Death… And Me

Chapter 1131 - Basic Combat

Chapter 1131 - Basic Combat

Rean and Roan could not help but snort when they saw that. Sure, there were quite a few people from Klacks Country entering the store, but...

The store owner saw how outsiders were assaulting his store and yelled, "Help! Guards, Help! Outsiders are destroying my jewelry!"

The Klacks Country disciples and Hedoi snorted in response when they heard that. They already confirmed that there were no guards nearby. As long as they were quick, they could flee before the guards arrived... or so they thought.

Roan then looked at the room at the back of the store before shouting, "Death Guard Squad, outsiders are causing trouble again. Move out and help destroy them!"


Suddenly, the wooden wall burst apart as the city guards that were resting rushed into the scene. "Yes, leaders!"

Seeing the guards appear all of a sudden, Hedoi's group turned pale. Out of nowhere, an entire squad of guards dressed in full armor appeared on the scene. 'Wait, did they just say leader?' Hedoi thought for a moment as he looked at Roan in shock.

Some of the guards quickly barred all entrances before the rest pounced at Klacks Country's people.

"Run!" Obviously, the Klacks Country participants weren't idiots. They knew they would be massacred if they stayed here, and that included Hedoi. They all rushed at the guards covering the entrance, trying to force their way through.

However, Hedoi understood that the situation was dire. The store wasn't that big, so he wouldn't be able to force his way out. Instead, he immediately looked at Roan, who the guards called their leader. 'If I want to escape, I need to catch him first!'

Hedoi didn't have a good life at first. After all, he came from a country where the evil path ruled. Because of that, he fought a lot on the streets in order to survive even before becoming a cultivator. He was very confident that he could take Roan on with his skills from the past. Hedoi then quickly attacked Roan before the guards tried to stop him.

However, to his surprise, he could see a grin on the guards' faces when they saw him attacking Roan. None of them tried to help out at all. If anything, their eyes only displayed pity for Hedoi. Of course, Hedoi wouldn't stop now.

He quickly aimed a kick on Roan's lower body, trying to catch him by surprise. However, Roan had none of that as he easily dodged... or so it seemed. That's because Hedoi also used a feint, which he was quite good with. Instead, his fist aimed at Roan's face while he focused on the kick before. Unfortunately for him...

*Pah!* Roan caught Hedoi's fist without any difficulty. But, Roan didn't stop the force with which the fist was thrown at him. Instead, he used Hedoi's momentum to let the fist pass by his side and switched his grasp from Hedoi's fist to his wrist. Following that, he twisted it beyond what his joints could handle.



And so, Hedoi's arm broke, just like that. Surprisingly, he gritted his teeth, knowing that whatever happened in this Dream City was not happening to his real body. Hedoi was someone used to much more pain than that, stemming from his early days. He completely ignored the pain a moment later, using his leg to kick Roan away.



Well, that was of no use against Roan. Before Hedoi even began to launch his kick, Roan's leg was already moving ahead. It hit Hedoi's knee, which was moving in his direction. In the end, the momentum of Hedoi's leg was what helped Roan break his knee in one more move. Hedoi finally fell to the ground, not being able to sustain his body with that broken leg. "You! Just how did you do that?!"

Roan snorted in response, telling him, "This is just basic defense, idiot. Not everyone will simply throw punches and kicks like you." Well, Roan thought that perhaps in this Realm of Gods, where everyone relied on Divine Energy and Soul Power, they would.

Roan then tried to grab Hedoi once again when suddenly, Hedoi's body was covered in red light. One must remember that Hedoi had a bad premonition on this attack to start with. Because of that, he had kept his Existence Pearls ready for any situation. And now, he just used them.

Just as Hedoi was about to disappear, he snorted back at Roan, telling him, "No wonder Sect Master has his eye on you. It turns out that your Dark Element Affinity isn't everything. I'll see you in the next test." After saying that, Hedoi's body completely disappeared.

Rean couldn't help but sigh after seeing that. "Sure enough, one can use this kind of method to escape."

Roan glanced at Rean, who had just finished another member of the Klacks Country by breaking his neck. Rean wasn't much weaker than Roan in basic combat. Obviously, none of Klacks Country's participants stood a chance against him either. "It's not like we didn't expect something like this. Next time, I'll aim for the enemy's Existence Pearl before I break their bodies."

Not long after, the other city guards also finished the rest of the Klacks Country members. Hedoi was one thing. But his countrymen and women didn't have the same escape method as him. They were obviously killed and disappeared or captured after being beaten up.

"Sirs, we found a few more of those Red Pearls you were gathering." The guard then passed another 11 pearls to Rean and Roan. There was nothing to feel surprised about. Hedoi's companions didn't really trust each other, as mentioned several times. They obviously hid some of the Existence Pearls from Hedoi, expecting to gather enough themselves.

Rean nodded with a serious expression after that. "Very well. Let's head back to the headquarters and throw the rest in prison."

Liana and Fulia from Tenke and Volava quickly noticed how Hedoi's name disappeared from the scoring board. They were making their way there, expecting to fish in troubled waters. However, Hedoi disappeared way too quickly, which immediately made them change their plans. Whatever was able to get rid of Hedoi that quickly could probably do the same thing to them. Besides, they saw how Roan's number in the ranking suddenly went up by another 11 pearls, which left him with 108.

Since they didn't know that Hedoi had left, they thought his pearls were taken by Rean and Roan.. Simple as that.

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