you need to consider the target an enemy for it to work?"

That was a valid question. "Let's give it another try and think about Kentucky as an enemy. Kentucky, tell us if anything changed through Divine Sense so we don't use it for too long."

"Alright, roll it!" Kentucky quickly accepted.

Once again, the twins activated the Unbalance Domain, covering Kentucky alone and the other beings inside the fifty thousand kilometers range.

'Yes, it works! I can feel my cultivating being suppressed to the Middle Stage of the Space- Time Realm,' Kentucky didn't delay his response.

The domain only kept active for another two seconds, but that was enough to give the twins the answer. "Alright. Good job, Kentucky."

"It makes sense that it would only work on those we think to be enemies," Roan commented. "Our own Domains work like that, too. My Dark World only corrodes the Domains I want it to. Your Life World only negates the Domain Effects you select, too. Since the system upgrades are made based on our own experiences, it is only right that the Domain it gave us can be used on specific targets within its range."

Rean shrugged. "It is sad that it costs so much. 1000 Destiny Points per second. That is truly high." Right after, he turned to Sister Orb. "How many Destiny Points do we still have, Sister Orb?"

[You had nine million before the upgrade. After that, now you have four and a half million.] "Hum?" The twins found it strange. "We used the Unbalance Domain for a total of seven seconds. Shouldn't we have 7000 fewer Destiny Points?"

[That's because you used it inside the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm,] Sister Orb explained. [Both you, me, and the system are gods inside this place. Why would there be a need for Destiny Points to test things here? Of course, it will definitely cost you 1000 per second once you go outside.]

"So that's how it is..." The twins nodded. It was pretty much useless as well. Even if a Semi- Celestial came into their Soul Gem Dimensional Realm, they would be powerless. It was the same for everyone who had their own Pocket Dimensional Realms, too. Even if the domain didn't cost anything in their Dimensional Realm, it meant nothing.

"Seems like it is a good idea to make an appearance next time Garisan attacks," Rean commented with a smile.

Roan obviously thought the same. "This is a battlefield-related Domain through and through. Although it will also be useful in individual combats, wars are definitely the best place to display the Unbalance Domain's prowess."

[Well, that's good and all. So, we finished everything we had to do in the Leviathans' Dimensional Realm. What now? Are you going to use more Destiny Points for upgrades or save it for the war?]

Rean and Roan pondered a bit about the future and took another look at the Upgrade List.

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