In the middle section of the Yunzhong Mountain Range

In just a few days, the entire middle section, spanning thousands of miles, became a place that made independent cultivators tremble in fear. Independent cultivators from the north of the Yunzhong Mountain Range kept pouring in, committing one bloodshed after another. In just one day, over 300 independent cultivators were killed, mostly from the vast number of Qi Refining Period cultivators.

In the following days, as the situation escalated, a large number of independent cultivators fled. They either entered Yunzhong City or the villages and towns outside the city to avoid being killed.

With the mass exodus of ordinary independent cultivators, only the tough ones remained. There were quite a few caves like Lin Jiang's that had a third-tier defensive formation. Before tackling these tough nuts, the northern faction independent cultivators started killing each other. Countless cultivators were drenched in blood every day.

"They've gone completely insane, killing like mad."

Lin Jiang stood above his cave, his eyes empowered by spiritual energy, looking around. Everywhere he looked, he could see several conflicts happening, including Zhou Yunyang, who was a threat to him, engaged in a fight with someone else.

Lin Jiang couldn't understand why the independent cultivators from the northern faction had such a strong murderous intent. Hadn't they thought about earning spirit stones through their own cultivation and production? Did they really have to rely on robbery for everything they needed?

After a while, Lin Jiang saw Zhou Yunyang emerge from Lin Jiang's cave, covered in blood. He wasn't alone, there were three other people with him, all at the Building Foundation Period.

"Dear Taoist Friend Lin, sorry for the inconvenience. We would like to borrow your cave."

Zhou Yunyang said to Lin Jiang and promptly set up more than ten formation plates. These plates surrounded Lin Jiang's cave, creating a new outer formation where Zhou Yunyang and the others hid.

Lin Jiang's expression turned dark. This guy named Zhou had a wicked heart. He was deliberately drawing trouble towards him. When his enemies came, they would surely see him as Zhou Yunyang's accomplice.

"Well, you're tough. But did you know, I need someone to show their strength, and you coming here is a perfect opportunity."

Lin Jiang coldly stared at Zhou Yunyang, as if looking at a dead person. Well, they brought this upon themselves, so he couldn't blame anyone else.


Zhonghang Sect, Grand Hall of the Sect.

Outside the main gate, the respected Elder Nalan De from the Outer Sect was discussing matters of the Yunzhong Mountain Range with the Sect Master of Zhonghang Sect. Despite being called an "Elder," Nalan De was actually considered just a middle-ranking member in Zhonghang Sect due to his cultivation level being only in the Golden Core Period.

Only by advancing to the Nascent Soul stage and becoming an Elder of the entire Zhonghang Sect would one qualify as a true high-ranking member.

"You don't need to worry about Yunzhong Mountain Range, let those independent cultivators who love to kill do as they please. A group of low-level cultivators, at most a few mid-level cultivators, cannot cause any trouble."

"Master, I am worried that it will affect the income of Yunzhong City. If all the independent cultivators in the mountains are gone, there will be no one to cultivate crops or grow spiritual herbs."

Nalan De said. Yunzhong Mountain Range covers thousands of miles, and there are thousands of independent cultivators living there. They open up caves, cultivate spiritual land, grow spiritual crops, and raise spiritual beasts. They are an important source of resources for Yunzhong City.

Now that all the people have left, the city will definitely be affected. The prices will soar, trade will be greatly impacted, and there will be no taxes without trade.

"Don't be so naive. That piece of land has never been very important. By not occupying it with the Cloud Sword Sect, we are giving the independent cultivators a place to vent their frustrations."

The sect leader shook his head. With their strength, it would be easy for them to unify the middle section of Yunzhong Mountain Range. There must be a deeper reason why they didn't do so.

The two major sects have monopolized too many things. They could have completely blocked the independent cultivators' paths to advancement. However, doing so would certainly provoke a backlash from the independent cultivators. In a situation where they have no hope for the future, they would attack the two major sects recklessly.

This is indeed what happened. That's why the two major sects intentionally left this place empty, giving the independent cultivators hope. They let them fight among themselves. With thousands of Qi Refining cultivators and hundreds of Building Foundation cultivators, there may be one or two Golden Core cultivators emerging through the breeding of spirit insects.

However, these Golden Core cultivators ultimately cannot pose a threat to them. They will willingly go to the north because the resources in the south are no longer sufficient, so they can only seek resources in the Wilderness.

With this move, the two major sects have firmly held power for thousands of years, without any force that can challenge them. People like Pill King Li Ruoxu are rare, and even he cannot pose a threat to them.

"Yes, Master, I understand."

Nalan De lowered his head and agreed, feeling somewhat helpless. He had been so proactive because he had a lot to gain over there. He had hoped to handle this matter with the help of the sect, but since the sect disagreed, he could only reluctantly give up this part of the benefit.


As they were talking, Ouyang Qing walked in and bowed to the Master.

"Elder Thirteen, you have come at the right time. Are all the personnel ready?"

"We're all prepared. I will personally lead the team, along with fifteen Golden Core cultivators and one hundred twenty Building Foundation cultivators. We will depart today."

"Very well, remember not to attack rashly. Just defend the stronghold. The demons are not good at attacking cities and cannot sustain long battles. Given enough time, they will naturally retreat."

"I understand. This time, I am here to collect supplies."

"Everyone is ready, let's go to the Internal Affairs Hall and collect it."

The head nodded and handed a command token to Ouyang Qing. Ouyang Qing glanced at Nalan De and immediately left without saying much.

"Head, this is..."

"There's nothing important, go and do your tasks."

The head waved his hand and Nalan De quickly left.

"So many things going on, sigh."

The head looked at the empty hall and sighed. Compared to the matters in the north, the things in the south were nothing. That was where the threat to the sect really lay.

The collaboration of the two major sects for hundreds of years had turned into nothing overnight. This made the head feel mentally exhausted. He even pondered if he should step down from his position as head. In that Soul Changing realm, he still had a slight chance to strive for.


The four of them hid around Lin Jiang's cave in the Yunzhong Mountain Range. It was unexpected that many people passed by but didn't notice them, which made Zhou Yunyang quite pleased.

"Brother Zhou, let's take care of that kid inside."

In the middle of the night, Zhou Yunyang heard a whisper. Actually, there were not just four of them, but five. One of them had a special spiritual tool that could make them invisible, so the casual building foundation wouldn't be able to find them.

"What's wrong, feeling itchy?"

"Well, just now I used the Magical Eye to take a quick look. I saw at least hundreds of acres of spiritual herbs, all of them second level. Many of them are already mature. If we were to take these herbs, we could make a big profit."

"Hundreds of acres of second level spiritual herbs, no wonder this kid doesn't want to leave."

Zhou Yunyang was shocked. If all the hundreds of acres of second level spiritual herbs were mature, there would be at least seventy to eighty thousand spirit stones. If there were some more expensive ones, it wouldn't be impossible to have over a hundred thousand.

People die for wealth, birds die for food. They went to the Wilderness to hunt monsters, all for money. Zhou Yunyang could understand why this kid didn't want to leave.

"Brother Zhou, are you in or out?"

"Can you break the Eight Gate Golden Armor Formation?"

"I have a Breaking Array Cone, a second-order formation that can penetrate even the Eight Gate Golden Armor Formation, but we must remain completely still."

"Are you sure the Breaking Array Cone can break it?"

"If we create an opening and allow one or two people to enter, it's possible. But if we go together, with you in the light and me in the dark, killing him will be as easy as pie."

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😁)

The assassin explained that he had bought the Breaking Array Cone from someone else. It used to belong to a powerful assassin in his organization, but that person had died, so now it was his.

"Alright, let's do it."

Zhou Yunyang was immediately intrigued. He didn't know when the two major sects would stabilize the situation in the north. If he couldn't return for a long time, he would have to find another path. But no matter what he did, he needed money. Money is the key to everything.

Zhou Yunyang discussed with the other three people and asked them to be ready outside, ensuring that no one else would approach. They would go inside and deal with the person surnamed Lin.

"Brother Zhou, are you ready?"

"Are you ready? You can go ahead, I can dash in an instant."

Zhou Yunyang nodded. He was already standing outside of the protective barrier, only about twenty meters away. With such a close distance, he could cross it in just a moment.



The assassin responded and then used the Breaking Array Cone to attack the barrier. The Breaking Array Cone was a weapon specifically designed to break barriers. It could easily slice through barriers of second-tier or lower, but for a third-tier barrier, it would need to be forcefully broken.

After a loud bang, a hole appeared in the barrier. Zhou Yunyang was incredibly fast and managed to dash through the hole before it closed.


However, as soon as he entered, he heard a piercing scream. Zhou Yunyang was startled and realized it was not good. This person unexpectedly had a beast pet.


Big Shadiao and Small Shadiao were incredibly fast. As soon as the formation was attacked, they reacted instantly. When Zhou Yunyang entered, they grabbed him from both sides, their claws tearing into his shoulders and lifting him up before throwing him into the air.

"Brother Zhou"

The assassin was also shocked by the unexpected turn of events. At this point, they couldn't afford to remain hidden any longer. They revealed themselves and struck at Big Shadiao and Small Shadiao with a sword, preventing them from finishing off Zhou Yunyang. Otherwise, Zhou Yunyang would surely die.

"Aurora falcon"

"Two Aurora falcons at the late stage of the second rank"

Zhou Yunyang regained his balance and slowly descended. He applied some medicinal powder to his wound and coldly watched Lin Jiang walking out of the gate.

"You guys are really looking for trouble, searching lanterns in the toilet."

Lin Jiang looked at the two people, unable to say anything for a while. He was still thinking about how to separate them and conquer each one individually. But they surprised him by coming to him willingly. Isn't that asking for trouble?

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