Cultivation Pet Shop

Chapter 963 Strange Corpse

It didn't take them long to make it to the other side of the lava river.

When they reached the other side, they were able to see the top of the mountain.

They could see that there were many bolts of lightning that were raining down on the top of this mountain, almost as if there was something there that offended the gods themselves and they were trying to smite it.

It was completely different from the thunder that rained down all over the mountain, it was a constant barrage of thunder focused on a single point.

Unfortunately, that was also where the item that they were supposed to find was.

So with no other choice, they started heading up towards the top of the mountain.

When they came closer, they were able to make out what was attracting the bolts of thunder that fell from the sky.

At the very tip of the mountain, there was an altar that was getting bombarded by the bolts of thunder, but it didn't seem affected at all. The thunder that hit it was all channeled through the altar and sent to the ground where it was dispersed without any harm.

It was just like a perfect lightning rod.

However, when Lin Fan's group saw this altar, they couldn't help knitting their brows.

Once again, they felt something that they were familiar with coming from this altar.

It was the same strange energy that they had felt from all the undead that they had found scattered around in this cultivation realm. But, the strange energy that was coming from this place was much stronger than the strange energy that they had felt anywhere else.

It was clear that whoever was here was very powerful…

It was very likely that whatever this strange energy came from was most likely the original source of this strange energy. That meant that whoever was in this place was most likely the master of all the undead and the master of this world.

The undead had attacked them without restraint when they had been found, so it was very likely that the person here wasn't friendly. If they were found, they would most likely be attacked as well.

But the marker for the quest was pointing to this place, so they had no choice but to go into the altar.

Before heading in though, they made sure to rest up so that they were in peak condition.

They had rushed up the mountain and saved quite a bit of time, so they could afford this time to rest.

Not to mention, this was the perfect place to rest since there was no lightning raining down on them. With the altar there attracting all the lightning, this place had become a shelter from the constant lightning raining down on them.

So they didn't have to defend themselves and could focus on healing.

Though of course, they didn't let their guards down while resting just in case lightning did fall on them.

Once they finished recovering, Lin Fan exchanged a look with the others.

Receiving a nod of acknowledgement from them, he turned and led the way into the altar.

However, when they entered the altar, they couldn't help being surprised by what was inside.

Instead of the elaborate maze that they had been expecting, they found that the altar had a very simple design. It was just a simple exterior that was completely empty except for a single large thing that was right in the center of the room.

However, this thing really was big. It was so big that it almost took up half the room just by being in the center.

It was almost like a mountain compared to the four that had just walked in.

But that wasn't the most surprising thing for them.

The most surprising thing was that it was the source of the strange energy that they felt.

The moment that they laid their eyes on it, they could feel the powerful strange energy that came from this thing and they immediately raised their guard. Whenever they encountered some kind of corpse with this kind of energy, it would normally stand up and attack them.

They didn't believe that this giant corpse would be any different.

However, the giant corpse just laid there in the center of the room without moving. Even after they got a bit closer, it just seemed to lay there as if it didn't even notice their presence.

Still, there was the powerful strange energy that was coming from it that seemed to even threaten Rulers like them, so they didn't dare get too close.

Only Lin Fan was able to ignore this powerful strange energy and move closer in the end.

That was because this giant corpse was the goal of his mission. This giant corpse was the item that the system wanted him to retrieve.

So he went towards it without any hesitation.

When he came closer, he saw the notification from the system pop up.

"Please obtain the corpse containing a trace of the Outer God's power and absorb it."please visit pαпᵈα-:)ɴᴏᴠᴇ

Lin Fan's eyes popped out when he saw this notification.

He had already guessed that the strange power that he had absorbed was not something from their universe since it was not something that he had ever experienced before. But now, the system had confirmed that it was indeed power from an Outer.

As for the Outer…those were the creatures that came from outside of their universe that invaded their universe.

He had already heard this from Momonga before and he had seen it in the memories of the trial of the past.

The Outers had been the reason why that person had fallen in the first place and why the gods had sealed themselves off…

Right now in front of him…there was the corpse that had a trace of an Outer God's power…

Lin Fan really didn't know how to react.

The other three immediately noticed the strange expression Lin Fan had and couldn't help feeling worried.

But before any of them could say a thing, they received a notification from the system as well.

It was a severe warning telling them not to interfere.

They had never seen anything like this before.

Lin Fan looked closely at the giant corpse in front of him with a complicated gaze before turning back to look at Momonga. However, when he turned around to look at Momonga, he saw him turning away from him.

When he turned to Angela and Yuki, they did the same thing.

It wasn't hard to guess what was happening.

ραпdα nᴏνɐ| сom Lin Fan couldn't help feeling doubt towards the system. He had always thought that the system was guiding him towards something and now that suspicion became stronger.

It was clear that it was interfering with the three of them and it was basically forcing him to absorb the power of this giant corpse.

As for why, he didn't have any ideas…

But he was also curious why there would be a corpse with the power of an Outer God in a place like this. In fact, he was still very confused about what this place was in the first place.

With all of these doubts, Lin Fan walked forward towards the giant corpse and raised his hand.

As his hand came up, the void laws gathered.

When it came all the way up, he took one final step forward and placed his hand on the giant corpse.

The moment that his hand and the void laws in his hand made contact with the giant corpse, there was a large surge of energy that filled him.

This feeling was different from the strange energy that he had absorbed from the skeleton before.

To compare the two, the energy that he absorbed from the skeleton was like a wave and this energy that he was absorbing from the corpse was like the entire sea. It completely drowned him in an instant and he was at its mercy right away.

However, this strange energy from the corpse didn't force its way in and take him over like the other strange energy had done. Instead, it just remained still as if it was completely in charge of the situation and was just watching over it.

Lin Fan could have taken this time to fight back, but he didn't have the ability to do so.

He had been able to break through the strange energy before with the power of his bond with Angela, but now…

The system had forcefully separated him and her, so he couldn't rely on her.

He had to break through this power with his power alone.

But it just wasn't strong enough.

The strange energy remained still for a while before finally pressing down on Lin Fan as if it was finally turning its attention to Lin Fan.

It just pressed down on him for a few minutes before a voice suddenly said, "It's you again. Little boy, are you really trying to absorb my power?"

Lin Fan trembled when he heard this since he immediately recognized this voice.

It was the owner of this strange power that he had seen in the memory of the skeleton.

Lin Fan gritted his teeth and wanted to say something, but he found that he couldn't say a single thing with this strange power pressing down on him. It was just like before when he was in the memory, when there was this invisible power that stopped him from doing anything.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the voice said, "Well, it doesn't matter. I will gratefully accept your body."

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