Five Elements Sect

Lin Jiang's second time building a strong foundation was smooth sailing. When Zhang Wanjing accepted him as his apprentice, Lin Jiang was already at the ninth level of Qi Refining. It didn't take long for him to reach the peak of Qi Refining.

The Building Foundation Pills were provided by Zhang Wanjing. He knew about Lin Jiang's exceptional Five Spiritual Roots, so he gave him two pills at once. After that, Lin Jiang went into seclusion. With his previous experience in building a foundation, he easily succeeded with just one pill.

At this time, Lin Jiang publicly claimed to be forty-six years old, but in reality, he was two hundred and forty-nine years old.

"In a few months, I'll be two hundred and fifty. I hope I don't act foolishly."

Lin Jiang sighed. Two hundred and fifty years old. In that time, a dynasty could rise and fall, and ordinary people could have ten generations.

"Disciple Xiao Yi greeted his master."

After completing the foundation building, Lin Jiang immediately went to pay respects to Zhang Wanjing, as it is proper for a disciple to do so.

"You did well, you didn't disappoint me."

Zhang Wanjing looked at Lin Jiang with satisfaction. The Five Spiritual Roots talent was not initially advantageous in the Five Elements Sect. The fact that Lin Jiang was able to break through the foundation building in one go shows that he has good comprehension. It doesn't matter what other sects are like, the Five Elements Sect included.

"It's all thanks to the master."

Lin Jiang said that Zhang Wanjing has been very good to him. Not only did he give him the Building Foundation Pill, but also provided supporting medicinal pills and guidance on foundation building.

"The master can guide you through the door, but it is up to the individual to cultivate and one must make their own efforts."

"Yes, master."

"Now that you have completed the foundation building, things will be different. What are your plans for the future?"

"Relying solely on Master's decision"

"If I could arrange it, I would like you to work by my side. I need help urgently, but I'm also afraid it might inconvenience you."

"Master, this..."

Lin Jiang was a bit confused. What did Zhang Wanjing mean by this?

"Xiao Yi, do you know about Master's situation?"

"Disciple doesn't understand. Disciple was just an ordinary outer disciple before."

Lin Jiang shook his head. He really had no idea about Zhang Wanjing's situation. His status was too low, just an outer disciple. How much could he possibly know?

"Master, it's difficult."

Zhang Wanjing hesitated for a moment before saying this, causing Lin Jiang to furrow his brow. Wasn't Zhang Wanjing a high-ranking steward of the sect, only second to the Nascent Soul Elder?

"You're still young and don't understand. Do you know how many years the Five Elements Sect has been passed down?"

"The Yun State is the first, with a history of over six thousand years. I studied at the Shanxue School."

Lin Jiang replied that the Shanxue School teaches the history of the Five Elements Sect, which he learned. The founder of the Five Elements Sect was merely at the beginner stage, but shortly after establishing the sect, he died at the hands of a monster. However, his disciples and descendants gradually expanded the Five Elements Sect, until now, it has become one of the three overlords of the Yun State.

"Yes, I studied at the Shanxue School, but they won't teach you about the current Five Elements Sect. It's very different now. The higher-level members, including the Nascent Soul Elders, are all selfish and only interested in profiting from the sect. Their descendants occupy high positions in the sect but lack ambition. They are a group of parasites, draining the resources of the entire Five Elements Sect."

"Ahem, Master, um..."

Lin Jiang was shocked. Was his master Zhang Wanjing still an angry young person? But could he talk to him about this matter? He couldn't handle it. After all, he was just a low-ranking member in the Building Foundation Period.

"What's there to fear? Even if they dare to do it, are they afraid of being criticized? How many people within the Five Elements Sect are actually doing practical work?"

(Translated by Gravity Tales ๐Ÿ˜Œ)

"Master, it's serious."

"Hmph, serious? If you were in your master's position, you might realize that what I'm saying is an understatement. The Five Elements Sect hasn't recruited disciples from the mortal world on a large scale for nearly five hundred years. Now, all the disciples are descendants of sect members. Originally, this was a good thing, but the problem is that the descendants of ordinary disciples are decreasing, while those from prominent families are increasing. Several big families are on the verge of dividing up the Five Elements Sect."

"The Zhonghang Sect and Cloud Sword Sect seem to be the same, right?"

Lin Jiang said that he remembered the Zhonghang Sect and Cloud Sword Sect were the same. The disciples were mainly recruited from within the sect, unless they encountered talented individuals outside, like Cao Ying whom Lin Jiang sent, otherwise they wouldn't be recruited, or they would be placed outside the sect.

"Indeed, it is true. Whenever a sect has been passed down for more than a thousand years, there will inevitably be factions and many problems within. My Five Elements Sect is no exception. The Cloud Sword Sect and Zhonghang Sect are the same. But just because everyone is like this, does that make it right?"

"No, what Master said is..."

Lin Jiang quickly continued his words, saying that nothing is right and that he is right because he is the Master.

"I am from the lineage of Ancestor Yu Jin. Do you know who Ancestor Yu Jin is?"

"Yes, I know. I learned it from Shanxue School. Ancestor Yu Jin is the founding ancestor of my Five Elements Sect."

Lin Jiang explained that Ancestor Yu Jin is the legendary founder of the Five Elements Sect. The sect thrived under his leadership, and he had two significant accomplishments that still influence the sect today.

The first is that he nurtured the Soul Changing Ancestor, and this lineage continues to this day, ensuring that the Five Elements Sect remains one of the top three powers in Yun State. The second is the development strategy of the Five Elements Sect.

The Five Elements Sect has the most powerful Spiritual Farmer, with the most advanced system for growing spiritual medicine. It was a strategy devised by Ancestor Yu Jin. Although the Spiritual Farmer is not as rich or dominant as alchemy or sword cultivation, it is the most stable.

"Since you know, you should also know that the goal of our lineage's cultivation is not to become immortal, but to serve our sect. We are born for the sect, and in death, we become the sect's spirits. We are willing to shed every last drop of blood for the sect."


Suddenly, Lin Jiang had a sense of impending doom. This was the kind of situation he feared the most. People who would sacrifice everything for a noble belief reminded him of the word "saint."

"Protecting the enemy's saint, slaying our own saint... but what should we do if our saint is our master? Urgent help needed!"

Lin Jiang inwardly shouted. He felt that he had been too impulsive in becoming a disciple. Could he take it back?

"You seem unhappy?"

"No, I was just overwhelmed by my master's words. It gave me a sudden realization. I now understand that cultivation is not just for the purpose of becoming immortal."

"Of course, becoming immortal is a vague prospect. There has never been a case of ascension in Yun State, and it has been thousands of years since anyone in the cultivation world has heard of anyone ascending. Are we practitioners truly living only for that elusive ascension, disregarding the present moment?"

"Master said that the difficult situation he mentioned is because of this, right?"

"That's right, everyone in the Five Elements Sect's leadership is selfishly pursuing becoming a immortal. To achieve this goal, they continuously plunder resources, even disregarding the future of the sect. Because of these things, I argue with many elders every year."


Lin Jiang exclaimed again. You had an argument with Nascent Soul cultivators, and they didn't draw their sword to attack you?

"Are you wondering why those people didn't deal with me, or even kill me?"

"Ahem, disciple wouldn't dare."

There's nothing to be afraid of. Do you think they haven't considered it? They are all smart people and know that there are only a few who actually contribute to the sect. If they kill me, who will provide them with resources?

You know about the Medicine Conference, right? It's an event that I advocated and organized from start to finish. From the initiation, development, to expansion, inviting various sects, and the decision to offer a large amount of spiritual medicine and elixirs to attract independent cultivators. If I hadn't done all these things, how could they have such great benefits?

"So now the elders both love and hate Master?"

"Almost the same, they need me to collect money for them, but they also want me to stay out of their money collection. It's very contradictory."

"Why does the master have to do these difficult and thankless tasks?"

Lin Jiang couldn't understand. Since the higher-ups don't care about the sect anymore, why do you care so much? Just relax, give up, and let everything go to ruin together.

Now that the higher-ups know you care about the sect, they're using that to make you work. Once they've gained benefits, they'll kick you out without hesitation. Isn't that bullying an honest person? If it were Lin Jiang, he would definitely give up.

"Why? Because this is what my master taught me. It's about passing down from one generation to the next."

"Is it my turn now?"

"That's right, otherwise why would I take you as my disciple? You have potential. As soon as you knew about the Medicine Conference, you immediately started planning. You earned spirit stones during the Medicine Conference that other outer disciples couldn't earn in their entire lives. That's why I hope you use this talent for the benefit of the sect."

"I work while others enjoy the benefits. Master, disciple can't do it."

Lin Jiang revealed his position. He's not that kind of honest person. He wants to be the one who enjoys the benefits while others work.

"If everyone wants to eat meat instead of working, where will the meat come from?"

"Find someone who is willing to work."

"But what if there isn't any?"

"I don't know."

Lin Jiang said, but what he meant was, if no one is working, why should I? Why should I be the one to do it? Am I so easy to bully?

"Actually, you can also think this way. Different people in the sect have different roles to play. The elders are not useless, at least they protect the sect. Without their martial strength, all our efforts would be in vain, right?"

"Yes, but disciple wants to say, I can also protect others. I can become strong."

Lin Jiang became impatient. He finally understood that Zhang Wanjing was brainwashing him, trying to make Lin Jiang become like him, belittling himself and becoming a sacrificial cow for the sect.

"Xiao Yi, people are different from each other. You have Five Spiritual Roots, which means your growth is slow. You don't belong in that role."

"Master, are you saying that I have no choice?"

"Hmm, meeting me, consider yourself unlucky."

Zhang Wanjing also came clean. He realized that this little disciple couldn't be easily fooled. If he reveals his true abilities, it will be unlucky for anyone who encounters him. There's no point in struggling.

"When faced with danger, cut down your own ally, just as the brothers taught me."

Lin Jiang looked at Zhang Wanjing and said, the gaze of a swordsman cannot be hidden.

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