Death… And Me

Chapter 1038 - We Cant Stay

Chapter 1038 - We Can't Stay

Outside, Rean was also surprised by the sudden end. However, he didn't care about it too much. Both he and Roan were able to test and train a lot in their own fields during the assembly, so it had more or less served its purpose. Besides, this was still considered a small city, so the level here was definitely below what they would encounter outside.

"So, Ludio. What do you think about that outcome?" Rean asked Ludio, who was still beside him. In the end, Roan won the Free For All Battle without having to fight the last opponent, which could be said to be a type of luck already. Well, Roan didn't think of it like that, though.

As for Ludio, he wanted to move away from Rean several times, but the guy seemed to stick to him like glue. "What else is there to say? He didn't have to fight, so that's good, right? I guess this is where we separate since you two will be removed from the assembly."

Rean nodded in agreement, telling Ludio, "We will indeed be removed from the assembly, but that doesn't mean we have to separate. Say, can we talk later? I have something to talk about with you."

Ludio pondered over it for a bit before agreeing. "Fine. You can look for me in the Vistrue Clan's group once this is over."

The spatial door for the Free for All Battle soon opened once more, allowing the survivors to come out. Without any surprises, many cultivators died in it, leaving only 2398 cultivators alive.

Not too long after, two elders of the City Lord's mansion came to take Rean and Roan away from the assembly. Their parting made many people sigh in relief, increasing their confidence in obtaining the other Golden-level Divine Veins for the rest of the battle-related competitions.

"Rean, Roan, come here!" It turns out that the twins were brought inside the elders' watching room. Naturally, Kayla, Cynthia, Wuxan, and the other members of the Lukimira Sect were there.

However, before separating from the City Lord elders, they received a Divine Sense Message from Fabio, telling the two of them, 'Don't leave so quickly after the assembly. I have a few things to talk to you two about.'

The twins weren't surprised by that, especially considering everything they had done so far. With that being said, they simply went to see Kayla's group...or so they tried.

"Hey, Rean, Roan, would you like to join my Soul Guild?" Suddenly, the Soul Guild branch leader appeared in front of the twins, giving them that offer. However, he wasn't the only one.

"Get out of the way, old man," The Formation Guild branch leader also came right after. "You can have the black-haired one, but the white-haired guy is mine!" After that, he looked at Rean before asking, "How about entering our Cosec City Formation Guild branch? We're very interested in those runes you used during the competition, especially since I can tell you're only in the Silver Middle-level. I can guarantee that you'll be handsomely rewarded as a member."

Kalya looked at all of that with a bitter smile. The twins definitely irritated those guys after taking the Divine Veins that would probably fall in their hands. However, the twins could be said to be a much more valuable asset, much greater than the Divine Veins. Both were still in the Soul Transformation Realm, but they could fight Saint Realm opponents? Which power wouldn't want talents like that? Let alone their amazing performances in the side occupations.

The top three sects, organizations, guilds, and so on. If they had influence in Cosec City, they were there, trying to recruit the twins.

Eventually, Rean raised his hand, catching those leaders' attentions as he finally replied, "Sorry, but we have just joined the Lukimira Sect. Would you really like someone who changes allegiance like they change clothes? Well, my brother and I definitely don't. For now, we will stay with the Lukimira Sect. However, we will let you know if we change our minds in the future."

The twins then left the crowd behind, joining Kayla and the others as Rean asked them, "Hey there! So, how was it? Do you have enough Divine Veins now?"

Kayla's mouth twitched in response. "Yeah...I guess we do have a good amount of them." She didn't even want to talk about it anymore. "So, you don't seem too affected by Fabio's intervention."

Roan nodded in response. "We were able to check what we wanted, so that's enough. You should be fine as well. After all, Fabio gave the Royal Family's word that no one would try anything against the Lukimira Sect because of the Divine Veins."

Kayla shook her head in response as she told Roan, "That's already a given. Even if he didn't say anything, the Royal Family had made this kind of promise a long time ago. Senior Fabio's words just reinforced that. Instead, I'm more worried about you two. After all, your performance has caught way too much attention. What if the other powers decide to get rid of your presence later? Your talents are too great."

Cynthia then patted Kayla's shoulder as she said soon after, "Kayla is right. However, there is a way to avoid such outcome."

Before Cynthia or anyone else could continue, Roan already understood. "Joining one of the top powers of Cosec City, right?"

Kayla sighed in response. "Exactly. You don't need to stay with us because you feel like you owe us anything. Just these Divine Veins alone are worth more than our entire sect. Instead, it is us who will probably never be able to pay for it. Besides, your conditions would become better in those powers."

Kayla then passed a spatial ring to Rean and Roan as she told them, "Inside, you will find the 300 Divine Stones I told you about. It's nothing much, considering how many you've got already. Nevertheless, we gave you our word, and I fully intend to fulfill it."

The twins didn't refuse it as they didn't have that many Divine Stones anyway. "Very well. As for joining other powers, that won't be possible."

Kayla and the others were taken aback. "Why? Do you intend to stay with us regardless?"

Roan was the one to answer the question. "No, we won't be staying in Cosec for long to start with. In the end, we can't join anyone."

Rean and Roan were planning to leave sooner or later anyway. Since Fabio wanted to talk to them, they thought it was probably a good opportunity, seeing as they would head to a higher stage.. Even if they couldn't, they would still move to a bigger city to obtain more privileged information.

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