Death... and me

Chapter 2758: Even Uglier

The System Sect members varied in cultivation realms. From Nascent Soul Realm youngsters who were born in the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm to Transition Realm old members. There were even a couple of Demon Beasts in the Transition Realm who acquired their intelligence and joined the System Sect later.

Naturally, Roan's declaration enraged the Leviathans.

"Rirao, go and teach those in the same realm as you a lesson!" One of the Leviathans said.

"Clanlis, you are already at Stage Eight. Get rid of all those in the Elemental Transformation Realm in the arena!" Another Leviathan exclaimed to his grandson.

Another Leviathan used his tail and shot another smaller Leviathan into the Arena. "Sisstas, you better beat at least three Soul Transformation Realm cultivators from his group, or don't bother coming back home!"

Floquei narrowed his eyes, seeing the many younger and older Leviathans entering the arena. Still, they were all within the same realm as the cultivators Roan brought out from the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm. Just now, he saw how Sonzei completely dominated Jokios. If these other members of Roan's Dimensional Realm were as strong as Sonzei mentioned, then they were in for a huge defeat and an even worse one than before.

Yet, Floquei was still skeptical. Was Sonzei truly weak? What if Roan was just bluffing? What if these cultivators he brought out were, in fact, many times weaker than Sonzei? After all, Sonzei had their sacred bloodline running in his veins. He couldn't truly be weaker than those in the same realm in Roan's group, right?

The younger Leviathans, varying from Stage Five to Transition Realm, entered the arena as ordered by the older ones. Yet, they didn't attack straight away. Floquei was still there, and he hadn't given permission. Nonetheless, they were all eager to fight, to show off what the Leviathans could really do.

Floquei felt the fervent emotions from those watching outside and the young Leviathans inside, knowing that stopping it would be worse. 'If things are truly as bad as Roan

mentioned, then let it be the wake-up our race needs.'

"One hundred Leviathans against one hundred cultivators. Leviathans are only allowed to fight those in the same realm as them!" Flqoeui began to speak with a loud voice, aided by his Divine Energy to reach far and wide. "There is no point in having higher realm Leviathans defeating lower realm cultivators, after all."

He then looked at the judge. "You watch over them. One fight each time. Understood?"

The judge nodded, excited. He was also irritated by Roan's declaration, so how could he not wish for this? He was sure that Sonzei was just an anomaly. There was no way all of those cultivators were even stronger. "Yes, leader. Leave it to me!"

Floquei then retreated from the arena, and so did Roan, Jokios, Jokios's father, and Rean. Only the Soul Gem System Sect and the leviathans remained.

Olvris, having watched the previous battle, felt nervous as he talked to Floquei through Divine Sense. 'Floquei, I told you about my fight against the twins's group. I'm an entire realm above them, but they still managed to fight me to a standstill. After seeing this last battle... I don't think Roan is bluffing anymore.'

Floquei nodded, knowing that. 'Yes, I'm aware. In fact, look at the high elders.'

Olvris looked around and saw that the high elders, which were the Leviathans who had reached the Divinity Realm, didn't seem irritated. They were a stark contrast to the rest of the Leviathans around the arena. They... looked worried. Just that. 'I see...'

Floquei nodded. 'Yes. Even though they didn't fight the twins like you did, they are just as experienced as you. They can feel it, too. That human called Roan... most likely is not bluffing. At the very least, he absolutely believes in what he just said about his group's abilities.'

'Then, shouldn't we stop it?' Olvris asked back, nervous. 'If we let this continue, it will be a huge blow to our Leviathan Race's pride.'

'That's what I want,' Floquei continued. 'If all these years locked in this Dimensional Realm truly turned us this weak, then let this be the sight of our shortcomings. I trust it will serve us well in the future.'

Olvris sighed and understood. 'As you wish, leader.'

Back in the arena, the judge quickly picked two opponents at the same realm equivalent, swiftly asking. "No intervention by others is allowed. Same rules as before. Are you two ready?"

"Yes!" Both nodded at the same time.

"Start!" The judge finally gave the order for the first battle.

What happened after this... was not a battle between Leviathans and Cultivators. Instead, it was a complete annihilation! The Leviathans fell like flies, and that's when they were within an environment that favored them, deep underwater.

At first, the losses of the Leviathans only served to enrage the outside Leviathans even more. Nonetheless, they continued to order their young ones to push forward.

It didn't last long, though. By the twentieth fight, these voices began to die down. Each Leviathan that entered the arena so far wasn't able to last a single minute, most losing in just one or two moves.

By the time fifty fights were over, the leviathans began to feel scared. What kind of monster group was that? It can't be possible that all one hundred cultivators were that strong, right?

Seventy fights... and the idea that they weren't all strong disappeared. By now, the leviathans, both inside and outside, wanted nothing more than to stop this humiliation. Regardless of how much they hated it, they couldn't deny that the cultivators were truly many times stronger while in the same realm.

"That's enough," Floquei entered the arena, stopping the next fight before it even began.

Rean and Roan followed suit, standing on their System Sect disciples' sides. Following that, Roan spoke with a cold voice. "Shall I bring out the real top disciples living in my Pocket Dimensional Realm? I warn you, though. It will be even uglier than this."

Floquei didn't feel angry. He knew Roan wasn't saying that to provoke him. Roan... was simply stating the truth. "There is no need."

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