Cultivation Online

Chapter 914 - Revealing His Secret

Chapter 914 - Revealing His Secret

Yuan went to knock on the door after Sect Master Xiahou left him alone.

After waiting for a whole minute without any response, Yuan knocked again.

'Is she not online right now? It is a little late… I guess I'll come back tomorrow morning.'

Yuan logged off after not getting any response for a second time.

When he returned to his own world, Yuan could immediately sense two presence beside him.

"What's the matter, you two?" Yuan asked Meixiu and Chu Liuxiang, who were staring at him like he'd been hospitalized for a long time.

"We should be asking you that, Yuan! Did something happen to you? You can talk to us, you know. We'll always be here to listen to you, no matter what it's about." Chu Liuxiang said to him.

"We've been worried about you, Yuan." Meixiu added.

"Ah… Is this about what happened today?" Yuan sighed with a bittersweet smile.

After pondering for a moment, he nodded, "Alright, I will tell you the truth. You deserve to know the truth, especially if we're going to be spending the rest of our lives together."

"However, I must warn you, what I am about to tell you is going to sound absolutely ridiculous and crazy. This is why I have been delaying this moment. I'm afraid that it might affect our relationship with each other."

The two of them swallowed nervously, anxiously waiting for Yuan to reveal to them his secret.

"Once again, this is going to sound crazy, but I actually have memories of my past lives." Yuan said.


The both of them muttered at the same time.

"I have memories of my past lives." Yuan repeated.

"W-Wait… Past lives… Are you talking about reincarnation?" Chu Liuxiang asked for clarification.


"I told you guys before that Cultivation Online— the Nine Heavens truly exist somewhere in this universe, right? I know this because I used to live there in the past."

"Tian Chenyu. He was known as the Divine Paragon, bane of demons, and he was responsible for creating the Demon Sealing Clan and most demon sealing techniques out there. I was once Tian Chenyu." Yuan said in a calm voice.


His partners silently glared at him with wide eyes, seemingly having trouble digesting such information.

After a long moment of silence, Chu Liuxiang spoke in a low voice, almost as though she had a revelation, "That explains why you're able to defeat demons with such ease and why you seem more mature as of lately…"

"W-When did you start recalling these memories?" Meixiu then asked.

"Shortly after I regained my ability to move, I guess." Yuan said.

"Ah, but you don't have to worry about my past lives changing me too much. I am still Yuan at the end of the day, and that won't change. However, I will be lying if I say that it's not taking a toll on me."

"I have only lived 18 years in this life, but in my previous life, I have lived thousands if not millions of years. Although I have only recovered about a thousand years of memories, that is still a lot for someone like me."

Chu Liuxiang suddenly spread her arms and hugged Yuan, even pressing his head against her soft chest.

"You must have endured a lot… If there's anything we can do…"

"Your thoughts are enough. This is a burden that I must face by myself."

"While it's true that we cannot do anything to help you with your returning memories, if you need comfort or feel stressed, we can assist in our own ways." Meixiu said.

"Thank you, you two…"

Sometime later, Chu Liuxiang said, "This makes me wonder if I had a past life, and if I do, what kind of life did I live?"

"I would actually prefer not knowing." Meixiu said.

And she continued, "What if I had some kind of tragic life that I don't want to remember?"

"I guess you have a point…"

Chu Liuxiang then looked at Yuan and asked, "Can you tell us some of your experiences in your past life? Did you have a wife? You lived for thousands of years, right? Surely, you must have had a wife or two!"

Yuan smiled and said, "No, I didn't have anything like that. However, I was engaged."

"You were engaged but don't have a wife? Did something happen?"

"Yes, she died to a demon before we could get married." Yuan said in a calm voice, yet it sounded very lonely and painful.

"S-Sorry… I shouldn't have asked…"

"No, it's fine. What happened was very tragic, but it was something that happened very, very long ago, and I am not Tian Chenyu. Although his feelings remain, I know that I shouldn't become too absorbed in his memories and feelings."

"Anyways, thank you for listening and believing in me." He said to them sometime later.

"I don't know what's crazier. That reincarnation exists or that I've been fighting demons from another world." Chu Liuxiang sighed.

"Another world, huh? Something tells me that Earth used to belong in the Nine Heavens. I'll ask the Lord after I take care of the last demon."

"The Lord?"

"Yes. He promised to tell me about Cultivation Online and other stuff if I take care of the demons for him."

Sometime later, Meixiu went to prepare dinner.

After dinner, Chu Liuxiang eagerly dragged Yuan to the bed and said to him as she stripped naked, "This is the best stress reliever that I know of!"

Yuan couldn't refuse such a tempting offer and gladly accepted it, and they proceeded to relieve themselves all night.

The following morning, after breakfast, Yuan returned to Cultivation Online and tried knocking on Wang Xiuying's door again.

The door opened half a minute later, and a beautiful young lady wearing a green and white uniform stepped outside.

When this young lady saw Yuan's face, her eyes widened with surprise, and a bright smile immediately appeared on her beautiful face.

"Yuan! What are you doing here?!" Wang Xiuying said in a pleasantly surprised voice.

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