Five Elements Sect, the main entrance

Inside Lin Jiang's cave, Yue Lin and Yue Qing have been anxiously waiting. When they saw Lin Jiang returning, they hurriedly went up to greet him.

"Senior Brother Xiao, how is the situation?"

Yue Lin quickly said. Lin Jiang has advanced to the later stage of the Building Foundation realm, so it's appropriate to call him senior brother.

"You're both fine. Just go to the Internal Affairs Hall in a few days to pay a fine."

Lin Jiang said. Zhang Wanjing is conducting a thorough investigation of the management of the Five Elements Sect, and Yue Lin is also on the list. He has done quite a lot of things over the years.

"Is everything really okay?"

"It's fine. My master understands the saying 'when the water is clear, no fish are found.' If we were to investigate thoroughly, starting from the attendants, none of the management members of the Five Elements Sect can escape. I'm the same. So we focus on the big issues and let go of the small ones. We catch the obvious examples, but we don't pursue the others. I've taken care of Yue Lin's list, so it's fine."

Lin Jiang said. There are loopholes in the rules of the Five Elements Sect, and in such an environment, if others are accepting money, you can't refuse. Otherwise, you will be isolated. So many people have no choice but to go along with it. We can't get rid of all the management members, so we have to handle things separately.

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao."

"Senior Brother Xiao, how much of a punishment will there be?"

"Yue Lin, you will be fined ten thousand spirit stones, and Yue Qing, you only need to pay five thousand."

"That's so much!"

"Is that still a lot?"

"Not much, not much, Senior Brother. We'll pay."

"I managed to keep Yue Lin's position safe in the Foreign Affairs Hall, but I will try to get him transferred to the Internal Affairs Hall. Maybe he can even get a promotion."

"Thank you, Senior Brother Xiao."

Upon hearing this, Yue Lin became extremely happy. The opportunities in the Internal Affairs Hall were even better than in the Foreign Affairs Hall.

"When we start working in the Internal Affairs Hall, we can't behave recklessly like before. There are many ways to make money that don't go against the rules. Don't worry, I will make sure you all earn enough."

Lin Jiang told Yue Lin that their previous ways of making money were dishonest, but Lin Jiang's methods were different. He had a reputation for being skilled and Yue Qing knew this from their previous cooperation in the Internal Affairs Hall.

"Senior Brother Xiao, I trust you on this. Our good days are coming."

Yue Qing quickly added that he had collaborated with Lin Jiang many times before and had already discussed these matters with Yue Lin. They were both very excited about the upcoming collaboration.


Five Elements Sect, the main hall of the sect.

Wei Yunshen is reporting to many elders, and it's time to summarize the recent captures by Black Clothes Hall.

"So far, we have captured nine Hall Masters, Deputy Hall Masters, 182 senior stewards, and recovered over 130 million spirit stones. We have already turned in more than 80 million, but they can't produce the rest of the spirit stones. Martial Uncles, what should we do with the remaining stolen money?"

"Since they don't have any money left, let's just forget about it. After all, they are our own people."

"Yes, we shouldn't push people to their death."

"I disagree. This money originally belongs to the sect. Since they spent it, we must recover it. Many people own businesses, shops, and spiritual mountains outside. We need to seize those assets. If they still don't have enough, we can deduct from their salaries. If ten years are not enough, then it should be twenty or thirty years."

Zhang Wanjing is not planning to let these people off easily. He wants to completely deal with them. Without resources, they won't be able to advance anymore. This is also a way to prevent future troubles.

"Zhang Wanjing, let's show mercy when it's appropriate. There's no need to be so harsh."

"If we don't capture a few as examples, what will happen in the future? I spent all the money, and they won't investigate anyway."


The elders immediately fell silent. These days, they mostly remained silent, with everything being a performance by Zhang Wanjing and Black Clothes Hall.

Zhang Wanjing was about to say a few more words when suddenly his face changed and he vanished directly into the main hall of the sect.

"Martial Uncle"

Wei Yunshen was shocked, unsure of what had happened to Zhang Wanjing.

"Let's go, let's take a look."

The others exchanged a glance and quickly left, following Zhang Wanjing's aura all the way to his original cave dwelling.

Inside the cave dwelling, the group saw Zhang Wanjing supporting Zhang Shuhua, whose face was pale and who had already fainted.

"What happened?"

"It seems like he failed to break through to the golden core stage."

"Fail and faint, Senior Brother Zhang, what happened?"

Several people's faces changed drastically when they saw this, hurriedly asked Zhang Wanjing, but Zhang Wanjing didn't answer, only inputted pure spiritual power to Zhang Shuhua.

Before long, Zhang Shuhua woke up and saw Zhang Wanjing, saying, "Father, someone plotted against me."

"Do you know who it is?"

"I didn't see anyone, but someone attacked the defensive formation of the cave, causing me to lose focus and my spiritual power to fluctuate intensely."

Zhang Shuhua shook his head, the person who plotted against him didn't show up at all. At that time, he was in a crucial moment of breaking through the golden core. Two small actions ruined nearly a hundred years of his hard cultivation.

Zhang Wanjing turned around and looked at the people in front of him, his gaze becoming colder. The people remained silent, whoever spoke first would be in trouble.


Shi Yuntang appeared, he rushed here after receiving a message from Zhang Wanjing.

"Uncle Martial, do you have any Revitalizing Pill?"

"No, but I have the Endless Energy Pill."

"The Endless Energy Pill won't work, Shuhua has injured his meridians and dantian."

"First stabilize his condition and have the Pill Hall refine the Revitalizing Pill."

"Master, the Five Elements Sect doesn't have the materials for the Revitalizing Pill."

"Then let's go find or buy them, I'll take care of all the expenses."

Shi Yuntang shouted loudly, and everyone could only agree. They quickly went to call the people from the External Affairs Hall and spread the message to gather the materials for the Revitalizing Pill as soon as possible.

"Who did this?"

Shi Yuntang calmed down and looked at everyone.

"Uncle Martial, do you think we did it?"

"Isn't this a retaliatory strike?"

"Even if it's a retaliatory strike, it's not us who did it. Attacking the cave's formation, disrupting spiritual energy, can be done by someone with a golden core, and even someone in the building foundation stage."

"Investigate Black Clothes Hall and Law Enforcement Hall for me. Find out who did it. I will make them pay."

Shi Yuntang was furious. This is not only retaliating against Zhang Wanjing, but also slapping him in the face. The things done by Black Clothes Hall are the ones he supports.

"Yes, Uncle Martial, we will send someone to investigate right away."

As soon as they found an excuse, the elders immediately ran away. It's better not to stay and arouse suspicion now.

"Wanjing, don't worry, Shuhua can be cured."

"I understand, Uncle Martial."

"I will give you an explanation for this matter. Plotting against the elder of our sect is a great crime that leads to the destruction of our clan."

"Martial Uncle, no need to worry. Wan Jing hasn't lost his sense. It's just that they are in a hurry. When I had a strong inner power, I had even more troubles. At that time, I wasn't afraid of death, let alone now."

"You haven't lost your fighting spirit, and that's good. Honestly, before this, I didn't believe our sect had so many rotten individuals. But now, all I hope for is to crush these insects. These people are truly detestable."

Shi Yuntang said. The matters of the Five Elements Sect weigh about three or four units without a title. Once they have a high status, they weigh more than a thousand units. It's fortunate that the lid has been lifted now. If it were to happen a few hundred years later, it would be strange if the Five Elements Sect wasn't in decline.

"The world is full of hustle and bustle due to personal gain. Everyone is seeking their own benefits. I hope that in the future, disciples of our sect will consider the sect's interests."

Zhang Wanjing shook his head. He had long been aware of the many rotten individuals in the sect. He couldn't control what would happen after his death. He only hoped to contribute more to the sect while he was still alive, as a way of repaying the sect's nurturing.

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