Mountain Gate of the Five Elements Sect, Main Hall

The formation of the Main Hall was activated today, and a shining light covered the entire hall like fireflies. Even outsiders couldn't see it, and their spiritual awareness couldn't penetrate it.

In the Main Hall, on seventeen chairs, there were people sitting. The one in the middle was the incarnation of the ancient ancestor Shi Yuntang, who hadn't appeared for hundreds of years. The other chairs were occupied by some elders in person and some were just phantom illusions, only their souls present.

"Martial Uncle, everyone is here."

The Sect Master Qin Quan said to Shi Yuntang. All sixteen elders have arrived.

Good, now that everyone is here, let's begin. I haven't returned to the Five Elements Sect for hundreds of years. I don't know the current situation of the sect. It was Wan Jing who found me and told me about the situation, which is worrying.

Guo Yunfeng, tell me, you are also an elder, what have you been doing all these years? As an elder of the sect, you lack the broad-mindedness of an elder.

"Chen Xuanhua, you too. You were supposed to guard the Wilderness, but all you think about is hunting monsters. Have you ever killed a fourth-rank monster beast?

And you, Shen Qun, at least you are·····

Shi Yuntang spoke, criticizing all fifteen of the elders, including the sect leader Qin Quan. The people lowered their heads, nodding in agreement, too afraid to argue.

"The Five Elements Sect, you have made it chaotic. If we don't make changes, we will eventually be ruined because of you. That's why I've come back this time, to reorganize the Five Elements Sect. Where is Zhang Wanjing?"

"Reporting to Martial Uncle, I'm here."

"Wanjing, what you said to me a few days ago, I find it very reasonable. You can tell them now."

"Yes, Martial Uncle."

Zhang Wanjing nodded and faced the crowd. Many people were uneasy. They couldn't understand why Martial Uncle trusted Zhang Wanjing so much instead of trusting them. After all, they were all in the same boat.

"I've been away from the sect for over twenty years. During this time, besides reaching the Nascent Soul stage, I have also carefully considered the reasons behind the current difficulties of the sect. Of course, my fellow senior brothers might not feel the difficulties. In your eyes, everything in the sect seems harmonious and beautiful. Beautiful enough for someone to spend three hundred thousand spirit stones on a mattress and have hundreds of singers as nightly companions. Beautiful enough for the Palace Banquet in Medicine City to be packed night and day, with people enjoying themselves.

But I don't feel it's that great. What I see is junior disciples struggling for a few spirit stones, talented disciples unable to advance due to lack of resources, watching their life slip away helplessly. What I see is disciples working hard day and night, but someone else taking credit for their achievements.

And all of this, it's all because of you, you elders, you're the ones leading the wrongdoing, you're the ones breaking the rules..."

"Zhang Wanjing, you're arrogant."

"Zhang Wanjing, you can eat your meal messily, but you can't speak carelessly."

"Zhang Wanjing, just because the ancestor supports you doesn't mean you can misbehave."

Zhang Wanjing attacked all the elders, making everyone angry. Even Shi Yuntang, who was present, immediately refuted. They absolutely refuse to accept this accusation.

"Shut up, all of you shut up! I'm not dead yet. The Five Elements Sect is not under your control."

Shi Yuntang shouted, instantly quieting everyone down.

"I heard some of you say that the sect relies on you and not the low-level disciples. So tell me, who is the pillar of the sect, me or you?"

"Martial Uncle, nobody said that, but the prestige of the sect doesn't depend on the number of disciples or the stages of cultivation like Building Foundation and Golden Core. It relies on Nascent Soul. That's the truth, and it's the same for the other two sects."

"So how did you come here? Were you born as Nascent Soul from your mother's womb?"


"To be honest, if your descendants, disciples, and relatives were ambitious, then I would consider what Wan Jing said nonsense. But you all aren't ambitious. Despite having the most resources, what have you accomplished? Singers, mansions, fancy clothes, delicious food, servants - what good do these things do for the sect? Zhang Wanjing, please continue."

Shi Yuntang said. In the cultivation world, mediocrity is a sin. If these people had taken advantage of the benefits and cultivated powerful disciples, I would accept it. But they didn't, so we need to change things.

Actually, I don't mind if the elders enjoy a better lifestyle. We work hard to cultivate not only for longevity but also to stand out, to be superior. However, this should not hinder the sect's growth. If our generation enjoys, the future disciples will suffer. They will be disadvantaged, they will suffer.

So, Martial Uncle and I suggest that from now on, the Nascent Soul Elders of the sect should not be concerned with trivial matters, nor hold any actual power. The elders should resign from their positions as Hall Masters and stay away from the sect's affairs. The Presbyterian Church will only be responsible for two things: ensuring the safety of all Five Elements Sect disciples and monitoring the sect. The Hall Masters, Deputy Hall Masters, and stewards will handle the specific tasks. If they fail to perform well, the Presbyterian Church can supervise, admonish, and dismiss them.

In response, the sect will increase the treatment of the elders. Elder's allowances can be raised, and if they want to enjoy further privileges, the sect can assign disciples to serve them. If the elders have their own abilities, they can also enjoy even more exclusive treatment.

"Wan Jing means that in the future, you won't have to deal with the sect's trivial matters like me. Let the golden core and building foundation disciples handle them. Your additional responsibility will be to supervise them, reward those who excel, and penalize those who don't. I think this method is quite good."

As soon as Zhang Wanjing finished speaking, Shi Yuntang agreed. In his opinion, it's a win-win situation. The elders' treatment is improved, and the sect's interests are protected.

The elders remained silent and didn't know what to say. When they were asked to give up their positions of power in the sect, it meant they would have fewer opportunities to make money. However, they still wanted better treatment. It was a difficult situation.

"Uncle Martial, can you make a decision on this matter?"

In the end, Guo Yunfeng asked. There's more than one person in the Five Elements Sect who can perform Soul Changing. Can Shi Yuntang be the one to do it?

"Yes, I have talked to the other senior brothers and they all agreed with Zhang Wanjing's suggestion."

Shi Yuntang's words crushed Guo Yunfeng's hope completely. Even the other elders were convinced. How did he manage to do that? Did he use some kind of magic potion? Can he share the recipe?

"I agree with Zhang Wanjing's suggestion."

Chen Xuanhua, who had been assigned to oversee the Wilderness outpost, spoke up. Not every elder in the Five Elements Sect had a profitable position. Chen Xuanhua didn't have one either. If it weren't for the benefits he received from Zhang Wanjing during the years he was there, he would have had a hard time.

"I agree too."

"Me too."

The rest of the elders all agreed, leaving only Guo Yunfeng, Nie Wuyuan, and other influential elders from the Internal Affairs Hall, External Affairs Hall, and Pill Hall. These halls are very important, and they are not willing to let go easily.

"Martial Uncle, what should I, as the head of the sect, do?"

"The position of the sect leader is still held by someone in the Nascent Soul stage. This is the face of our sect."

"Thank you, Martial Uncle."

"Wanjing, please explain how we can improve the treatment of the elders."

Shi Yuntang continued. Without offering them any benefits, these people won't let go. He also doesn't want things to get too ugly.

"Yes, Martial Uncle. The annual salary for the sect elders will be increased from 30,000 spirit stones to 200,000. The sect will fully provide cultivation pills, guaranteeing at least two each year. In addition, there will be..."

Zhang Wanjing carefully considered that he had also calculated this treatment. With all these benefits, even if the elders didn'thing, they could still enjoy superior treatment. Of course, if they wanted the best treatment, they would have to find a way themselves.

"This treatment is already good. The sect will invest over one million spirit stones each year in you. Is there anything else you're not satisfied with?"

Shi Yuntang continued speaking, and Chen Xuanhua and the others were immediately very satisfied. This treatment was much better than before, and they were the ones benefiting.

"Martial Uncle, how will we be assigned to different places?"

"You will receive a salary just like the disciples of the sect, but you will only be responsible for security issues, not specific matters."

"Alright, I completely agree."

Chen Xuanhua raised his hands in agreement once again. Since they hadn't gained many benefits before, now everyone was being treated fairly.

"What about you guys? Nie Wuyuan, you go first."

"There's nothing much to say. I will follow the orders of the sect."

Nie Wuyuan said directly. The Presbyterian Church has already split apart. The interests of the sect leader remain untouched, while Chen Xuanhua and the others have gained benefits. The rest of us are left to bear the burden. Is it worth it to resist? Soul Changing Ancestor will suppress us if we disobey.

"How about you guys?"

"Since it's an order from the sect, we should obey."

The rest of them also agreed one after another. There's no other choice, the patriarch is watching.

"Since everyone agrees, then it's easy. Wan Jing, do you have anything else to say?"

"Next, let's talk about the selection of the Hall Masters. Hall Masters are high-ranking members of the sect, responsible for each hall. They must have clear rewards and punishments. If they do well, the sect will generously reward them. If they don't do well, they will be punished or even dismissed. So, in addition to each hall, there will be a new department established to supervise each hall. It will be directly under the Presbyterian Church."

"Then what about the Law Enforcement Hall? Isn't it redundant?"

"It's not redundant. The Law Enforcement Hall will handle ordinary disciples in the future, while this department will oversee senior disciples and above."

Zhang Wanjing said. Let him manage the Internal Affairs Hall and the Law Enforcement Hall. Those are just minor issues. Now that he has reached Nascent Soul stage, it's time for a big move. Starting from the top, we need to uproot the interests of these people.

Their good days are about to come to an end.

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