Death… And Me

Chapter 1056 - Langara

Chapter 1056 - Langara



To make sure things wouldn't go out of control, Roan pierced through Sutil's dantian, completely crippling his cultivation. "What do you mean by no? You're just a hostage now. I can't give you the chance to run away, you know?" Soon after, Roan touched Sutil's shoulder.

'Life Style, Second Form, Instant Recovery!'

Sutil's injuries then closed completely. The higher the cultivation, the harder it was to heal. But now that he had no cultivation whatsoever, healing him was extremely simple.

Sutil then looked at Roan with hatred on his face. However, he knew that he was bound to be dead soon, so he pressed his teeth against each other, releasing a poison inside his body. "Hehe! You don't know what you're dipping your feet into. I'll see you in the next life."

*Cough! Cough!*

Sutil then vomited black blood and fell to the ground. From the looks of it, the poison was really potent. He would be dead in just a few seconds.

Eminia looked at that and didn't seem the least bit surprised. Obviously, they already predicted that such a thing would happen. However...

"Come on! We just met each other! I can't possibly let you go so soon, right?" Rean said with a smile as he touched Sutil's body. Soon after, his hair changed once more between black and white.

'Life Style, Fourth Form, Purification!'

Light and Dark Elements rushed into Sutil's body like a torrent. The Light Element made sure to keep Sutil's body intact while the Dark Element destroyed all traces of the poison Sutil had just swallowed.

Fatax couldn't help but exclaim, "Impossible! No one should be able to heal that poison without the antidote!"

Eminia narrowed her eyes as she watched the process happen. She didn't know how they did that, but they were able to get rid of the poison that even her own background and the antidote wouldn't succeed on so easily. After all, the poison acted so fast that even the antidote might not work in time. 'Just who are these guys?'

A few moments later, Sutil woke up again, just to see that he was completely fine. "Wh-what happened?" He then looked around and noticed Roan looking somewhere else.

To be more precise, Roan was looking at Eminia and Fatax. "Now then, will you tell me more about your situation, or should I ask him?"

Eminia shook her head in response, telling Roan, "I told you I can't. It goes much deeper than you think. Believe me, you better not know anything. Also, you'll only waste your time trying to interrogate this guy. Our background trains these types of cultivators so that they won't reveal anything. You saw it yourself. He even tried to kill himself with poison before you healed it somehow."

Rean couldn't help but ask, "Is that how you expect to get our help, not saying anything?"

Eminia shook her head. "That's why I told you that we will pay you many times more Divine Stones when we get to Giliga. That should be enough payment, no? Even if you don't care too much about them, you would do well with the amount. If Divine Stones isn't enough, I can give you something else as long as it isn't going overboard."

Roan shook his head in the end as he knew it was useless asking her. "Forget it. I'll simply ask this guy."

Sutil snorted when he looked at Roan. "Hmph! Do you think that simple pain can make me open my mouth? You can torture me for the next ten years, and you'll still get nothing, fucker!"

Rean looked at Sutil with pity in his eyes, telling him, "Brother, let alone ten years, I'll be impressed if you hold for ten minutes." With that being said, Rean walked away. He truly didn't like those moments. Besides, Roan was better at it anyway.

Roan glanced at Rean for a moment and told him, "Make sure Rascal is ready to leave. We don't know if these guys have anyone else close by."

Rean nodded in response before continuing to head to the Golden Rascol. At the same time, he put his arms around Fatax and Eminia's shoulders. "You two, come and help me. Our little Rascal likes company."

Fatax and Eminia didn't mind it as they were sure Roan wouldn't succeed. However, eight minutes later, Roan came back, much to Eminia and Fatax's surprise. They then looked at the place where Sutil was located and could only see the guy's dead body there. "You gave up much faster than I thought," Eminia said with an 'I told you so' expression.

Fatax shrugged his shoulders in response, obviously thinking the same thing as Eminia.

Roan glanced at those two and coldly smiled after hearing her words. "Well, well,'s nice to meet you, Matriarch Langara. No, this girl's body that you're using at the moment is really called Eminia, so I guess it's isn't completely wrong to use that name either."

Fatax and Eminia's expression immediately changed after hearing that. "Wh-what did you just say?"

Rean also smiled by the side while he treated the Golden Rascol. Obviously, he heard the entire confession through his Soul Connection with Roan.

Of course, he let Roan do the talking, telling the two, "Langara Talan, the Matriarch of the Talan Clan. She's also known for her ability Soul Succession, a very rare ability that her race possesses. As long as the bloodline of a descendant is pure enough, you can transfer your soul into their bodies and live their lives. Truly an interesting race, I have to admit."

Fatax and, Langara, couldn't believe it. "How could the clan release such a weak hunter?! He shouldn't have opened his mouth!"

Rean patted Langara's shoulder and laughed as he said in response, "Hahaha! Don't worry. That hunter that was after you was truly remarkable. There's no living soul in this Realm of Gods who can keep secrets from Roan. For him to have resisted an entire eight minutes under Roan's hands is a testament to the strength of his will. I have to admit, your clan's training methods are impressive."

Roan didn't care about that as he told Langara, "Now then, to think I'm looking at a matriarch that's 32 generations old.. However, the interesting part is what the opposition in your clan needs you for."

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