Five Elements Sect,Chuangong Hall

Lin Jiang sat on a cushion, across from him was a middle-aged man. This man was the Deputy Hall Master of Chuangong Hall and the various halls of the Five Elements Sect were led by Nascent Soul Elders as the Hall Masters. However, they were mostly responsible for the overall situation, and the actual work was done by the Deputy Hall Masters.

"Disciple Xiao Yi, are you sure you want to practice the Five Spirit Manual?"

"Report to Martial Uncle, disciple has already decided."

"Good. Do you know the rules for practicing the Five Spirit Manual?"


Lin Jiang said, the Five Spirit Manual is one of the techniques used by the Five Elements Sect to protect their mountain. It is a highly confidential practice and after learning it, one must not leave any written records or use their spiritual knowledge to document it. It is forbidden to share this knowledge with anyone outside the sect. If anyone is discovered doing so, the Five Elements Sect will inflict the most severe punishment, even to the extent of harming their family members.

Moreover, the Five Elements Sect takes various precautions. One of them is to place a special restriction in the minds of the practitioners. If they encounter any external threat, such as being captured and someone forcibly trying to extract information from them, the restriction will activate and shatter the practitioner's consciousness, thus safeguarding the secret. However, this will also result in the death of the practitioner.

"Since you already know, there is no need for me to say more. Take the Heart Demon Oath."

"Yes, Martial Uncle."

Lin Jiang obediently took the Heart Demon Oath. If he ever leaks the secret, he will suffer from a backfire of the Heart Demon, losing his moral integrity and facing a tragic fate.

"Very well, I will perform the spell. This memory will linger in your mind for one month before automatically dissipating."

The Deputy Hall Master nodded and then walked behind Lin Jiang to begin the spell. The techniques of the mountain protection were not recorded in writing but passed down orally or through artifacts like jade scrolls.

However, this oral transmission was not done literally through speaking, but through a form of initiation.

"With your level of cultivation and Merit Points, I can only pass on to you the beginner's techniques for the golden core stage. We'll talk about the advanced techniques after you reach the foundation building stage."

"Martial Uncle, may I dare ask how I can obtain all the techniques?"

"Wait until you advance to the Nascent Soul stage. The Five Spirit Manual is a technique that can be cultivated to the level beyond Soul Changing. It is said to lead to the realm of ascension. But even I haven't obtained all the techniques. When your cultivation reaches that point, someone will naturally pass them on to you."

"Thank you, Martial Uncle."

Lin Jiang expressed his gratitude. He was in awe of the strictness. He had been thinking of obtaining the techniques and leaving, but now it seemed impossible. Unless he could obtain all the techniques from the Five Spirit Manual, it would be meaningless to start over with a new teacher.


"Xiao Yi, have you decided what you want to do with me?"

After receiving the techniques, Lin Jiang found Zhang Wanjing once again. Zhang Wanjing spoke.

"Master, I am a novice with limited knowledge. It's not suitable for me to go anywhere else. I am better off following you, listening, observing, and learning more. After acquiring some skills, then we can discuss further."

Lin Jiang said that he has thought about it carefully. The various branches of the Five Elements Sect must have clear divisions of interests. If he joins, he will only be a low-ranked soldier. He will be exhausted and earn very little money.

It's better to follow Zhang Wanjing. Even if it's just as a small assistant, this way we won't offend anybody, and there will be plenty of opportunities to make money. How did speculation come about? Well, it's all about the difference in information, and Zhang Wanjing is the best source of information, right?

Lin Jiang will provide information on Zhang Wanjing's side, and then work with Yue Qing and others to carry out the tasks. Lin Jiang will benefit from this arrangement.

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😜)

"Follow me?"

"Does the master think that my abilities are enough to deal with the monsters in the sect? Aren't you afraid that I will be eaten by them?"

"Well, that's true. Okay, you can follow me then."

Zhang Wanjing nodded. Whether it's one or two, it doesn't matter. He was originally planning to bring Zhang Shuhua along. He also needs to take care of his own son. Zhang Shuhua has already demonstrated his ability in the outer sect, so now, if Zhang Wanjing brings Zhang Shuhua, no one will say anything.

"Thank you, master."

"But you need to think it through. If you follow me, you will be very busy. During the day, you'll need to be on duty in the sect, and only at night will you be able to cultivate. As a Five Spiritual Roots cultivator, you progress slower than others, so it might hinder your cultivation."

"The disciple is not afraid. There is not enough time. If I bring the elixir, the master can give a little more elixir."

Lin Jiang answered. During the Building Foundation Period, you don't need to sleep much. One hour a day is enough. Use the evening for cultivation. That's about eight to nine hours of cultivation time each day, it's enough. Just take a few more elixirs if necessary.

"Alright, from now on, you and Shuhua will come to the Internal Affairs Hall for duty every day. I am now the Deputy Hall Master of the Internal Affairs Hall. Do you know where it is?"

"I know."

"Okay, you can have the day off today. Come back tomorrow."

"Thank you, master."

Lin Jiang quickly said a few words and then left.

The next morning, Lin Jiang followed Zhang Shuhua to the Internal Affairs Hall. The Internal Affairs Hall is the main hall of the Five Elements Sect, with a large number of people, so the office area is also huge. It is a complex of buildings with dozens of offices, all belonging to the Internal Affairs Hall.

"The Internal Affairs Hall manages all the general affairs of the sect, except for transmission of techniques and law enforcement, which are handled by the two main halls. These courtyards are divided for different matters."

"Where is the External Affairs Hall?"

"The External Affairs Hall is equal to the Internal Affairs Hall and is not part of the inner affairs of the sect."

"Even the External Affairs Hall has its own internal affairs and external affairs. Do we also manage the Internal Affairs Hall of the External sect?"

"Yes, the Internal Affairs Hall of the External sect is considered a branch of the sect's Internal Affairs Hall."

"Understood, what does the External sect usually do, senior brother?"


Zhang Shuhua said, they were newcomers to the Internal Affairs Hall and didn't understand the business. Besides running errands, what else could they do?

"Today is your first day on duty, so follow me. Let's get to know people first."

"Yes, senior brother."

"This is the Treasury District. They manage all the expenses of the sect here, including the disciples' salaries and rewards, as well as the supply of materials for the Pill Hall and Talisman Hall..."

Zhang Shuhua introduced Lin Jiang to the various departments of the Internal Affairs Hall. There are several offices just in the Treasury District alone. It's a lot of responsibility.

However, after taking a look, Lin Jiang felt that the responsibilities of the different departments in the Internal Affairs Hall were somewhat confusing. In theory, with a sect of tens of thousands of people, it's not much different from a large company with various departments.

But Lin Jiang certainly wouldn't say anything now. It would be foolish to come on the first day and start making all kinds of comments and writing suggestions. That's something only inexperienced newcomers do. But Lin Jiang was not an inexperienced newcomer.

After wandering around, Lin Jiang returned to the office of the Deputy Hall Master, also known as the office. The Internal Affairs Hall has a total of three Deputy Hall Masters, who act as checks and balances for each other.

However, Lin Jiang hadn't seen the other two Deputy Hall Masters at all during his first day. Zhang Shuhua told Lin Jiang that he had been here for a year and had only seen the other two Deputy Hall Masters three times. They completely leave everything to their stewards, and if there's anything uncertain, they go to Zhang Wanjing.

There are no strict limits on the responsibilities of each Deputy Hall Master. This means that Zhang Wanjing can also handle the business of the other two. In fact, Zhang Wanjing is the one who takes care of everything in the Internal Affairs Hall.

"He's really a good person."

After learning about this, Lin Jiang sighed and felt lucky to be working with Zhang Wanjing. He handles everything himself and gets paid for it.

"I think your words sound like an insult."

Zhang Shuhua had a grumpy face, even though he was actually complimenting someone, it sounded strange and suspicious.

The first day of work at the Five Elements Sect passed uneventfully.

Then came the second day, the third day, the fifth day, and the first month.

During the first three months, Zhang Wanjing didn't assign Lin Jiang any tasks. He was just running errands like Zhang Shuhua, while Lin Jiang observed how busy Zhang Wanjing was.

Cultivators in the Golden Core Period don't need to sleep, but most of them still have the habit of resting or lying down for a while, even if they can't fall asleep. It's just a habit.

However, Lin Jiang never saw him sleeping, and he rarely rested. His way of resting was to meditate and practice cultivation, and then he would attend to his tasks.

"Even the donkeys in the production team wouldn't dare to behave like this. Without Zhang Wanjing, the Five Elements Sect, which is so big, won't be able to function, right?"

Lin Jiang felt sorry for Zhang Wanjing. He was someone who completely dedicated himself to the sect and had moved away from petty interests.

"Don't even try to persuade my dad, even I, his own son, can't convince him. Once he sets his mind on something, he stubbornly sticks to it."

Lin Jiang wanted to persuade Zhang Wanjing, but Zhang Shuhua stopped him. He had tried to persuade him before, but it was completely ineffective.

"So, you're just going to watch your dad being bullied like this?"

"What can I do? I'm just a beginner in the Building Foundation Period. I can't win in a fight, and he doesn't listen to my scolding. My dad seems to enjoy being bullied, what can I do?"

Zhang Shuhua felt hopeless. He knew very well that his dad was being bullied, and it was all because of him. He didn't gain much from it, but he had no choice.

"Let me teach you a way."

"What good method do you have, junior brother?"

"Cultivate until the Soul Changing Period, then defeat all the elders of the sect."

"Ahem, junior brother, you're really good at joking."

"This is definitely a good plan. Just think, if you can take control of the entire sect and get rid of all the people who use connections, take money without working, engage in corruption, and are lazy, and replace them with people who are willing to work, won't your father be relieved?"


Zhang Shuhua's heart was suddenly filled with excitement. It seemed to make sense that if he became the Soul Changing Ancestor of the sect, he would have the final say. Then his father wouldn't have to work so hard, right?

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