"Huangmu Village warmly welcomes the immortal"

In the fourth year since Huangmu Village was founded, Xiao Yuan invited an immortal from Qingshan Town, which was over 300 miles away. The entire Huangmu Village welcomed the immortal at the village entrance.

"Please don't stand on ceremony"

Huang Liang glanced at everyone in Huangmu Village and felt a bit helpless. He didn't think much of this weak village.

Most of the nearby villages and towns have cultivators overseeing them. Unless he defeated one of those cultivators, he wouldn't have any place here.

However, he only had a cultivation level of the fifth layer of Qi Refining. He didn't have many magical tools with him. Who could he possibly defeat? He could barely handle Huangmu Village.

"Please come into the village, immortal"

Xiao Yuan nodded and bowed deeply to Huang Liang, showing extreme flattery. Two years ago, he had planned to invite an immortal to stay, but when those immortals heard that Huangmu Village only had around a hundred people, mostly women and children, they all refused. Only this immortal didn't mind them, so they naturally wanted to curry favor with him.

Huang Liang followed Xiao Yuan into the village and felt even more disappointed when he saw the scenery. This Huangmu Village didn't have any special features at all. He started to doubt whether Huangmu Village would give him the promised rewards.

In the best location of the village, there was a magnificent house with a spacious courtyard. This was given to Huang Liang. He was somewhat satisfied with this as he could tell that Huangmu Village had put some effort into it.

Huang Liang settled in Huangmu Village like this, and within a few days, he asked Xiao Yuan for a woman, as they had agreed before. Xiao Yuan introduced some unmarried women from the village to Huang Liang, hoping to get lucky. This made Huang Liang furious and he started shouting and cursing.

Huang Liang felt that these crude village women were only suitable for doing laundry, cooking, and cleaning toilets. They were not qualified to bear children. Huang Liang had given up a promising path of cultivation to come to Huangmu Village, and his biggest goal was to have descendants.

Xiao Yuan had no choice but to take the money and go to Qingshan Town to find a woman for Huang Liang. It was actually quite easy. Even though Huang Liang looked to be in his fifties or sixties, he was still a cultivator. Following a cultivator meant never worrying about food and drink, and having a high status. This was already the highest requirement for many mortal women. Without much effort, Huang Liang married three wives.

After getting wives, Huang Liang wanted servants. Xiao Yuan arranged five villagers to serve their family's daily life.

From then on, there was no need to mention luxurious clothing or meat dishes for every meal. Xiao Yuan tried his best to satisfy Huang Liang's desires. The villagers of Huangmu Village also considered this to be normal because they had lived like this before. They even took pride in being servants to immortal families.

Three months later, Huang Liang discovered a weak spiritual vein about ten miles west of Huangmu Village. With this, he opened up thirty acres of spiritual land. Twenty-five acres were used to cultivate spiritual paddy, while five acres were used to grow low-level spiritual herbs.

Managing the spiritual herbs required higher qualifications, so Huang Liang took care of it personally. However, the villagers were responsible for the spiritual paddy. Spiritual paddy was more precious than regular food crops, and required much more labor. One-tenth of the labor force in Huangmu Village was immediately allocated to Huang Liang. This made the already scarce labor force in Huangmu Village unable to meet demands, and Xiao Yuan became worried to the point of getting white hair.


"Lin Kai, stop!"

In the eighth year of Huangmu Village, Lin Jiang returned from outside the village carrying small and large prey when he was stopped by a voice.

"Madam, what's the matter?"

Lin Jiang stopped and said to the person, who was Mrs. Xu, Huang Liang's legal wife. She was a beautiful daughter from a humble family in Qingshan Town. Her father refused to marry her off until he found a wealthy family for her. He finally found Xiao Yuan when he heard that an immortal wanted a wife.

"Give me the rabbit in your hand. My son wants to eat roasted rabbit."

"Madam, I have already given this month's offering. I cannot give you this rabbit."

"Lin Kai, do you want to die? It's the immortal's son who wants to eat."

Mrs. Xu became furious when she heard Lin Jiang's refusal and immediately mentioned the immortal.

"Lin Kai, give it to her, it's just a wild rabbit."

"Yes, Lin Kai, don't offend the fairy."

"Lin Kai, listen to your aunt..."

The villagers around saw Mrs. Xu getting angry and immediately tried to persuade Lin Kai. "It's just a rabbit, don't offend the fairy."

"This rabbit is for Third Aunt. Her daughter just had a baby last month."

Lin Jiang shook his head. This wild rabbit was promised to Third Aunt. Xiao Yuan brought some poor people from out of town, and someone married Third Aunt's daughter. And in fact, Third Aunt had been good to him.

"You, Lin Kai, just you wait. When my fairy husband comes back, I'll kick you out for sure."

Mrs. Xu, after hearing Lin Jiang's words, became even angrier. If it weren't for seeing the muscles on Lin Jiang's body, she would have physically attacked him.

"It's true that we invited Huang the fairy, but Huangmu Village was built by us with our own hands and feet. Who to drive away, that's not for him to decide."

Lin Jiang got angry too. Huang Liang was actually okay in these years, not a good person but not a bad person either. But his wife and mistress were not good people. They took advantage of Huang Liang's support and bullied the people in the village, often resorting to violence. They only treated Xiao Yuan a little more politely.

What made Lin Jiang unable to bear it the most was that Mrs. Xu and her group treated Huangmu Village as their own property. They believed that all the village's belongings belonged to their family.

Of course, this is also true in other villages and towns. Every guardian immortal in other places is not the founder, they are all failures on the path of cultivating immortality, with no hope of advancing. That's why they have fallen to live among ordinary people.

But there is a huge gap between cultivators and ordinary people. Once they have descendants, in just a few years, they can take over most of the village's belongings. It was the same for Lin Jiang when he bought the Ascension Order from the Qi family. And now Huang Liang is almost the same. It's just that his children have not grown up yet. In another ten or twenty years, Huangmu Village will truly belong to the Huang family.

(Translated by Gravity Tales 😚)

But this still makes Lin Jiang unable to bear it. Huangmu Village seems worthless to him. Ten spirit stones could buy everything in the village. Even though it may not have much value, his blood and sweat are in everything in this village.

Every wooden house, courtyard, farmland in the valley, and road in the village, he has participated in their creation. He has emotional attachments to all of them.

"Lin, you...Well, you dare to scheme against the immortal, I tell you, you're finished, you're done..."

Mrs. Xu pointed at Lin Jiang and yelled. Lin Jiang rolled his eyes at this foolish woman. She doesn't even know how to curse properly. If it weren't for Huang Liang backing her up, any woman in the village could easily make her blood boil with curses.

Lin Jiang ignored her and went to Third Aunt's house with his prey. When Third Aunt saw Lin Jiang coming, she smiled.

"Lin Kai, come here. I made you new clothes, take a look."

"There is no doubt about Third Aunt's skills. First process the prey, it's hot outside, don't ruin them."

Lin Jiang said, he put away everything from the cultivator. The things that have been mended in the house over the past few years were all done by Third Aunt. At first, she wanted to impress Lin Jiang and make him marry her daughter. But later on, she realized that Lin Jiang had no intention of doing so and had already gotten used to it.

"Alright, there is so much game today. Two rabbits and three wild chickens. That's enough to eat for several days."

"Take good care of yourself, rest for a few more days during confinement, so you won't suffer when you get old."

"Lin Kai, you really know how to care for others. Unlike... well, never mind. I'll go take care of it."

Third Aunt said, her daughter is looking for a son-in-law, a son-in-law who comes to their door. How many good men can become son-in-laws? She just finds her daughter's husband too dull and honest.

Lin Jiang doesn't talk much. He thinks Third Aunt's son-in-law is already good enough. It's sufficient to have someone who is honest and reliable. Why does he need anything more, like a bicycle? Who would bother becoming a son-in-law?

In the evening, people who went out to work started to return. Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan heard about the conflict between Lin Jiang and Mrs. Xu. They came to advise Lin Jiang, asking him to apologize to Mrs. Xu. If he does that, the matter will be over. After all, Lin Jiang is an influential figure in the village.

"No need to apologize, I'm not in the mood for it."

"Lin Kai, please don't act stubborn. That's the wife of a magical being."

"Uncle Xiao, Fang Yuan, I have a question for you."

"Go ahead, ask."

"Have you ever thought about your sons and grandsons becoming servants to Huang Liang's sons and grandsons in the future?"


The Huang family has taken over our village. If you're still alive, show some respect to Huang Liang. In another ten or twenty years, when you're gone, will anyone in the village dare to oppose them?

We went through hardships and escaped from far away just to survive. Is that all we're living for? When we asked other villages for help, why didn't we agree to become servants?

As human beings, we need to live, that's true. But we also need to live with dignity. We need to ensure that our future generations have dignity too. We are the masters of Huangmu Village, and Huang Liang was invited by us. We cannot let him become the master over us.

Lin Jiang said to them, other villages may not be able to change this outcome, but Huangmu Village absolutely cannot change it either, he won't allow it.


Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan were shocked, they had considered this before, but they were just ordinary people, how could they fight against immortals? The children of immortals might even become immortals themselves, but their own children were only ordinary people.

"Good kid, I didn't expect that out of your 100-pound body, 90 pounds would be rebellious. It seems like Huangmu Village is keeping you for a reason."

Just when Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan couldn't argue back, a voice exploded at the door. Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan turned around and their faces immediately changed. Huang Liang had actually heard their conversation.

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