Cultivator With Modern AI

Chapter 736 Xiao Chen's Decision

"All right." Xia Tian turned to face Xiao Yuxi and hugged her. "But-"

Before Xia Tian finished speaking, they heard the sound of several footsteps coming towards them, and they were really surprised to see him hugging Xiao Yuxi like that.

However, Xiao Hao immediately smiled when he saw them, and he said to him. "Young man, I don't mind if you want to take my daughter as your wife, but you should come through the front door, and I will definitely welcome you with pleasure."

Unlike his grandfather, Xiao Bai's face darkened after he saw them hugging each other, but he immediately hid behind his parents as soon as Xia Tian glared at him fiercely. 'Fuck! This bastard!'

Xiao Bai's parents exchanged glances for a moment after they saw their son's behavior, but they could only sigh in their hearts, especially since they knew about their son's feelings.

On the other hand, Xiao Chen's parents turned to their daughter with a questioning look, but she shook her head at them because she herself did not know the details of their relationship.

'What a thick face!' Xia Tian cursed in his heart before he spoke to him. "Old man, I came here to pick up your daughter, but I don't know when we will come back here again."

Xiao Yuxi then said to him. "Father, I know that this feels rushed, but I have decided to follow Xia Tian."

"Where are you going? Why are you two in such a hurry?" Xiao Hao asked in confusion.

Hearing that, Xiao Yuxi turned to Xia Tian, but he shook his head at her and asked Xiao Chen. "Do you want to go with us?"

"Huh?" Not only was Xiao Chen surprised to hear that, but they were all also surprised to hear Xia Tian's question.

Xiao Qiu then asked her daughter. "Are you also in a relationship with him, Chen'er?"

"No. I do know him, but I don't have that kind of relationship with him." Xiao Chen answered by shaking her head, and she asked Xia Tian. "What do you mean by that question?"

Xia Tian explained it to her. "We will be leaving this continent soon, and I will take Zhongying with us, so I thought you would like to come with us."

"Eh?" Xiao Chen let out a soft cry, and she asked him with a frown. "Isn't my master still in seclusion? Are you going to take her away without asking her opinion?"

"I don't have time to wait for her to come out of her seclusion." Xia Tian replied as he shook his head. "Moreover, Zhongying's father and sisters will be going with me, so I can't possibly leave her."


"Honestly, I didn't intend to take you with us, but Zhixian and Yinyue asked me to take you because Zhongying is very close to you." Xia Tian interrupted her. "However, if you don't want to come with us, then I will leave you here, and you probably won't see your master for a long time."

After all, Xia Tian never intended to establish a relationship with the Xiao Clan, nor did he want to bring Xiao Yuxi and Xiao Chen if it wasn't for his women's request, so he didn't intend to explain to them about his plans.

Xia Tian's words made them frown, and Xiao Qiu asked her daughter again. "What exactly is his relationship with Elder Zhongying?"

"Mother, my master's two sisters are his wives."

Xiao Qiu and the others were shocked after they heard that, especially since they knew that Bai Zhongying was a princess in her kingdom, but her two sisters actually shared a husband, plus their husband was also Sheng Ling's husband.

Xiao Chen asked him again. "Will we come back here again in the future?"

"I won't come back here again." Xia Tian answered by shaking his head. "However, if you want to come back here, you can do so after you have become stronger, but that might require a long process, especially since you haven't been able to defeat Chen'er yet."

Xiao Chen did not feel offended by Xia Tian's words, for she realized that s was weaker than Ling Chen, and she truly wanted to become stronger to defeat her. She then clenched her fists tightly and made up her mind, and she turned to her family. "Father! Mother! Grandpa! I want to go with him and my master, but I will definitely come back after I become strong."

Xiao Qiu found it hard to let her daughter go, but Jing Ming immediately rubbed his daughter's head. "All right, you can go with them, but you have to train hard to become strong, and we will wait for you to return to our side again."

"En." Xiao Chen nodded strongly. "Don't worry, Father. I won't disappoint you all, and I'll definitely surpass Grandpa when I return."

"Hahaha!" Xiao Hao laughed at his granddaughter's words. "Chen'er, you said it yourself, so you must always remember your words, and I hope that you have truly surpassed me when you return."

"Yes, Grandpa! I will definitely prove that I can surpass you, and I will also become a great swordsman!" Xiao Chen replied with a firm nod.

"Good!" Xiao Hao then turned to Xia Tian. "Young Man, I'm aware that you're hiding some things from us, but I hope you can take care of my daughter and granddaughter. If anything bad happens to them, I'll definitely look for you wherever you are, and I'll settle accounts with you."

Xia Tian just smiled when he heard that. "You don't need to worry about them because they will be safe with me, and I'm sure Xiao Chen will be the strongest in this world when she returns."

"I hope you keep your words." Xiao Hao replied as he nodded.

After the two women said goodbye to their families, Xia Tian grabbed their shoulders and took them away from the Xiao Clan, and he immediately took them to the fortress.

Xiao Long asked them. "Do you think Yuxi and Chen'er will be safe with him?"

"Why do you ask such a thing?" Xiao Hao turned to ask his son. "Even though I don't know where he took them, I'm sure he can protect them well, especially since that strong man is with them."

"That's true." Xiao Qiu nodded in agreement with her father. "That man can even suppress all of us without moving a single finger."

Fu Lingshan suddenly asked them. "Do any of you recognize that man's identity? Since he is so strong, he should be able to become the ruler of this world."

"Sister Fu, not everyone has that big ambition." Jing Ming replied as he shook his head. "We don't need to talk about that man; even the young man just now has a very strong aura, and I feel that the strength of his aura is not inferior to that man, but he doesn't have the ambition to become the ruler of this world."

Xiao Qiu sighed softly. "I hope Chen'er will return to us as soon as possible; I really can't be separated from her for too long."

Hearing that, Jing Ming embraced his wife and comforted her. "After all, we are all cultivators, and time will definitely pass very quickly if we focus on our cultivation. Before you know it, our daughter will have returned to our side again later."

"I hope so."




"Oh?" Xia Tian was surprised when he arrived at his house, and he then asked Tian Longma and Shi Weishou. "Did that old man order you guys to come here?"

Tian Longma answered him directly. "Brother Tian, the Oracle ordered us to stay by your wife's side."

"That's true." Shi Weishao also replied to him. "After all, the old man is nearing the end of his life, and your wife is the next Oracle, so we must stay by her side to protect her."

"I see." Xia Tian nodded in understanding, but his heart felt heavy every time he thought about the Oracle.

"I know how you feel, but it's unavoidable, especially since only one Oracle can exist in this universe." Bai Yinyue said as she hugged her husband's arm.

"I know." Xia Tian sighed heavily and activated his slave ring.

Instantly, Li Qingyi appeared before them, but she was surprised to see those people, and she immediately complained to him. "Master! You're really mean! You haven't called me for several months, so I feel lonely!"

Xia Tian's lips twitched at that, but Bai Yinyue laughed at her attitude, and she said to her. "Qingyi, we are going to the higher realms, and we want you to come with us."

"Huh?" Li Qingyi was surprised to hear that. "When are we going to leave? I haven't discussed this with my daughter, and I don't know if she'll be willing to go with us."

"We'll be leaving in two days, so you still have time to discuss this matter with your daughter. If she wants to come with us, then we won't mind it." Bai Yinyue replied as she winked at her husband.

"I see." Li Qingyi nodded in understanding. "In that case, you can send me back, Master. I will discuss this matter with my daughter first, and I will contact you after I talk to her."

"All right." Xia Tian nodded in agreement and immediately sent Li Qingyi back to her place.

Bai Yinyue then asked him. "What about Yao Mei and Yao Yin? Aren't you going to take them with us?"

- To Be Continued -

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