Chapter 276: Spying

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

The news from the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect instantly set everyone’s nerves on fire.

The current predicament of the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect lay in the absence of anyone reaching the Combined Aperture Tempering realm. All the measures they were taking were aimed at continuously improving the cultivation of their disciples, in hopes that someone would eventually break through to the Combined Aperture Tempering realm.

As long as they produced another cultivator at that level, the Divine Flame Sect would likely retreat, distancing themselves from Immortal Cloud City. Otherwise, if they were surrounded and attacked by two Combined Aperture Tempering realm cultivators from the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, the Divine Flame Sect would probably become a part of history.

Before the incident, the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect already had three peak experts at the Aperture Tempering realm. However, just like it was immensely challenging for those at the Visceral Tempering realm to break through to the Aperture Tempering realm, breaking through to the Combined Aperture Tempering realm was even more arduous.

Moreover, if a cultivator failed to break through to the Combined Aperture Tempering realm, there was almost no chance for a second attempt. It wasn’t that there were no rare treasures capable of healing such injuries; rather, those kinds of treasures were nearly unattainable.

The Immortal Cloud Sword Sect possessed a spirit tree, a well-known fact. The prosperity of the sect owed much to this extraordinary tree. Although such spirit trees were already exceedingly rare, the kind that could compensate for a failed breakthrough was even rarer by several orders of magnitude. Even with the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect’s previous strength, they had not been able to collect such rare materials.

Therefore, the three peak experts at the Aperture Tempering realm within the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect had not rushed to break through previously, instead opting to accumulate more power. But now, in their current situation, delaying any further would only make their circumstances even more challenging.

The Immortal Cloud Sword Sect deliberately spread this information, partly to boost morale and partly to test the Divine Flame Sect’s response. If the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect succeeded, the Divine Flame Sect would have to leave, and everything they had gained previously would have to be returned. The chance of the Divine Flame Sect remaining indifferent was exceedingly slim.

Of course, this news could also be false information released by the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect. After all, when it comes to breakthroughs like this, they haven’t specified the exact day.

Amidst towering mountains and rugged terrain, Chen Fei’s figure leaped, his thoughts revolving around the matters of the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect.

Within the Alchemist Alliance, it was very likely that alchemy tasks would undergo some fluctuations due to such news. What Chen Fei was concerned about, naturally, was whether the task for the Spirit Snow Pills would be reduced.

Currently, thanks to the situation where the two sects were in conflict, Chen Fei had gained many benefits. Otherwise, if Chen Fei wanted to open up thirteen apertures, based on the previous quantity of alchemy tasks within the alliance, it would take at least six or seven years.

This speed was already quite fast, but compared to the efficiency now, it undoubtedly fell far short.

In all matters, comparison was to be feared, and one had to guard against extravagance leading to frugality. It was a severe test of one’s character.

In less than a stick of incense burning, Chen Fei saw a massive estate appear in the distance, which was the destination of this journey, Moyang Manor.

Moyang Manor was one of the properties of the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, with a nature somewhat similar to the Immortal Cloud Merchant Band. However, this time, the task had been assigned by the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect for the Primordial Sword Sect.

The Immortal Cloud Sword Sect was aware that if they issued tasks directly related to confrontation with the Divine Flame Sect, all the sects would be resistant. After all, that involved dealing with some formidable individuals.

So, the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect decided to delegate other miscellaneous tasks to various sects, and there would be no reason for them to refuse those.

The Primordial Sword Sect couldn’t refuse. With the current situation where many of their Aperture Tempering realm disciples were occupied with other tasks, Chen Fei was selected to handle this one.

Chen Fei’s figure flickered, and he soon stood at the entrance of Moyang Manor. Shortly after, the people from Moyang Manor noticed Chen Fei and hurriedly approached him.

“Are you Chen, the Master of Primordial Sword Sect?” Qian Jianlong came up to Chen Fei and greeted him with a bow.

Qian Jianlong was a practitioner at the Visceral Tempering realm, but when facing Chen Fei, he didn’t tread carefully. Instead, he regarded Chen Fei with an attitude of equality, his confidence naturally emanating from his affiliation with the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect.

While the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect faced continuous troubles and the risk of destruction today, its deterrence power over the surrounding sects still existed. Qian Jianlong, as the master of Moyang Manor, held a prestigious position and didn’t need to bow or be submissive to Chen Fei.

“Master Qian,” Chen Fei greeted with a courteous nod.

“Master Chen, please come this way. The other guest has already arrived and is currently resting in the hall,” Qian Jianlong gestured with his right hand and led Chen Fei into the manor’s main hall.

As soon as they crossed the threshold, a piercing gaze locked onto Chen Fei. It was filled with aggression, as if it intended to strip away the essence of life itself.

Chen Fei turned to face the source of the gaze, locking eyes with it directly. The air in the hall trembled slightly, and Qian Jianlong, standing nearby, let out a muffled grunt and involuntarily took a step back.

Chen Fei of the Primordial Sword Sect? Truly an awe-inspiring young talent!” Fang Zhehua assessed Chen Fei from head to toe, then withdrew his gaze. He picked up a cup of tea from the table and took a sip, his expression devoid of emotion.

“Elder Fang, you are too kind,” Chen Fei replied politely. He walked over to a nearby chair and took a seat. A servant promptly brought in some tea and then cautiously retreated to the side.

Chen Fei picked up his teacup and stirred the tea leaves with the lid. In his mind, he recalled some information about Fang Zhehua.

He was an elder from the Long Rainbow Sect who had broken through to the Aperture Tempering realm more than twenty years ago. The exact extent of his cultivation was unknown, as he hadn’t truly made a move in many years.

Rumors had it that Fang Zhehua was cold and unkind, showing little courtesy to many. The recent exchange of glances could be considered a subtle show of dominance. If Chen Fei’s core soul energy had been lacking and he had been frightened off, things might have taken an embarrassing turn.

“Thank you both for coming to the manor today,” Qian Jianlong said without further ado. He continued, “Allow me to briefly explain the situation that has occurred.”

Qian Jianlong seemed to overlook the recent incident as he extended a courteous hand gesture to Chen Fei and Fang Zhehua.

“I’ve heard that there were losses of Green Yang Grass, which is grown here at Moyang Manor, and the theft of Blood Serpents from our breeding facilities. I believe you both are aware of the situation. Please share what information you have,” Fang Zhehua waved his hand dismissively, indicating that he didn’t want to dwell on the details of the mission but preferred to hear a summary of the findings.

“Indeed, Elder Fang,” Qian Jianlong concurred with a slight smile. He clapped his hands, and two servants entered, each carrying a tray. On one tray were the Green Yang Grass and a deceased Blood Serpent.

Green Yang Grass wasn’t considered a mystical ingredient, and its direct consumption didn’t have a significant impact on cultivation. However, it was valuable as it could be used to feed mystical beasts and served as an auxiliary material in the refinement of certain elixirs.

Blood Serpents, on the other hand, were a type of demonic beast with substantial elemental energy in their flesh. When cooked and consumed, they greatly enhanced cultivation, particularly for those at the Body Refining Realm.

Even for those at the Aperture Tempering Realm like Chen Fei and Fang Zhehua, consuming Blood Serpent meat had some benefits for cultivation. While it didn’t compare to the effects of spiritual elixirs like the Spirit Snow Pill, it still accelerated progress.

Among the various parts of a Blood Serpent, the snake gallbladder was the most effective. Consuming it improved vision, and with frequent consumption, it could even enhance one’s core soul energy to a certain extent.

The terrain of Moyang Manor is well-suited for the growth of Blood Serpents, and it is situated within the heart of the territory controlled by the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect. For decades, there have been no incidents here.

However, recently, there have been consecutive incidents of Green Yang Grass and Blood Serpents going missing.

Naturally, the first suspicion falls on members of the Divine Flame Sect. But this area is unquestionably under the control of the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect. If members of the Divine Flame Sect were truly to come here, the chances of being discovered would be extremely high, and there would be a risk of losing their lives.

Furthermore, if it were indeed the work of the Divine Flame Sect, it’s unlikely that only Green Yang Grass and Blood Serpents would be missing; the entire Moyang Manor would likely be destroyed. This would be in line with the usual modus operand! of the Divine Flame Sect.

The task assigned by the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect this time is to investigate the reasons behind the disappearance of Green Yang Grass and Blood Serpents. The Immortal Cloud Sword Sect suspects that it might be the work of wandering cultivators who saw the current situation and couldn’t resist taking action.

Therefore, the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect’s request is straightforward: apprehend the thief, eliminate them on the spot, and there’s no need to bring them back to the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect.

“At first, it wasn’t the Green Yang Grass that disappeared, but many of the Blood Serpents appeared weak. Later, we discovered that someone was secretly draining the blood of the serpents. Someone was stealing snake blood,” Qian Jianlong spoke in hushed tones.

To be able to secretly drain the blood without anyone noticing, it’s clear that it was done by people from your manor. Even if it wasn’t your people, it must have been a collaboration between your people and outsiders,” Fang Zhehua asserted.

In truth, Moyang Manor’s defenses were quite stringent. Before the incident involving the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect, there were even experts at the Aperture Tempering Realm stationed here. However, they had all been reassigned by the Immortal Cloud Sword Sect to guard more critical areas.

Nevertheless, even now, there were numerous martial practitioners at the Visceral Tempering Realm throughout the manor, with patrols stationed almost everywhere. After all, the value of Green Yang Grass and Blood Serpents made them highly attractive to potential thieves.

“We had the same suspicion earlier and conducted a thorough investigation of everyone in the manor. However, in the end, we found nothing.”

Qian Jianlong shook his head, picked up the plate with the Blood Serpent, and turned its wound inside out, displaying it to Chen Fei and Fang Zhehua.

Chen Fei took a glance and noticed a black wound on the serpent’s body, which appeared to be inflicted by a controlled force. This force was incredibly potent, as this small wound had completely destroyed the robust vitality of the Blood Serpent.

“A few days ago, a group of guards encountered a dark figure during their patrol. The figure was elusive, capturing a Blood Serpent and extracting its blood. When the guards tried to intervene, the dark figure dropped this Blood Serpent and vanished in an instant. The guards couldn’t intercept in time,” Qian Jianlong spoke with a deep voice.

“A dark figure? It seems indeed the work of a wandering cultivator!” Fang Zhehua frowned. In the eyes of major sects, the techniques of wandering cultivators were often considered insignificant, but it couldn’t be denied that there were many esoteric arts among them. While these esoteric arts might not be suitable for direct combat, they often possessed remarkable abilities in evasion, concealment, and breath control.

“That thief is probably not at the Aperture Tempering Realm, or else even if there were formations in the manor, most of them would likely have been destroyed, and the thief wouldn’t need to escape so desperately,” Qian Jianlong chuckled. It was evident that the Blood Serpent had startled the intruder, causing them to lose control of their power and accidentally kill the serpent.

Fang Zhehua nodded in agreement with this assessment.

Chen Fei remained silent. With a wave of his hand, the Blood Serpent flew before him. Chen Fei sensed a faint residue of energy within the serpent’s flesh, confirming that there were no traces of elemental energy present..

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