Death… And Me

Chapter 1113 - Somewhere Else

Chapter 1113 - Somewhere Else

"Let's not forget the last thing," Rean added.

Obviously, Julian, Roan, and Milina knew what it was. "The other participants. We don't know if only a certain number of participants can leave. Even if everyone can leave, no rules state that you can't get rid of others in the meantime."

Roan then looked at Julian and asked him, "Do you really have no idea how we can find the Soul Eater Sect?"

Julian shook his head vigorously in response to the question. "I truly don't know. I do know a few of the landmarks, but I can't hope to find such a thing in this storm."

"How big is the sealed region, by the way?" Rean soon asked. "I don't believe it's really as big as a true region. After all, we've already bumped into a few cultivators. If it was really as big as a region with several countries, it would be a miracle to bump into a single person as soon as we did."

Julain confirmed Rean's words as he told them, "Indeed. It's not the entire region of the Soul Eater Sect that has been sealed. First of all, it would be too big for the Yin Energy of the Yin Corpses to permeate such a huge area. Once the high-level Yin Corpses were disposed of, the Sacred Land forced the low-level ones back to the state of the Soul Eater Sect. Although the entire region is still considered a forbidden ground, only a part of the country where the Soul Eater Sect originated was sealed. The outside is completely fine."

"And how big is that?" Roan asked the question once more.

"Something around 300 to 400 kilometers, more or less." Of course, that was still a large area. However, it at least made sense to have bumped into other cultivators now.

Roan nodded after that. "That makes things easier." With that, he decided that it was enough. "Alright, Julian. You can go now."

Rean and Milina didn't mind. "May we meet each other again outside. Also, try not to lie to Roan anymore. It's bad for your health."

Rean's group then turned around and began to run away. Their plan was very simple. Since the region spanned around 300-400 kilometers, they would keep running until they found some clues regarding the location of the Soul Eater Sect.

Julian was taken aback, seeing how Rean's group didn't even think of his presence anymore. Of course, it was a good thing that they kept their promise and let him go. At least, they knew how to keep their words.




Suddenly, the sound of the Yin Corpses could be heard again, which made Julian feel a chill on his back. With that, he turned around and dashed away as well. He definitely didn't want to be there when the Yin Corpses arrived. It's just that a few moments later...

"Err...didn't we just say you could leave?" Rean asked with a puzzled expression. Roan and Milina also looked at Julian while they kept running.

"Ahem..." Julian understood that Rean's group was a lot stronger than their cultivation suggested. Besides, he thought that they could come to a deal. "As I mentioned, I do know a few landmarks of this area. If we spot it, I'll be able to tell in which direction the Soul Eater Sect is located. Let's go together. We can even protect each other along the way."

Roan glanced at him and snorted. "Protect each other? With your strength that couldn't even react to my attack?"

Rean laughed out loud. "Come on, Roan. He's just scared of the ghosts. We don't need to keep running forever if he finds the landmarks. If he holds us back, we can simply use him as bait for the Yin Corpses."

Roan had to admit it made sense. "A bait, huh? That seems useful. Alright, he can tag along."

Julian almost vomited blood after that. 'Can't you at least pretend that I'm still here?' Nevertheless, Julian had to admit he would be safer staying close to the twins and Milina than going out there alone. Not to mention that they had that amazing physical enhancement ability that helped a lot in the snow. "I... will do my best not to bother you. Once I find a landmark, I'll show you the direction of the Soul Eater Sect."

Back in the Sacred Land's guest room, the Apocal Country's elders and princes couldn't help but feel ashamed. 'That idiot! Can't you at least show some guts?' Fortunately, only the country of Rean's group and their own could see what was happening there. Otherwise, they would bury their heads in the ground in shame. Not to mention that a few of them had to admit that Julian staying with Rean's group was his safest choice in that place.

However, it was then that Roan said, "No, I want you to show us the direction of something else."

"Something else?" Julian was puzzled by that request. Rean's group obviously didn't know anything about this place, so why would they head in another direction?

Of course, he wasn't the only one. Milina was also at a loss. "Shouldn't we go to the sect as fast as possible?"

Seeing their expressions made Rean smile in response. "Hehehe! Leave it to us. We will show you what we'll do once we arrive there."

Milina and Julian looked at each other but decided to believe the twins for now. At the very least, they had the strength to back up their words. They should know what they're doing.

Meanwhile, all the other participants also ran after information. It's just that not many knew about this place.

*Crack, crack, crack, crack...*

"Ahhhh! Stop, stop! No more!"

A man was standing on the snow with half of his body frozen. However, it wasn't the Yin Corpses that did that to him. Instead, it was a beautiful woman with a cold expression. That guy was lucky, though. That's because there were four more statues of ice around him. They were all cultivators who tried to mess with her after seeing that she was alone.

"That will depend on what you have to say. If you give me any useful information about this place, I might consider forgiving you for your rudeness earlier.. It seemed like you knew a little bit when you talked with your frozen friends a moment ago."

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