Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 312 Practical Lesson (Part 3)

Kelly should have seen this coming from a mile away, and in some cases, she did. The only thing she was hoping for was that the teacher would ask her to pick an opponent, but Aurora was the favorite in nearly every class.

Maybe it was because of her family, or maybe because she was a suck-up, which most teachers enjoyed, apart from someone like Professor Quartz. Either way, what was done was done, and reluctantly Kelly had to make her way up to the platform.

"Well, this is a bit awkward, isn't it?" Alen commented from the stands. "It looks like it will be my sister against yours. I have you know that when it comes to practical magic rather than theoretical, I have no doubt that she is one of the best; she is already a 3-star mage close to becoming a 4-star mage, and she also knows how to breakthrough."

Hearing this, Raze had to admit that was impressive for a student, especially the part about knowing how to breakthrough. Using the magic core to overload the user with an attribute of mana, giving them an immense burst of power. It was something that even with all the knowledge that Raze knew from his past, he couldn't currently do, but that was because he had a Dark Core, and no one knew how to breakthrough with a Dark Core, at least not one that was recorded in the history books.Please visit https://novel-next.com website to read fastest update

"Do you care to make a wager?" Alen asked. "Let's say that your sister won the battle of knowledge in the last class. In this class, I want to bet that my sister will best yours, and in turn, if my sister wins, I want to learn more about who you are?"

The tone of voice used and the way the question was asked, Raze could tell it was almost as if the other already knew something about him, but Alen wasn't someone he needed to worry about too much, at least not in that regard.

"A wager, doesn't that mean if Kelly wins, I should get something in return?" Raze asked.

"Ah yes, you are right; I guess let's say I will owe you a favor. A one-time favor for you. A favor of someone in my position as a high Military Advisor and a future Grand Magus can be a powerful thing."

Looking at the situation in front of him, Raze didn't really know if Kelly could win or not, and he couldn't intervene, so it would be a gamble for him. As for the types of questions the other would ask, who knew what they were.

'He just wants to build a stronger connection with me; for him, it's a win-win, but it's not like I will tell him much, I have nothing to lose out of this as well,' Raze thought.

"All right, you have a deal," Raze replied.

She then used the skill again, on the next Ember, and the same had proceeded. Breaking through the flames, Kelly had appeared her cheeks a little blackened, but she was mostly unhurt.

"Wind Swipe!" Kelly shouted, and a line of wind attack appeared, cutting straight across Aurora's chest.

It had hit her, and she stumbled slightly, but as she did, she gathered both hands and pointed them to the floor.

"Fireball!" The attack exploded on the ground and covered the area slightly in smoke.

When the smoke disappeared, the two students could be seen, both of them only looking slightly hurt.

'That's a bit odd,' Raze thought. 'The last match was stopped the moment a Wind Swipe was going to hit the other student. Although Aurora has received no damage, it's because of the enchanted uniform. Is the teacher being a bit biased, allowing her to show more of her skills?' Raze thought to himself.

"My sister is quite talented in the fire magic department like all of our family. It seems she has taken her opponent too lightly though," Alen commented.

"You are right about that; did you not know something about Kelly?" Raze asked.

Alen raised an eyebrow, unsure of what he meant by this.

"I guess you don't; not many would bother to pay attention to an orphan like her, but there is a reason why, with no family backing to help her, she is in this academy," Raze stated.

He thought back to the question he had asked her on the train because it was something that had been bugging him for a while. There were more than one mage academy in each country. So with Kelly being who she was, why was she in Central Academy, the hardest academy to get into?

"Because even though she is a first-year student like that of Aurora, she is also a 3-star mage as well," Raze answered; his voice sounded a little as if he was bragging, as if he was actually talking about his sister.

Being back on Aurora, almost for a moment, he had forgotten everything.

"I see." Alen smiled. "Well, I still think my sister's going to win, so get ready to tell everything about yourself to me."

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