Medicine City

When they arrived here, Zhang Ye was still talking about the kindness of Lin Jiang's wife, thinking that Lin Jiang had given too much. In the cultivation world, it's survival of the fittest. Not wiping out the Qi family is already a favor for them. Giving them so many resources, what if the Qi family prospers in the future? It would be a disaster. Don't you understand what it means to eliminate the root of the problem?

Lin Jiang was speechless about this. He also felt conflicted. Seeing that Master Qi had white hair, Lin Jiang really couldn't bring himself to do it.

"Wow, even the farmers are so ruthless."

Finally getting rid of Zhang Ye, Lin Jiang sighed. The Five Elements Sect is indeed a big player, but he didn't expect that even finding a random person would be a tough challenge.

Zhang Ye helped Lin Jiang with something, so Lin Jiang naturally had to fulfill his promise. He handed over the indenture of Fairy Xiaoyuan and her maidservant to Zhang Ye, and also helped them create a cozy nest by decorating the house a little bit.

At first, Lin Jiang thought that Zhang Ye was just playing around with Fairy Xiaoyuan. After all, it was just a casual fling, maybe just a stronger sense of novelty. But he didn't expect that after more than six months, the two of them would unexpectedly develop into true love.

In the story, Zhang Ye wants to marry Fairy Xiaoyuan. He asks Lin Jiang to be the witness, but he doesn't want to make a big fuss about it. He's even afraid to let his fellow martial arts brothers know. Lin Jiang is speechless when he finds out.

"Biao, Zi Wu Qing, Xi Zi Wu Yi, Zhang Ye Yao Fei Le."

"Biao, the heartless, heartless fool, Zhang Ye wanted to abolish."

"Biao, the heartless one, the ungrateful fool, Zhang Ye wanted to get rid of."

Lin Jiang thought to himself, he didn't know what Fairy Xiaoyuan was like, but he didn't trust people who played with true love in such places. Especially since Zhang Ye had a strong wife at home, this kind of thing couldn't stay a secret for long.

"Zhang Ye's wife at home is quite influential. He needs to find a chance to escape quickly so as not to harm himself. Even though it seems like I am also involved, it's not really innocent."

Lin Jiang, the instigator, plans to escape. If this matter is exposed, he will also suffer consequences. He still wants to slowly blend in with the Five Elements Sect.

Lin Jiang helped Zhang Ye with his wedding preparations. He found a tailor to make new clothes and arranged a table of food. However, there were no guests, only four people including Fairy Xiaoyuan's maid.

"Congratulations, Brother Zhang, for becoming a groom again!"

"Thank you very much, Brother Lin. Zhang Ye will never forget your great kindness."

"Actually, I pity you. You only get to be a groom for one night and lose the chance to be a groom every night."

"Oh, Brother Lin, you don't know. Zhang is actually a loyal and faithful person. Having one wife is enough."

"Brother Zhang's loyalty really leaves me in awe."

Lin Jiang rolled his eyes in annoyance You've also been to the Sweet Red Building, and you seemed to enjoy it. Ha, only someone with a thick skin can act so cool.

"Brother Lin's wife takes care of things at home, so Brother Lin doesn't need to go to Sweet Red Building often in the future."

"That's right, I am also a pure-hearted person."

"Very good, very good."

"Brother Zhang, I have a question that I need to consult you about."

"You tell me, Brother Lin's matters are also my matters."

"Here's the situation, my husband, you see, he has short-sightedness even though his hair is long. He thinks I am not capable of obtaining the Ascension Order, so he took the liberty to have our eldest son practice cultivation. Recently, I received a message saying that my son has already reached the Qi Refining stage. Will this have any impact on joining the Five Elements Sect as a disciple?"

"Why is sister-in-law so confused?"

"Will it have a big impact?"

"Yes, joining a major sect places a high emphasis on having a clean background. If you already have cultivation, the sect will suspect your involvement with other forces. Unless you and your family have been disciples of the Five Elements Sect for multiple generations and have a deep understanding, otherwise, even if you have the Ascension Order, you can only join the outer sect. You will be marked by the higher-ups and won't be able to become a core disciple. You won't be able to enjoy any benefits."

Zhang Ye said. There are hierarchy divisions within the sect. If you're not a core disciple, you won't have the qualifications to learn advanced techniques. Your achievements in this lifetime will also be limited.

"Is there a way to remedy it?"

(Translated by Gravity Tales 馃槃)

"Yes, there is."

"Please, Brother Zhang, tell me."

"Abandon cultivation."

"Give up cultivation?"

"Yes, abandon cultivation. How long has your son been practicing?"

"Less than half a year."

"That's good then. After abandoning cultivation, you can set up a special formation for him to live in for a few months. During this time, he must not come into contact with any spiritual energy, including food. This will help eliminate any traces of spiritual energy from his body."

"Can it be done like this?"

"Yes, someone has done it before."

Zhang Ye said. The Five Elements Sect once discovered spies from other powers, and they did it this way.

"If someone has done it before, can one who has been practicing for many years also do it? For example, someone like you and me who are at the Building Foundation Period."

"Of course it's possible, but it would require a longer time of isolating spiritual energy. For people at the Building Foundation Period like you and me, it could take at least three to five years, and the cost would be very high."

Zhang Ye said. Usually people at the Building Foundation Period wouldn't do this. With a lifespan of only two hundred years, wasting twenty years to abolish cultivation and isolate spiritual energy would be a huge price to pay.

"I see now, thank you for teaching me."

"Brother Lin wants your wife to abolish your son's cultivation as soon as possible. Don't cultivate anymore, and also teach him to forget the current techniques. When you go to the Five Elements Sect, don't expose this matter to avoid unnecessary trouble."

"Thank you, Brother Lin. I will write a letter back tomorrow."

"Brother Lin should bring his wife over to reunite early. Sweet Red Building is not a good place, so we should go there less."

"Brother Zhang taught me."

Lin Jiang replied, once again despising Zhang Ye in his heart. He thought, "Someone who wants to smash the pot after having a full meal is really not a decent person."


"Master of the House"

"Met the Master of the House"

In Lin Jiang's shop, two assistants greeted Lin Jiang.

"I have some personal matters to attend to and will be going out for an indefinite period. The shop's lease still has over half a year left. If I don't come back in time, the landlord will take it back. You can sell the spiritual talismans in the shop. When I come back, if it's too late, let him take them back."

Lin Jiang said to the two of them, who had been diligent and had followed him for several years. Lin Jiang decided to leave them with something. The spiritual talismans in the shop were still worth some money, so if he didn't come back, they could split the earnings.

"Where is the host going?"

"Let's go home."

"The host must come back soon, the store can't operate without the host."

The assistant said that they had been living well with Lin Jiang these past few years. Their wages were never delayed, the workload was not heavy, and the host's attitude was gentle. It's difficult to find this kind of host in Medicine City.

"I will come back."

Lin Jiang gave them a kind lie, even if he came back, it wouldn't be Lin Hua, but someone else.

After quickly dealing with things, Lin Jiang left. He didn't inform the other friends and left Medicine City without knowing where to go.

If it was a market or something similar, he had places to go. If not, returning to Yunzhong City was also an option. However, if he wanted to find a place without spiritual energy, Lin Jiang currently had no direction.

"There is a group of refugees."

After meandering around for a couple of months, Lin Jiang discovered a group of ordinary people fleeing. Lin Jiang floated in the sky and observed that there were about a hundred people in the group, young and old, carrying their belongings. They were surrounded by fierce animals and occasionally, one of them would be dragged away.

Among these people were ordinary warriors who had learned spear fighting skills. However, there were only five or six of them, and they were unable to withstand the attacks from the fierce animals. They kept getting caught.

"Hey, Big Shadiao, your food supply is here. Go get it," someone said.

Lin Jiang decided to help them. He released Big Shadiao. The reason for helping them was that Lin Jiang saw that even in such a dangerous situation, the strong men among these people didn't abandon the elderly, weak, and young. This kind of spirit deserved his assistance.

Big Shadiao unleashed a few wind blades, killing all the fierce animals. However, Big Shadiao didn't bother to collect the bodies. These creatures were not even worthy enough to be eaten by it.

Lin Jiang felt a little embarrassed. Big Shadiao had gained quite a reputation now, and it no longer ate anything other than monsters. It had been spoiled.


"Uncle Xiao, Uncle Xiao, there's a person up ahead," Fang Yuan ran back from afar and said to Xiao Yuan.

"Who is it? Can you see clearly?"

"I don't know, lying on the ground, seems to be dead."

"Xiao Fang, remember to look carefully next time. Come on, take me to have a look."

Xiao Yuan said, now he is in charge of the whole village. There are so many wild animals around, he usually doesn't leave the big group. He's afraid that if he leaves, those wild animals will come back.

Xiao Yuan and Fang Yuan walked forward for hundreds of meters and saw a person lying on the ground. Xiao Yuan approached to check and found that the person was still alive.

"Friend, friend, wake up."

"Water, water..."

As Xiao Yuan patted him, Lin Jiang slowly opened his eyes and cried for water. He remembered seeing it in a TV show, so it should be right.

"Drink quickly."

"Drink slowly, don't choke."

Fang Yuan took off his waist gourd and handed it to Lin Jiang. Lin Jiang grabbed the gourd and chugged it down.

"Phew, thank you, two kind sirs."

"How should I address you, young fellow? Where are you from?"

"I'm called Lin Kai, from the Lin family in Xiaota Village."

"Where is Xiaota Village?"

"Just over there, very far, very far."

Lin Jiang casually pointed in a direction, not caring if there were other people with the same surname as the Lin family. After all, there were quite a few people with the surname Lin.

"Young fellow, where are your family members? Why are you here?"

"Monsters, they're dead. Fire-breathing monsters, wooo..."

Lin Jiang's acting skills exploded, and he became excited. He started speaking incoherently, showing various expressions like fear, panic, and anger.

"Monsters, your village was also harmed by monsters. Where is the fairy in your village?"

"What fairy?"

"Does your village not have a fairy stationed there?"

Xiao Yuan found it strange. Aren't there fairies in every village? Without a fairy stationed there, how can any village survive for more than a year without being eaten by monsters? Unless it's near certain big cities.

"Fairy Chief, you said it's the Fairy Chief. They're dead, burned to death by monsters."

"Uncle Xiao, so pitiful, just like our village."

"Ah, a fellow unfortunate soul, little brother. Are you willing to come with me?"

"Where to go?"

"I don't know, let's find a safe place."

Xiao Yuan shook his head. They needed to find a place near where humans gather, preferably with a fairy present. If they refuse, they will have to seek the protection of a fairy.


"Little brother, have you practiced martial arts?"

"No, but I am very strong. I can lift the millstone in the grain field."

Lin Jiang said. Back in the day, I, Old Lin, was a talented young man known for miles around. I could easily lift and carry the stones in the grain field.

"How heavy can the millstones in the grain field be? My Uncle Xiao is a master, no less powerful than a second-level Qi Refining fairy."

"It's okay if you haven't practiced martial arts. Can you walk now?"

Xiao Yuan said. Many strong men in the village have died. It would be good if we could have new people come in to help. They can protect the women and children on the way and also work hard when they settle down. Maybe they can even have more children since there are many widows now.

"Yes, I am hungry."

"I have some food. We can eat while walking, but we cannot stop. There are too many wild animals here."

Xiao Yuan said, as he helped Lin Jiang up and handed him two biscuits. Lin Jiang took a bite and immediately regretted being hungry. The biscuits were really terrible.

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