Dark Magus Returns

Chapter 289 Growing The Crimson Crane

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After the Dark Magus had agreed to create another item for Kizer, he had already rushed out to grab what was needed for Raze to get to work. In the meantime, Raze himself was in his own Alchemist room recovering his mana.

He had used up quite a bit of it working on the pestle for Reno. During this time, he had also consumed non-cursed blue Qi pills.

'I've dragged myself into more work than I needed to,' Raze thought to himself as he sat down in a meditative state. 'There is so much for me to still do. I need to create the other Qi pills, and also head to Alterian soon for myself.

'On top of that, I need to gather food supplies to take back to the others. Still, helping them out will also give me a better chance to go against the academy when the time comes for it,' Raze thought to himself.

A short while later, a really short while, Kizer had come sprinting back into the room, with something long tied to his back. He placed it on the ground and unraveled the piece of string around it. Raze could see a number of large long swords. All of them were flashy in design, with strange markings on the hilt and on the blade itself. All of them looked better than the swords that Raze himself had obtained or that he saw at the auction. It was clear that they were all of a great level. With the fifteen swords, there were also fifteen level 3 power stones as well, and that's when Raze realized something.

"I was just thinking that Dark Magus, he's a nicer person than I originally thought," Kizer commented.

"Oh, really, I thought you had a bad feeling about him," Reno replied, not looking up while continuing his work.

"I mean I did, and I still kinda feel that way. I can't help it, maybe it's to do with him feeling like poison like you said, but the thing is, he gave you such a powerful item just like that. Do you think most alchemists, if they had created such a great thing, that they would be willing to hand over something like that? If anything, they would hide the fact. What you have is an item that would be sought after by alchemists all over the world, and yet he gave it away."

"You're right, he might be a nice person," Reno replied. "But don't you think it could be something else as well? Maybe it's just that, something like this means nothing to him. At the end of the day, we really don't know much about him or his past."

While the day continued, and Kizer patiently waited for his item to be made, they were all unaware that just outside the large metal Alchemist building, the entire area had been surrounded by Pagna warriors.

"Do those guys live in there or something?" Clipper commented with a large yawn. Clipper was one of the squad leaders of the Behemoth clan. "Alright, I'm tired of waiting around. Let's just head in there and drag the two of them out of there."

"Actually, there's a good chance that they could be meeting with the Dark Magus; he's an alchemist, right? Alright, change of plans, drag every person out of there."

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