Five Elements Sect

On the tenth day of his cultivation at Shanxue School, Lin Jiang once again guided his breath into his body. Of course, he did so with deliberate control. Otherwise, with his mid-stage Foundation Building cultivation, he could have done it in just one night.

Now Lin Jiang's speed is not much different from others. Yue Qing, who is in the same courtyard, took seven days. Qiwen took nine days, and Peng An, like Lin Jiang, took eleven days.

However, this is enough for Yue Qing and the others to look up to Lin Jiang because in their eyes, Lin Jiang started from scratch. Peng An also has a cultivator in his family. According to the statistics from the Five Elements Sect, it takes an average of two weeks for someone with Five Spiritual Roots to cultivate their energy.

Once they have achieved a certain level of cultivation, the outer disciples can receive a salary. They receive one spirit stone per month, along with a bottle of Qi Gathering Pills containing five pills. Lin Jiang checked them and found that the quality of the Qi Gathering Pills was very poor and they were full of impurities. Lin Jiang didn't eat them at all. He believed that it was better to continue his hard cultivation instead of taking such pills.

(Translated by Gravity Tales 馃槥)

But Yue Qing and the others were happy with their meals. Although they have support from their families, they cannot bring it here because Shanxue School doesn't allow it. They believe that if they receive support too early, it would not be beneficial for the disciples to build a solid foundation.

Shanxue School is the most comfortable time for new disciples. During this phase, new disciples don't have to do anything except learn and cultivate. However, once they reach the mid-term of Qi Refining or after three years, they will automatically leave Shanxue School and have to take on responsibilities. They will be given specific tasks every year, or else they will lose all rewards from the school.

"This time, Xiao Yi deserves the reward. Xiao Yi also has Five Spiritual Roots and had no previous cultivation foundation. However, he has been much more diligent than all of you. In less than two months, he successfully learned the Fireball Spell and his cultivation is progressing rapidly. He has already completed half of the first stage of Qi Refining..."

Two months later, Lin Jiang was praised publicly by the masters of Shanxue School. Among the many new disciples, Lin Jiang showed the most improvement, leaving a good impression on the masters.

During this period of time, Lin Jiang indeed worked very hard. It was a night-and-day difference compared to his time at the Spiritual Peach Mountain Villa. This is also why Lin Jiang doesn't really want to stay in Shanxue School. It's full of young kids, and he, an old monster of over two hundred years, doesn't fit in here.

The rule at Shanxue School is that rewards are given without punishment. Every three months, the person who makes the most progress will receive a bottle of Qi Gathering Pills and three spirit stones. For those who don't make progress, the school won't bother with them. They will be kicked out once three years have passed.

There are rules in the sect when you turn sixty. If you haven't built a foundation by then, the sect will abandon you. Most people will leave, but a few are allowed to stay.

Lin Jiang accepted the praise from the teacher nervously. Yue Qing and the others secretly made up their minds to surpass Lin Jiang next time and receive praise from the teacher.

Shanxue School is also very good at exams.

After class, Lin Jiang would actively seek out the teacher to ask questions. The teacher patiently answers. The disciples of Shanxue School are not qualified to go to the Library Pavilion to read books. Everything relies on the teacher's answers.

Lin Jiang's questions are deeper than what he learns in class, and the teacher teaches him many things that Shanxue School doesn't teach, under Lin Jiang's guidance.


"Five Elements Sitting Zen Classic is a cultivation technique that combines elements from the Five Spirit Manual and Sitting Zen Classic. It is not of high quality, but it is especially suitable for beginners with poor talent. The key is that Five Elements Sitting Zen Classic can perfectly integrate with the three great mountain-sealing techniques of Five Elements Sect."

Inside Five Elements Sect, Lin Jiang summarizes the content of Shanxue School. Now it is his third year of initiation, and he is already two hundred and twenty-one years old. If he were an ordinary person who hadn't built a foundation, he would have reached the limit long ago, but Lin Jiang still looks like he's seventeen.

Inside the Five Elements Sect, as long as he advances according to the normal cultivator's schedule, there is no problem. He will build his foundation before 60 years old and form his core before 200 years old.

Of course, it's not so easy to reach the level of Pill Formation. But before that, he can find a suitable cultivation technique for himself and then run away.

The only thing Lin Jiang is worried about is the Soul Lamp. Outer disciples don't need a Soul Lamp but once they reach the Foundation Building stage, they automatically advance to inner disciple and have to leave behind a Soul Lamp in the sect. Before that, Lin Jiang needs to take care of this matter.

"The Five Spirit Manual should be the most suitable cultivation technique for me. It is balanced and peaceful, although it advances slowly and requires the most spiritual energy, it is the most suitable for me."

Lin Jiang thought to himself, the three major foundational cultivation techniques of the Five Elements Sect are suitable for those with Five Spiritual Roots, but not for every individual with Five Spiritual Roots. For example, the Unity Secret emphasizes everything returning to one, to practice this technique, one must identify a main Spiritual Root within their body and then transform the spiritual energy of other Spiritual Roots into the spiritual energy of the main Spiritual Root. It's complicated and dangerous, but it is faster than practicing the Five Spirit Manual. It can also compare to those with only two or three Spiritual Roots.

The Hunyuan Treasure Book requires all five types of Spiritual Roots to be balanced, and the cultivation environment must have all five elements present. Then, the five types of Spiritual Roots can be fused into the primordial energy.

This cultivation technique is the most powerful in terms of strength, but it also has the highest requirements and is equally dangerous. It requires a powerful awareness to merge the primordial energy. If one's awareness can't keep up, it's easy to be harmed by the primordial energy.

Only the Five Spirit Manual is the safest. Although the cultivation speed is slower, it doesn't matter to Lin Jiang. He has plenty of time, so he can take it slow.


"Reporting to Martial Uncle, disciple Xiao Yi here to request leave."

After graduating from Shanxue School, the disciples have the opportunity to take a leave. The sect not only gives them a leave of up to one month, but also provides benefits such as those swords that are not of high grade in the cultivation world but are considered powerful weapons in the mortal world. There are also some herbal medicines that can improve health. In the cultivation world, they are considered basic medicines, but to ordinary people, they are still miraculous elixirs.

Lin Jiang didn't forget to take advantage of the situation. He took everything he could and then left the gate of the Five Elements Sect. He traveled for a whole day and then released the Small Shadiao. They flew all the way to Huangmu Village to pick up the Big Shadiao.

In the blink of an eye, after a long journey, Big Shadiao came out early to welcome them, calling out "Brother, Brother" non-stop.

Big Shadiao and Small Shadiao had reached the third stage for almost twenty years, but their intelligence grew very slowly. Lin Jiang wanted to give them some Benefit Spirit Pills to eat, but the price discouraged him.

However, Lin Jiang made a Master-Servant Contract with Big Shadiao and Small Shadiao. Through secret techniques, Big Shadiao could share some of its memories with Lin Jiang. Through this secret technique, Lin Jiang learned about what had happened in Huangmu Village during his absence.

Overall, Huangmu Village was developing well. The population had increased significantly. With the addition of newborns, the population had reached more than two hundred. It had been over ten years, and the original children had grown up. The issue of labor shortage in Huangmu Village had been effectively improved.

Huang Liang had tried to escape several times, but was scared back by Big Shadiao. Big Shadiao also taught him a profound lesson by breaking his leg. It took a year for Huang Liang to recover from his injury. Over these years, Huang Liang lived in constant fear and more than half of his hair had turned white.

Lin Jiang retrieved his former storage bag and took out two third-stage Demon Cores, giving one to Big Shadiao and one to Small Shadiao. They had gone through a lot with Lin Jiang over the past decade, so this was a small compensation.

After putting away Big Shadiao and Small Shadiao, Lin Jiang arrived in Huangmu Village. Huang Liang, Xiao Yuan, and others quickly became alarmed. Lin Jiang wasn't even hiding this time; he appeared openly and honestly.

"Lin Kai, you've come back!"

"Lin Kai, I heard you went to practice magic, have you become a wizard?"

"Lin Kai, can you fly?"

"Lin Kai路路路路"

Many villagers had countless questions for Lin Jiang. They chattered nonstop, but Lin Jiang responded with the kindest smile.

"Uncle Xiao, I'm back. Let's gather the villagers for dinner tonight. I'll treat them and we can talk slowly."

Lin Jiang said, then he took out a piece of monster meat from his bag. It was minced and mixed with regular meat, not because Lin Jiang was stingy, but because their bodies couldn't handle too much. Eating too much would cause them to explode.

"Alright, alright, I'll go get people."

Xiao Yuan's face lit up with surprise. He quickly went to gather everyone, while Lin Jiang told Fang Yuan to disperse the crowd and went back to his busy work.

After finishing everything, Lin Jiang turned around and looked at the neglected Huang Liang. He also had to consider his own affairs. This cause and effect should come to an end.

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