Cultivation: Start From Simplifying Martial Arts Techniques

Chapter 194 - Chapter 194: Killer Move: Shifting Shadows

Chapter 194: Killer Move: Shifting Shadows

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

During a recent discussion among the inner disciples, even the attendants had overheard quite a bit. While the words exchanged seemed a bit excessive, there was still some agreement deep down.

However, the attendants didn’t anticipate that these words would have such a profound impact on Chen Fei. In order to prove himself, he staked all the benefits he had gained from being true disciple in one go.

What level of self-confidence must one possess to undertake such an action?

“Take another careful look at the wager, confirm it, and then sign and seal it!”

The attendants glanced at Chen Fei, deciding to give him one last chance. Losing the position of true disciple would truly be a waste, especially when one considers all the opportunities it brings. It wasn’t necessary to risk so much just to prove a point.

Qian Guangji and his group glanced at the agreement, promptly signing and sealing it. Then, they looked towards Chen Fei with some apprehension, wondering if he might back down at the last moment. When examined closely, this wager held too many disadvantages for Chen Fei.

Frankly, any one of them would have accepted the challenge individually, but facing all nine challengers simultaneously was an entirely different matter. It seemed like an impossible fantasy.

Chen Fei looked at the wager; he knew this was his one chance, and he wouldn’t find such a good opportunity again.

Should he expose his strength too much? Chen Fei wasn’t keen on it, but these people had given him too much. Moreover, he intended to challenge the top-ranked true disciples afterward, aiming for better treatment.

Strength couldn’t be concealed forever.

Chen Fei also intended for the sect to see his value, to tilt more resources his way so he could grow faster.

While he might be a powerhouse elsewhere, in places like Pingyin County, where he currently resided, even the lowest level of cultivation was absent. However, in the vicinity of Immortal Cloud City, such cultivation was quite ordinary.

Chen Fei wanted to grow quickly, and to achieve that, he would either need to endure intense training or push himself relentlessly upward.

Breaking through to a higher realm within two years wasn’t slow progress, but Chen Fei desired even faster growth. This world was perilous; even secluded places of peace could change overnight. Other dangers might arise in various locations.

Hence, Chen Fei wasn’t inclined to rely solely on silent cultivation to nurture his strength. If given the opportunity, he would prefer to accelerate his progress. Only by reaching a higher realm could he feel a semblance of safety.

Chen Fei picked up a brush and signed and sealed the document.

Seeing Chen Fei’s action, Qian Guangji and his group revealed smiles.

No matter what, the position of true disciple had now fallen into the hands of the nine of them. But now, they actually hoped that Chen Fei’s strength would match his arrogance. Only then would they, who were ranked lower due to the low value of their spiritual materials, have a chance to confront Chen Fei.

“Tomorrow, the martial arena will open,” the attendants announced as they put away the wager, looking at the group.

For contests between true disciples, the martial arena in front of the Hall of True Transmission was usually used. It had protective formations, and the elders of the Hall of True Transmission would act as judges. This way, if a disciple suffered serious injuries, there would still be time for rescue.

“Thank you, Senior Brother!” Chen Fei arched his hand and then left the Hall of True Transmission.

Qian Guangji’s group watched Chen Fei’s departing figure, smiles on their faces. Tomorrow, the position of true disciple would belong to one of them. A nine-person rotation battle left no room for unexpected outcomes!

An hour later, news spread, possibly from an unexpected source, that Chen Fei had directly challenged Qian Guangji and his eight companions. The battle was to take place tomorrow, and in a single day, Chen Fei would face all nine opponents in rotation. This news quickly circulated within the inner sect.

Not only the inner sect, but even many disciples on the peak where the true disciples resided also came to know of this news.

Upon hearing this news, everyone’s initial reaction was one of bewilderment. Since when did the lowest-ranked true disciple challenge in a rotation battle? This seemed unfair.

However, soon enough, someone clarified that it was Chen Fei’s own request.

This clarification didn’t dispel doubts; instead, it made things even more perplexing. Chen Fei had agreed to a rotation battle against all nine challengers?

What kind of courage was this?

Or perhaps, was this a result of some strange enchantment clouding his judgment, leading him to make such an absurd decision?

“We really underestimated this Chen Fei! Just his audacity to challenge nine opponents in one day – I’m impressed!”

“Trading his position as a true disciple and even a Aperture Breaking Pill? Is that audacity? It’s downright foolish!”

“Chen Fei must have confidence in himself, otherwise how could an ordinary person make such a decision!”

“Even with confidence, there’s no need for such a drastic move. The slightest misstep could lead to a complete loss. He could have taken it step by step; there was no need to be so aggressive!”

“Perhaps to Chen Fei, this isn’t considered aggressive?”

Someone weakly suggested, only to be met with laughter from others.

Various discussions spread among the inner disciples. No one had high hopes for Chen Fei’s success. Even if they thought his strength might be remarkable, this decision seemed like digging his own grave.

The internal chatter persisted until midnight. Afterward, some disciples began to make their way directly to the martial arena of the Hall of True Transmission. With the upcoming competition, they wanted to secure good viewing spots.

Originally not very interested, Chen Fei’s decision to challenge all nine opponents in a rotation battle had ignited a strong desire to witness the event firsthand.

They wanted to watch closely, up close, and see Chen Fei fall flat on his face.

“Anyone who dares to make such a decision clearly underestimated Chen Fei.

Just based on his courage, I admire him!” someone exclaimed loudly.

“To directly trade his position as an true disciple and even include a Aperture Breaking Pill. Is this courage? It’s practically foolishness!”

“Chen Fei must have confidence in himself; otherwise, an ordinary person wouldn’t make such a decision!”

“Even with confidence, there’s no need to go to such extremes. A single misstep can lead to total defeat. He could have taken things step by step. There’s no need to be this reckless!”

“Maybe Chen Fei doesn’t see it as recklessness?”

Someone weakly suggested, only to be met with laughter from others.

Discussions among the inner disciples continued. No one held high hopes for Chen Fei’s success. Even if they believed his strength might be noteworthy, this decision seemed like a path to self-destruction.

The discussions carried on until midnight. After that, some disciples began to head directly to the martial arena in front of the Hall of True Transmission. With the competition scheduled for the next day, they wanted to secure good viewing positions.

Originally not too interested, Chen Fei’s decision to challenge all nine opponents in a rotation battle had sparked a strong desire within them to witness the event firsthand.

They wanted to watch closely, up close, and see Chen Fei’s grand plans crumble.

“Here he comes, here he comes! Chen Fei is here!”

Amid the anticipation, someone shouted loudly.

A figure approached from a distance, moving rapidly and arriving at the martial arena in the blink of an eye.

Under the sunlight, Chen Fei’s hair seemed to have been dyed a golden hue, and in the gentle breeze, his strands of hair fluttered lightly.

“Such incredible speed!”

Someone exclaimed in awe. Chen Fei’s display of speed just now easily outstripped ninety percent of those present, including those in the Aperture Tempering realm.

And yet, this was probably not Chen Fei’s fastest speed.

Some people recalled the rumors about Chen Fei – strong in archery and even stronger in speed. Now, witnessing this, those rumors seemed far from baseless.

Judging by this, today’s battle might encounter some twists. It remained to be seen how many opponents Chen Fei could defeat. One, or perhaps three?

Qian Guangji squinted his eyes as he observed Chen Fei’s display of speed. The Soul Chasing Step, Chen Fei’s technique, was something Qian Guangji had already inquired about. And now, seeing it in action, he realized Chen Fei’s mastery of the Soul Chasing Step was truly exceptional. Fortunately, Qian Guangji was prepared for this.

Qian Guangji’s figure flickered, and he appeared within the martial arena. He stared at Chen Fei from a distance.

“One side voluntarily concedes; the match ends. Begin!” Ru Lutao, an elder of the Hall of True Transmission, looked at both Chen Fei and Qian Guangji, his gaze lingering on Chen Fei for a moment before he spoke.

“Senior Brother Qian.” Chen Fei arched his hand.

“Junior Brother Chen,” Qian Guangji replied.

Before Qian Guangji’s words could fully settle, he vanished from his spot and instantly closed the gap to within five meters of Chen Fei.

Rumors had long circulated about Chen Fei’s powerful archery, and naturally, Qian Guangji wasn’t going to give him a chance to employ it. By closing in at top speed, Qian Guangji aimed to force Chen Fei to abandon his bow and arrows.

Thus, Qian Guangji utilized a subtle maneuver, employing a method akin to a sneak attack, to swiftly approach Chen Fei.

Chen Fei looked at Qian Guangji several meters away, his longbow already held in his left hand. Ordinary archers, when confronted at such close proximity, would instinctively retreat. However, Chen Fei stood his ground.


With a muffled sound, the bowstring emitted a twang, and an arrow shot toward Qian Guangji. Qian Guangji kept his gaze fixed on Chen Fei. Just as Chen Fei’s arrow was released, Qian Guangji moved as well.

The arrow grazed past Qian Guangji’s ear, a rush of air brushing against it. The tremendous force behind the arrow severed strands of Qian Guangji’s hair, and his expression subtly shifted.

Although Qian Guangji hadn’t directly blocked Chen Fei’s arrow, in that split second when the arrow flew by, he still sensed the latent power within it.

In the Aperture Tempering realm, no one within the sect could shoot an arrow with such force.

However, this single arrow tightened the tension in Qian Guangji’s heart. To dare accept the nine-person rotation challenge, Chen Fei truly had something.


The arrow exploded against the array within the martial arena, producing a resounding boom that startled those nearby. The arrow had completely shattered, leaving everyone in awe of the power required to shoot such an arrow.

Five meters might not be much for those in the Aperture Tempering realm, but even so, as Chen Fei released the arrow, Qian Guangji had already closed the distance to be right in front of him.

The shadow of his sword flickered, and Qian Guangji’s semi-spiritual sword transformed into dozens of sword lights that struck at Chen Fei from all angles.

The technique was known as the Light Splitting Sword – at a high level of mastery, a single sword strike could produce dozens of sword lights enveloping the enemy. Genuine and illusionary, discerning between them within a short span was almost impossible.

Chen Fei’s figure swayed, but his feet remained firmly planted. He evaded one of the sword lights effortlessly, but the remaining dozens instantly overwhelmed him.


Although it seemed that Chen Fei was about to be shattered by the sword lights, he calmly drew his bow and aimed it at Qian Guangji.

At such close range, there was no escaping the oncoming arrow for Qian Guangji.


The dozens of sword lights dissipated in an instant. Qian Guangji involuntarily stumbled backward, blood mist spraying into the air. His clothing at the chest had long been shredded, and the powder from the shattered arrow scattered around.

Subconsciously, Qian Guangji lowered his head, and the protective heart shield emitted a faint glow. If not for this shield, he would have been severely wounded or even on the brink of death. What Qian Guangji couldn’t fathom was how Chen Fei had seen through his Light Splitting Sword at a glance.


The sound of the arrow breaking through the air snapped Qian Guangji back to attention. Looking up, he saw several arrows closing in. Qian Guangji roared in anger, akin to a cornered beast, raising his sword to block the incoming arrows.

Meanwhile, Chen Fei stood a distance away and suddenly struck backward with his fist.

A figure abruptly appeared behind Chen Fei. The figure had just drawn his longsword when he found a fist already in front of his face. Qian Guangji’s eyes widened in shock, unable to dodge in time.


Blood splattered, and Qian Guangji tumbled through the air for several rotations before crashing heavily onto the ground, falling into unconsciousness.

Ru Lutao, by the side of the martial arena, looked somewhat surprised as he watched Chen Fei. The killer move, Shifting Shadows, the Light Splitting Sword possessed was not known to many. Qian Guangji’s semi-spiritual sword was also designed to hide its presence. The vast majority of Aperture Tempering realm cultivators would have been hit by this move. Unexpectedly, Chen Fei had so easily stepped by it..

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