Yun State, Zhonghang Sect.

The Sect Master of Zhonghang Sect, along with several Nascent Soul Elders, was accompanying Lin Batian, who came as a guest. Especially the thirteenth elder, Ouyang Qing, was extremely enthusiastic towards Lin Batian, because a few years ago, Lin Batian had saved her life.

At that time, Ouyang Qing was in charge of defending the stronghold of Zhonghang Sect in the northern part of Yunzhong Mountain Range. Unexpectedly, a fourth-stage late period Wolf King targeted them and launched an attack with millions of demonic beasts. In the moment of danger, Lin Batian took action and repelled the Wolf King's attack. His formidable strength made everyone in Zhonghang Sect admire him.

After that, Ouyang Qing took the initiative to befriend Lin Batian and invited him to participate in the Centennial Celebration of Yunzhong City. Lin Batian gladly agreed, resulting in the current journey.

"Then it's settled. After the Yunzhong City Centennial Celebration, my Anhua City will establish another stronghold in the north of Yunzhong Mountain Range, neighboring your esteemed sect. By then, our two families will support and watch over each other..."

Lin Batian and the Sect Master of Zhonghang Sect discussed the matter for a while and finalized the plans. The Lin family of Anhua City was already preparing to venture into the Wilderness in the north of Yunzhong Mountain Range.

Actually, Anhua City is closer to the Wilderness in the southwest of Yun State. It can be reached within a few thousand miles. Unfortunately, the main cultivation power of Yun State is not in that direction, but rather to the north of Yunzhong Mountain Range. With only the strength of his family, he can't provoke the Demon King in the southwest, so he can only follow Zhonghang Sect to explore the north.

The Wilderness stronghold is very important to a power. A large number of independent cultivators enter the Wilderness to hunt monsters and they need a safe place for recovery, supplies, and information exchange. The stronghold can provide all of these. For a power, a stronghold is like a treasure trove. If managed well, it is more profitable than farming.

"Then I will represent Zhonghang Sect and wait in the Wilderness for City Lord Lin's arrival."

The head of Zhonghang Sect nodded. He had already heard from Ouyang Qing about what Lin Batian had done in the Wilderness. With his cultivation at the Nascent Soul stage, he had repelled the attack of a late stage Wolf King, which was truly impressive. Even the sword-crazy disciples from Cloud Sword Sect might not be able to do the same.

Furthermore, he learned that Lin Batian was only in his 300s in age, making him amazed at his great potential. If Anhua City and Zhonghang Sect were neighboring, he would spare no cost to eliminate Lin Batian, because he posed a threat to Zhonghang Sect's existence.

However, Anhua City is too far away from Zhonghang Sect. To make friends instead of conquering, they chose to establish a relationship. For a major sect like Zhonghang Sect, they were not motivated to expand further. Their goal was to maintain their current status and prevent their strength from declining.

"City Lord Lin, Zhonghang Sect has organized a banquet for you. Please make sure to attend tonight."

Lastly, the sect leader said to Lin Batian that he had brought along some of his offspring, many of whom were talented female cultivators with high levels of cultivation. He had already set his eyes on them, hoping that the disciples of Zhonghang Sect could attract them over.

Lin Batian gladly agreed. This time, he brought the most outstanding descendants of the Lin family with him. Besides allowing them to broaden their horizons, he also wanted to see if he could find suitable partners for them.

The Zhonghang Sect arranged a place to stay. Lin Batian went back to the place and said to Lin Die, "Dress nicely tonight, don't wear plain clothes."

"Father, why does a daughter who practices swordsmanship and values battle dress in bright and colorful clothes?"

"What else can it be? They are looking for a husband for you."

"Didn't you always oppose arranged marriages for us?"

"Arranged marriages are when parents force you to marry a specific person. It's called a blind date, do you understand?"

Lin Batian explained that he didn't actually want an arranged marriage, it was just a blind date. Please don't resist it that much.

"I don't want a blind date. The disciples of Zhonghang Sect are nothing special."

"I don't care. I see many beautiful female disciples of Zhonghang Sect. My daughter, Lin Batian's daughter, can't be inferior to them."

"Then why did you call me if you're not going to call the heirs of the fourth and fifth generations?"

Lin Die didn't say anything. In terms of appearance, she wasn't the most outstanding. There were many descendants of the Lin family, and the granddaughters and great-granddaughters in the later generations were the ones who were truly beautiful. Who knows how many men were enchanted by them.

"I'm telling you, there aren't many people in the Lin family, so of course they need to find them from outside. Do you think they just give them away? What are you thinking?"

Lin Batian was even more speechless. He still had some use for those beautiful descendants of the Lin family. He had to abduct a few high-quality sons-in-law.

"Are you not afraid that I will run away with someone?"

"A father knows his daughter best. I know you well, don't I? Just listen to me. Perform well tonight, and tomorrow I will let you lead a team to go to Yunzhong City. The Centennial Celebration in Yunzhong City is still more than ten days away, but it's already very lively now."

Lin Batian laughed loudly. How could he not know his own daughter? She had a strong determination, which couldn't be swayed by an ordinary man. If there really was a top-quality man who appeared, he would be happy to see it happen.


In Yunzhong City, Lin Jiang was leaning on the fence, listening to music. Since he wiped out the main force of the Eagle Ridge in the Yunzhong Mountain Range, his reputation had immediately skyrocketed. The several families from the Black Water Pool didn't come to cause trouble anymore. It was mistakenly believed by the outside world that they were all afraid of Lin Jiang. Lin Jiang's cave became a forbidden zone for the forces in the area. No one dared to approach within fifty miles of Lin Jiang's cave.

Lin Jiang was happy about this. That way, no one would bother him. However, not long after, he made quite a few friends, some of whom were just acquaintances. They enthusiastically made friends with Lin Jiang.

Poor in the bustling city, no one cares. Rich in the deep mountains, there are distant relatives. Lin Jiang truly experienced this, but he didn't despise these people much. Seeking profit and avoiding harm is human nature. He himself is also an ordinary person, so he still maintains a superficial relationship with them.

"The Yun State Little Overlord they're talking about, is it related to the Lin family in Anhua City?"

Lin Jiang heard many people discussing the Yun State Little Overlord, and it sounded like they were talking about the Lin family.

"It's exactly the Lin family patriarch Lin Batian that Taoist Friend Lin mentioned."

"Is there a story? I want to hear it."

"It's about the situation in the north. It's said that the Lin family is also planning to expand to the north and establish a stronghold there. It's a big deal for independent cultivators."

"Please explain in more detail."

"About three years ago, the Zhonghang Sect's stronghold in the north was besieged by the mid-stage fourth-order Wolf King. At that time, Wolf King gathered nearly a million demons, densely packed and countless. Zhonghang Sect, led by the thirteen elders headed by Ouyang Qing, defended with three thousand disciples, plus five to six thousand independent cultivators. The battle was evenly matched. Just when the Zhonghang Sect stronghold was in danger, Anhua City's Lin Batian took action. With his Overlord Spear, he was unbeatable..."

Someone explained to Lin Jiang what happened in the north. Lin Jiang was still in seclusion at that time, so he naturally didn't know the situation. But it caused quite a stir. Even the Nascent Soul Elders of the Zhonghang Sect, who were in seclusion, were urgently awakened and prepared to go support them.

Lin Batian made a great name for himself by defeating the Wolf King at the later stage of the fourth realm. Now, almost everyone in Yun State knows him. He is praised as the Yun State Little Overlord.

However, for independent cultivators at the lower level, what they care about is establishing a stronghold in the Wilderness, especially a safe one. They prefer strong and reliable strongholds.

"Taoist Friend Lin, would you like to venture to the north? With your skills, you will surely make a name for yourself."

"Indeed, Taoist Friend Lin. The north is completely different from the south. In the south, one can only earn a few spirit stones in a year, but in the north, it's a different story. Powerful cultivators at the Building Foundation Period can earn tens of thousands of spirit stones in a year."

"Taoist Friend Lin···"

Everyone started suggesting that Lin Jiang should go to the north and talked about the benefits of going there.

Lin Jiang remained calm on the surface, but he felt speechless inside. These tactics were just like how he fooled Xie Youjia before, only talking about profits and not mentioning risks. People who don't understand will be taken advantage of.

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😖)

After multiple investigations, Lin Jiang already had a rough idea of the situation in the north. They did earn a lot from hunting monsters, but there were also many deaths. Almost every day, a few people would die, even during the Golden Core Period. After ten or eight years, one or two would still die.

Moreover, the ones earning the most money in the north were actually the sects that established their bases there. The prices of goods in their bases were even more expensive than in Yunzhong City. The majority of the profits went to the sects. If the north really made so much money, the figures from Black Water Pool and Medicine Immortal Valley would not have stayed in Yunzhong Mountain Range.

Lin Jiang didn't refuse or agree on the surface, nor did he easily show his attitude. He vaguely brushed them off.

Seeing Lin Jiang's lack of response, the others didn't want to pressure him further and changed the topic. They talked about the upcoming Centennial Celebration. It was only a few days away, and the situation in Yunzhong Mountain Range was becoming chaotic. Many independent cultivators were fleeing again.

Lin Jiang remained silent about this. He had destroyed the Yusong sect in Cangying Ridge, which was why no one dared to disturb him. But in other places, rivers of blood were flowing. Black Water Pool, Medicine Immortal Valley, Songmao Mountain, and Baiyugang, these four independent cultivator forces were attacking each other, causing countless casualties.

It wasn't just them; suddenly, many powerful figures appeared, including some from smaller factions like the villages and towns outside of Yunzhong City. They also got involved.

In short, ordinary independent cultivators in Yunzhong Mountain Range were like helpless lambs. Anyone could come and slaughter them, plundering their wealth. And one group would be followed by another. Even if this batch of people died, countless independent cultivators would still come in the future.

This made Lin Jiang feel sad about the fate of independent cultivators, and he had great sympathy for them. But Lin Jiang couldn't do anything about it, he was just a regular independent cultivator.

"It's almost time, let's go our separate ways."

Lin Jiang glanced at the sky and let everyone disperse. He also had to leave, he couldn't always hang out in a place like Baihua Tower. He had to pull himself together.

This Centennial Celebration was a rare grand event in Yunzhong City, with countless treasures appearing. Lin Jiang also had to take the opportunity to get some, like things to improve his cultivation talent. He thought his cultivation progress was too slow.

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