Chapter 164 - Goodbye Abbess

At this moment, Li Huowang was carrying a load of pastries on his back, panting heavily as he struggled up the dirt road on Henghua Mountain.

With only one hand now, and the burden of carrying so many snacks, this trip up the mountain was even more arduous than the ones before.

Li Huowang had tried to keep the pastries away from his body to avoid dousing them in his own sweat. However, this only served to tire him out even more.

Finally, after turning a corner, he couldn’t continue. He put the pastries down, and leaned against a crooked tree to catch his breath.

Li Huowang had rushed up the mountain immediately after reaching the town below, causing him to start feeling hungry. He gave it some thought, and then reached into the snacks box and took out a green bean pastry before munching on it.

The pastry was crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, and it soothed Li Huowang’s empty stomach. He had never eaten such a pastry before, but found it to be unexpectedly delicious. Given its taste and fragrance, he had a feeling that it was freshly made that day. It was even more delectable than those cream cakes and chocolates he used to eat before his transmigration.

Li Huowang didn’t think too much about him eating some of the Abbess’s snacks. It was not his first time here, and there was no need to be too polite with her. He was certain she wouldn’t mind.

There are so many pastries here... they should be enough for the Abbess, right?

Li Huowang thought as he looked at the stack of pastries and chuckled.

Nope... it’s not enough. Even if the amount is doubled, it’s probably still not enough to feed her.

As he thought up to this point, Li Huowang smiled, before feeling stunned. When did he have such a close relationship with Abbess Jingxin?

When he thought about it, the Abbess was greedy, lazy and dirty. But ever since coming to this world, aside from his fellow disciples, she was the person who had treated him the best.

She had not harmed him because he was a Strayed One, and even tried to help him to dispel Dan Yangzi. Before he left, she even gifted him with a sword to help him deal with danger during his journey.

If not for having to send Bai Lingmiao and the others home, staying in the town at the bottom of this mountain wouldn’t be a bad choice. This is the Benevolent Nunnery’s territory, and other powers wouldn’t cause trouble for me over here.

Lost in these thoughts, he finished more than half of the box of green bean pastries, causing him to immediately stop.

He looked around at the lush surroundings of Henghua Mountain and relaxed. He suddenly thought of something, and reached into his pockets to retrieve the translated version of the Fiery Scripture.

He flipped through it, wanting to see how much influence Dan Yangzi currently had on him. To his astonishment, he found that he couldn’t even recognize a single word.

This change caused his heart to drop.

I need to hurry! The speed at which Dan Yangzi is wresting control of my body is increasing! If there are any further delays, then I am going to be completely assimilated by Dan Yangzi!

Li Huowang quickly put the book back into his pocket, then picked up the pastries and continued to climb up the dirt path.

Finally, when the moon had risen high up in the sky, Li Huowang returned to the mountain gate of the Benevolent Nunnery.

When he saw the rhombus-shaped couplet written using Women’s Script, Li Huowang felt a sense of familiarity.

“Abbess, I’m back! Look what I brought you guys!” Li Huowang shouted excitedly toward the pitch-black Benevolent Nunnery.

None of the lamps are on? Looks like they are too lazy to even light them up.

As he stepped foot into the dilapidated nunnery, Li Huowang suddenly felt that something was amiss.

How come... It’s not smelly anymore?

Li Huowang tossed aside the pastries in his hand, then took a few deep breaths while standing on the spot. He was shocked to find that the smelly stench that was a characteristic of the Benevolent Nunnery had vanished without a trace!

Something’s wrong!

Feeling somewhat flustered, Li Huowang couldn’t be bothered to care about other things as he dashed toward the depths of the nunnery.

“Abbess Jingxin! Miao Yu! Miao Xin! Where are you guys!!” shouted Li Huowang, his voice reverberating throughout the nunnery. Even so, no one responded, causing him to start panicking.

Suddenly, Li Huowang heard some commotion in the distance. He dashed across, only to find that the commotion was caused by pigs oinking.

When he came to the pigsty located behind the washroom, the scene before him caused him to freeze on the spot.

A fat person about the size of a small house could be seen within the pigsty. The black-haired fat pigs could be seen surrounding her. They seemed like baby pigs that were suckling milk.

However, they were not suckling milk—instead, they were eating human flesh!

Their teeth that were usually used to eat feces were now being used to tear off the fatty flesh of the obese person before they swallowed it into their stomach. Every pig’s snout was stained red as they enjoyed their meal.

“Get away!” shouted Li Huowang with bloodshot eyes as he unsheathed his sword and dashed toward them. He directly slashed at them before the pigs could even turn around, slicing one of them in two.

Frightened by the intense killing intent, the other black pigs quickly scattered away.

When Li Huowang arrived before the deceased fatty, he slowly knelt down and lifted the head that had half of its face chewed away.

It was Abbess Jingxin’s face.

“Ahh!! Ahh!!”

At that moment, Li Huowang’s agonized screams echoed throughout the Benevolent Nunnery. He clutched the Abbess’s face as his tears rolled onto the floor.

Abbess Jingxin was dead.

The only person who had been good to him in this world, had departed from this world, and so had the hope in his heart.

“Who did this?!”

The almost-berserk Li Huowang maniacally charged out of the pigsty with his sword raised as he looked for the enemy within the nunnery.

However, aside from the corpses of the other nuns, he did not find anything else.

By the time he found her, Abbess Jingxin had been dead for some time already. The culprit had probably left a long time ago.

Who killed them?!

This was the only thought going through Li Huowang’s brain. He dashed out toward the mountain gate, but gradually came to a stop.

With bloodshot eyes, he once again came before Abbess Jingxin and took out his long sword before starting to dig out a pit beside her.

He wanted to bury the Abbess, so that her body wouldn’t be nibbled on by the pigs.

The hole required to bury the Abbess was quite large. He continued digging for a long time, all the way until the middle of the next day, before finally completing it.

Just as Li Huowang was about to push the Abbess in, he found something abnormal. Her corpse had been here for an entire night, yet there were no signs of it starting to smell or attracting any flies.

Seeing this, Li Huowang subconsciously thought back to the corpses they had seen floating in the river water. They had similarly not decomposed, and looked quite lifelike.

Could they have been killed by the same people? Those killed by the culprits do not rot? Who are they?!

Something is wrong! Hold on!

Li Huowang suddenly realized that he had overlooked something. He paused, then dashed toward the pigsty to examine the black-haired pig he had killed previously.

After an entire night and a day, the pig he had killed had similarly not attracted any flies or started to smell.

After a moment, Li Huowang stumbled out of the pigsty, looking at his surroundings disbelievingly.

There were no signs of any struggle or battle.

In any world, “decay” was an inevitable part of life.

However, at this moment, it seemed like something was not working properly with the process of decay in this world.

Perhaps... the Abbess wasn’t killed by someone.

Li Huowang turned to look toward Abbess Jingxin. By now, her skin should have started decomposing and become filled with pus and maggots. Yet, it still appeared extremely smooth and fair.

The “decay” in this world had vanished.

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