Chapter 147: The Clash

“Do you know the reason why Shi Daoist is here?” Chen Jianmei brought the topic up out of nowhere.

“I have no idea,” Shen Lian did not bother guessing and replied frankly. Up ahead, the sea was dotted with stars, and the moon had not risen yet. There was no fish and aquatic plant, which made it seemed lonelier. The gentle breeze that swept past added some life to the surroundings.

Chen Jianmei stared at the sea and saw the reflection of the stars. He knew that he might not be able to see this beautiful scenery anymore.

He was not particularly fond of scenery, but he felt like looking at it today.

It was not that he lacked confidence, but confidence did not have a role to play in the battle today. Victory or defeat, they came and gone like mists and clouds throughout the years.

“The Guang Qing Celestial Sect sent him here. Everyone knows that Shi Daoist is a non-formal cultivator, but they are unaware of the fact that he is a minister of Guang Qing Celestial Sect. The celestial core that helped him to attain the state of Huandan was gifted by the Guang Qing Celestial Sect, even though he claimed that he got it from one of the abode of immortals previously used by a land immortal.” Chen Jianmei was friendlier than usual, and he did not give off any Qi of devilry. No one would have thought that this was the person who murdered all of the demons and monsters in the mountain, that he was the master celestial of sword who established the Temple of Killings.

Shen Lian knew that Chen Jianmei who did not give off any Qi of devilry was probably stronger than anyone had expected.

When a person started killing, it was unavoidable for said person to give off Qi of devilry. That was the resentment generated by the living creatures prior to their death. It could also be that the person himself was shrouded by killing intent and generated Qi of devilry from thereon. Qi of devilry could be used to put one’s opponent in fear, which was why the warriors who survived through hundreds of battles could instil such great fear in their enemies.

There was a warrior who could break the bridge and block the path on his own, and could easily send troops of armies running away.

However, this was not conducive for one’s cultivation, which was why the Buddhist saw killing as a sin. In relation to this, there was even a saying that goes, “Fears for the lives of ants while sweeping the floor, cherishes the lives of the moths by covering up the lamp”. If the cultivator was fraught with evilness by casual killings, it would be hard for him to see the future, and would be stuck in the secular mortal world for an eternity.

Allegedly, there was a sea of blood in the depth of the Nine Underworlds. That place was the final gathering place for those who had sinned by killing. In the sea of blood, someone had mastered the way to cultivate via killing, and had become the supreme almighty by doing so.

However, this form of cultivation would not eliminate the Qi of devilry and the sin of killing.

Shen Lian knew that Chen Jianmei did not eliminate the Qi of devilry and his sin of killing. What he did was merely to contain them and rendered them unnoticeable.

Shen Lian had been trying to exert this form of fine control on his own body, but he realised that his attainment in this field could not rival that of Chen Jianmei.

Even though he could control his Yin Spirit better through his Mana, but it was not the finest stage yet.

Every cultivator perceived the world differently, but the essence of the world would not change because of one’s perception. To pursue Dao was to explore this in depth.

Chen Jiamei felt Shen Lian’s wavering heart, and he paused. It was only after Shen Lian had calmed down that he continued. “Shi Daoist’s appearance today on behalf of the Guang Qing Celestial Sect was not strange at all. It is not as though that the Guang Qing Celestial Sect has any previous grudges against me. It is just that thirty years from now, if Qing Xuan did not have me during the Bier Discourse of Dao, Qing Xuan could well come in last for the third year in a row. Initially, this is not a big deal. However, the Guang Qing Celestial Sect has five immortal Zhenrens now, and their predicament could be described as “the spectacular scene of strenghtening what was already strong”. It is only natural that they are dissatisfied with Qing Xuan being one of the four main Daoist sects, as they are not listed as one of the four main Daoist sects, and will not be able to participate in the Bier Discourse of Dao. Through this chance, they intend to squeeze us out of the rank,” said Chen Jianmei.

“What is the Bier Discourse of Dao?” Shen Lian queried curiously.

He knew of the Guang Qing Celestial Sect as they are one of the Xuanmen big sects. As for the details, he was completely unaware. This was why he was shocked when he heard that the Guang Qing Celestial Sect had five immortal Zhenrens.

Still, he latched on to the main point and asked about the Bier Discourse of Dao instead.

“A long time ago, a Celestial Mountain appeared in the depths of the sea off Xi Huang. The mountain is Bier Mount Fang Cun. There is an abode there, and in it rests the Resonance of the Great Way. Whoever managed to go in will be able to master a lot of powerful spells or the Dao techniques of cultivation, which are all mystical and different from each other. The four main Daoist sects were the strongest back when the Celestial Mountain first appeared, and hence managed to monopolise the mountain. The four main Daoist sects each provided a raw material to forge a ban, and four tokens were produced from it. The mountain was sealed off, and there was a promise between the four main Daoist sects to send disciples to discourse about Dao every fifty years. Only the top eight could enter the abode to study the Resonance of the Great Way.” Chen Jianmei seemed impartial, as though he was uninterested by the Resonance of the Great Way. He lived for swordcraft, and no amount of spells and ingenious Dao could move him, as these were not what he wanted.

Shen Lian was aware that if only the top eight could get in, it would mean that some sects might not have even one disciple who got in. Seeing how Qing Xuan was walking on a downward slope, it would seem that none of the Qing Xuan disciples got in the last two times.

Chen Jiamei looked towards the sea. “For those who seek immortality, not being able to get in is detrimental to their cultivation. The Resonance of the Great Way inside could help with the mastering of Dao techniques and supernatural powers, it is even conducive for breaking through the Absurd State. However, the key to cultivation lies within oneself. There were a few times where no one from the other sects went in. Even though there wasn’t any detrimental effect, but the sect who came in last would still look bad. As for why the chief did not tell you about it yet, it is probably because you have not reached the state of Huandan, and you will not be able to do much even if you have gone. Right now, the Guang Qing Celestial Sect is trying to displace Qing Xuan to be the new member of the four main Daoist sects.”

“With Guang Qing Celestial Sect’s current ability, why would they care about being one of the four main Daoist sects?” Shen Lian voiced his confusion. To those in the celestial schools, this sort of glory and recognition did not mean much.

“Of course they would care, for the past ten thousand years, the influence of the four main Daoist sects have been deeply rooted, and have thus formed at least sixty to seventy per cent of the fate of Xuanmen. How do you think Qing Xuan never fail to secure those with outstanding talents whenever we open our mountain gate every fifty years?” Chen Jianmei smiled coldly and replied.

That was when Shen Lian realised that the continuity of a Daoist orthodoxy rested in its ability to procure excellent successors. Otherwise, it would be just as the Tianhe Daozong who did not stand against time even though it once had five immortal Zhenrens in the sect.

The strong fate of the celestial school would serve as an intangible form of protection for the disciples. It might even help the disciples escape death, and this was known as karmic reward in the Xuanmen.

After straightening up the cause and effect, Shen Lian finally understood certain things. However, could Qing Xuan’s fate serve as a protection for Chen Jianmei against Baoguang Zen Master tonight?

The fact that he was here to block away these lackeys for Chen Jianmei might be due to the intangible protection offered by the sect. However, the final trial was something for him to deal with alone.

Shen Lian did not feel that Chen Jianmei was convicted about his victory; if he was that confident, he would not need such a long preparation time.

On the other hand, from his choice of date, one could tell how confident Monk Baoguang was. He chose to hold the Dao discussion in deity vanquishing on the fifteenth of October.

In Xuanmen, fifteenth of October was known as the Xia Yuan Festival and was the day where the Water Official wards off calamities, thus increasing the karmic reward. Determined to destroy Chen Jianmei’s reputation, the Monk Baoguang purposefully allowed for Chen Jianmei to benefit from the favorable climatic and geographical conditions.

Chen Jiamei did not object to the arrangement, as he knew too well that his opponent had a higher level of cultivation than him. After all, his opponent was allegedly the likeliest person to become the Golden-bodied Arhat. Chen Jianmei would only make a joke out of himself if he were to be arrogant.

At the point where the sky and the sea converged, a moon appeared. “Retreat to a distant spot and observe,” Chen Jianmei whispered.

The Dao discussion would of course be a discussion of the Daoist orthodoxy, while the deity vanquishing referred to the vanquishing of one’s spirit. This was a harsher arrangement than battling to death.

The sea breeze ceased, and a thin veil of mist enveloped the area. The moon rose and dispersed the thin veil of mist. The moonlight that fell like mercury shrouded the entire surface area of the sea, creating a mystical setting that made one loses one’s focus.

There was no wind, and yet the waves started rolling. The overlapping sea waves hit the seashore underneath Chen Jianmei. The sound of the impact created a unique melody.

Somewhere on the surface of the sea, the moonlight was condensing. It was as though a crystal glass bottle was being filled up with the mercury-like moonlight.

The cultivators, demons, and monsters scattered around felt a sense of fulfilment, as though they did not need anything else after seeing the moonlight.

These were strong-willed characters. For them to harbour such feelings, it definitely came as a surprise.

Despite Monk Baoguang’s impressive capabilities being a known fact, but no one would have thought that his Dharma was so refined.

The spot where the moonlight condensed was getting brighter. In the clear moonlight, a shadow appeared, and its mere presence commanded respect. The moonlight turned into a lotus seat, and a monk stood on it.

The kasaya had the colour of moonlight, and the monk had a gentle look on his face. His gaze was full and warm, and they looked like two bright stars.

Chen Jianmei raised his head and met Baoguang Zen Master’s gaze. Electrical spark seemed to have flashed past the sky. At that moment, both of their spirit had made their first clash, and gave rise to the spark of wisdom.

When both of them met each other’s gaze, their spiritual aura was felt in the entire sea. The surrounding space was locked down and became the place for their final battle.

Both of their massive spirit rushed out unreservedly, and it was akin to the endless flow of water in the sea.

During their clashes, the Qi of heaven and earth was disturbed.

Shen Lian noticed that the echo between the Qi of heaven and earth and the Taixu divine Qi within him fell to the freezing point. At the same point, Shen Lian heard a yelp. It seemed that a Demon King who stood too near was caught in the aftereffect of the impact of spirits and unveiled its true form.

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