Death… And Me

Chapter 1426 - Luans Affinity

Chapter 1426 - Luan's Affinity

Falangia almost vomited blood when she heard that! Her daughter was only eight years old, so where the hell did she get that idea from? First of all, marriage was something very rare that only happened between rich families, clans, or any relationship that would result in both sides benefitting from it. After all, no one really believed that. Back in Dry Sky City, Falangia only knew three couples that were really married, and it wasn't like she attended their marriages with her daughter either. "Wh-wh-what are you talking about? D-d-d-d-do you even know what marriage is?"

Rafatia nodded with a proud expression. "Of course! The great Kentucky told me that it's when you get to stay with the person you like forever. Someone that you like more than others but isn't related to you by blood. I like big brother Rean very much, so I want to stay with him forever."

Falangia didn't know what to say after her daughter was finished talking. In a certain way, her daughter wasn't really wrong. It's just that her perception of her own words was not the real meaning. "That's not gonna happen. Give up on this idea already."

Rafatia obviously didn't like to hear that. "I knew it! You want big brother Rean for yourself! But I don't mind. If you marry big brother Rean, he will still stay with us forever."

Falangia's face was incredibly hot as she heard her daughter's words. 'Kids can be quite merciless...' Of course, she quickly tried to change Rafatia's notions. "Ahem... I do think well of big brother Rean. He saved you and me, after all. But marriage is a little too much, so don't talk about it anymore, okay?"

"Then... does mommy not like him?" Rafatia asked with an innocent expression.

Falangia wanted to say no so that her daughter would drop the matter. However, she found the words stuck in her throat, not being able to speak them out.

It was then that Rean's voice echoed in their ears. "Hey, you two. What are you whispering there in the corner?"

"Ah!" Rafatia was caught off guard. After all, this was supposed to be a 'secret' conversation with her mommy. "No-nothing. Mommy and I were talking about how good it was to sleep with big brother Rean. Mommy was especially pleased since she held you very tight."

Falangia's face hit the ground at that moment. 'Don't you have a better excuse to tell him?' Well, Rafatia wasn't lying, though.

Rean didn't seem to take Rafatia's words seriously, saying, "Of course! After all, I have Light Element Affinity. Anyone would feel comfortable if they're close to me." Rean then looked at Falangia and asked, "Anyways, Roan obtained information about the Pol Continent. Don't you want to hear it?"

"Ah! Yes! Of course! Right away!" Falangia didn't waste that chance Rean created to escape her daughter's interrogation.

Naturally, Roan didn't like to waste time. Before he started to talk, he gave Luan a few cultivation instructions and a few Rank One Divine Stones so that he could train while they talked. "Now, make sure you follow the steps I told you while cultivating, understood?"

Luan nodded in response. "Yes, big brother Roan." However, before he started, Luan asked something else. "Big brother, when will you teach me to read?"

With an exorbitant amount of difficulty, Roan surprisingly made a cultivation manual for Luan. However, the kid simply didn't know how to read, so Roan had to make him memorize the steps instead.

With that being said, Luan turned out to have an odd elemental affinity, which wasn't that rare in the Realm of Gods anyway. However, there was a slight problem. Luan's affinity was related to space itself. At the very least, that's what Sister Orb told them when the silver color appeared in the Elemental Affinity Orb. Rean and Roan accepted that fact very quickly since it could at least explain Luan's eye abilities to a certain extent.

The problem was that one couldn't touch spatial powers before the Void Tempering Realm. Of course, Luan also wasn't an exception to this. Perhaps, Luan would be able to do it before the Void Tempering Realm. Nevertheless, he definitely needed a level of cultivation much higher than just the Foundation Establishment Realm. With that being said, how should Roan create a cultivation manual for a power that can't be used?

Thankfully, he had a way to analyze spatial powers... the barrier between the Soul Gem Dimensional Realm and the real world. Roan really broke his head while thinking about it, trying to come up with something that Luan could use. Even though he succeeded in the end, the manual was far from optimal. In any case, it was several times better than Luan's attempt at cultivation without any specific instructions.

To make up for the quality of his cultivation technique, Roan had Luan cultivate very carefully, repeating the same steps over and over again during his cultivation. In a certain way, Luan's cultivation speed now wasn't much different from before he got the manual. The only difference was in quality! Sure, Luan couldn't use spatial powers, but he now could at least feel it when using Roan's cultivation manual.

According to Sister Orb, the best thing would be to send Luan into the Dimensional Realm and let him cultivate close to the Dimensional Realm Barrier. Unfortunately, anyone not directly connected to the twins couldn't stay in the Dimensional Realm. Celis and Kentucky had this connection, for example. Of course, it was possible to let him enter. The twins just had to pay 10000 Destiny Point for the pass... which they didn't have at the moment.

In the end, Luan could only cultivate slowly under Roan's constant vigilance in case something went wrong. The good thing was that even though his cultivation speed didn't change, Divine Stones definitely made up for it. Rean had a huge supply of Rank One Divine Stones, which were obviously more than enough for someone at Luan's level. Rank Two Divine Stones would just be a complete waste in Luan's case. In a place where Divine Energy was scarce, those stones created a paradise for cultivation.

Back to the present, Roan confirmed that Luan was cultivating properly and turned his attention to Falangia and the others, telling them, "So, here's what I found about the Pol Continent."

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