Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 81: Island Lord of Peach Blossom

Six months later.

At the Treasure Ship Market.

Disguised as a hunchbacked old man, Fang Xi emerged from the Dragon Gate Pavilion with a proud demeanor.

Behind him, Zhong Wangu respectfully bowed to bid farewell.

Over this period, Fang Xi had continuously assumed various appearances to handle materials obtained from Old One-Eye, Great Peng King, and the other seven Monster Kings of Ding Province.

Simultaneously, he made multiple purchases at the Dragon Gate Pavilion under different guises.

He acquired the “Myriad Beasts Body” technique, paper talisman legacies, among others.

After all, once committed to tree cultivation, he would be confined for years, so proper preparations were essential.

The thought of the “Myriad Beasts Body” brought a somber expression to Fang Xi’s face.

This orthodox Immortal Body Tempering technique was not only incredibly challenging but also required terrifying resources.

The method comprised four layers!

Completing just the first layer demanded dozens of spirit stones, resulting in the first level of Body Tempering, equivalent to early Qi Refinement stage power.

For the second layer, over a hundred spirit stones’ worth of medicinal baths and various mythical beasts’ essence blood were needed to temper one’s physique.

The third layer approached nearly a thousand spirit stones, allowing the practitioner to learn ‘Beast Transformation Secret Art’. However, it was both arduous and prone to causing qi deviations.

As for the final fourth layer…

‘The fuck, it actually requires essence blood from specific tier-2 mythical beasts… How am I supposed to obtain that?’

‘With such exorbitant costs, no wonder body cultivators are always broke! The third layer alone demands nearly a thousand spirit stones; I can only imagine how much the fourth layer would require.’

‘Even reaching ‘Qi Circulating Throughout’, with my Primordial True Art, didn’t cost more than two hundred spirit stones worth of medicinal pills!’

Fang Xi felt somewhat disheartened by these thoughts.

Fortunately, his primary intention for acquiring this body tempering technique was to cross-reference it with the Primordial True Art.

Combining the extensive research from the Zongshi Association on ‘True Astral Manifestation’ with the insights gained from mastering four levels of his own Body Tempering technique, Fang Xi began formulating ideas for further breakthroughs in his Primordial True Art.

‘However, I should visit the Dragon Gate Pavilion less… Even though I’ve tried to extend the intervals, it still draws attention…’

After circling through the market several times to ensure he wasn’t being followed, Fang Xi exited the Treasure Ship Market.

Assuming his original appearance, he changed direction and, stepping onto the Qinghe Sword, discreetly flew back to his immortal’s cave.

At the entrance to his cave, a communication talisman hovered near the door, emitting a faint spiritual glow.


Fang Xi’s expression shifted as he reached out and retrieved the talisman. Injecting a thread of magical energy, the voice of Old Daoist Xiu Mu resonated:

“Fellow Daoist Fang…the gathering is about to commence. Please join us at the teahouse tomorrow.”

“It seems…this old Daoist has found another avenue?” Fang Xi pondered thoughtfully.

The next day.

Inside a private room at the teahouse, Fang Xi entered and found several individuals already seated.

He recognized Old Daoist Xiu Mu immediately, along with three other cultivators - two women and one man.

One of the female cultivators had average looks but wore a peach-colored palace dress, adorned with two silver bells wrapped around her left wrist.

The remaining male and female appeared quite close, seemingly cultivation partners.

“Everyone, this is Fellow Daoist Fang Xi!” Old Daoist Xiu Mu cheerfully introduced him to the group, then turned to Fang Xi and said, “This is Fellow Daoist Ruan Xingling, a mid-tier first-rank artificer. And these two are esteemed spouses Wei Yixin and Hua Chanjuan!”

“Greetings to all three!” Fang Xi responded with a warm smile, discreetly observing them as he took his seat.

Ruan Xingling possessed a cultivation base in the seventh layer of Qi Refining, reaching Late Stage Qi Refinement. As an artificer, her status was notably higher than the others, placing her naturally in the main seat.

Though her facial features were ordinary, she had fair, luminous skin, exuding a gentle demeanor reminiscent of refined elegance.

In reality, as a cultivator advances in their cultivation base, each breakthrough purifies their muscles and marrow through cultivation techniques, typically resulting in strikingly handsome men or beautiful women.

Especially significant realm breakthroughs can achieve effects akin to complete cosmetic transformation.

However, some cultivators intentionally defy this trend, even deliberately disfiguring their appearance to emphasize their unwavering focus on the path of cultivation, shunning romantic attachments.

In comparison, Huachanjuan’s bright eyes and charming smile made her outwardly more attractive than Ruan Xingling, but she fell significantly short in terms of poise and elegance.

Both Huachanjuan and her cultivation partner, Wei Yixin, were at the fifth layer of Qi Refinement. Wei Yixin wore black attire, his expression cold and demeanor resolute, exuding a steadfast determination evident upon first glance.

“Ladies and gentlemen…” The old Daoist, Xiu Mu, scanned the group with a beaming smile before speaking, “I won’t keep you in suspense any longer. Today, we’ve gathered here due to the request from Fellow Daoists Fang and Wei, which has finally yielded promising leads… Ruan Daoist, what do you think of these three?”

Ruan Xingling nodded gently, her voice measured, “Naturally, I trust your introductions, Fellow Daoist Xiu Mu. These three Daoist friends being in Mid-Stage Qi Refinement indicate sufficient cultivation bases… However, it seems one person is still missing!”

The old Daoist Xiu Mu’s smile remained unchanged. “How about including myself, Daoist friend? To be honest… these old bones also crave some action!”

“If Fellow Daoist Xiu Mu is also willing to join, I have no objections.” A hint of delight swiftly flashed across Ruan Xingling’s face, as if she had just realized something.

“Cough… Fellow Daoist Xiu Mu, could you clarify what this is about?” Fang Xi, slightly uneasy but with some suspicions, furrowed his brow.

“Ahem, it was my oversight… Fellow Daoist Fang, haven’t you always desired extensive spiritual land for cultivation?” The old Daoist’s voice carried a note of respect. “This is Daoist Ruan, the former island lord of Peach Blossom Island!”

“Peach Blossom Island?”

Fang Xi paused, quickly recalling Wan Island Lake’s geographical records and vaguely remembered it as one of the thirty-six islands. However, he thought the island lord’s surname should be Lu, not Ruan.

“Fellow Daoist Xiu Mu exaggerates; I am merely a stray dog without a home…” A wry smile crossed Ruan Xingling’s face.

After further explanation from Old Daoist Xiu Mu, Fang Xi grasped the situation better.

Ruan Xingling was the daughter of the previous island lord of Peach Blossom Island.

The island housed a first-order spiritual vein, discovered centuries ago by the ancestors of the Ruan family who subsequently claimed it. Through generations, they branched out, forming a small cultivator clan focused on Qi Refinement—the Peach Blossom Ruan Clan!

However, several decades ago, the bloodline of the island’s ruling family had weakened significantly, with no male descendants possessing spiritual roots for generations.

After the death of their Great Elder, who was at Late Stage Qi Refinement, the clan faced further calamities and lost multiple members within the Qi Refinement stage.

Seizing this opportunity, a guest cultivator named Lu colluded with others to rebel, nearly annihilating the entire Ruan family and usurping control over the island openly.

Fortunately, one direct descendant survived - none other than Ruan Xingling herself.

At the time of her family’s misfortune, she happened to be traveling outside the island, only being at the early Qi Refinement realm. Forced to flee tearfully, she left her homeland behind.

It wasn’t until recently, after breaking through to the late stages of cultivation, that thoughts of vengeance arose, prompting her return to Wan Island Lake.

“Once our plan succeeds, Xianzi Ruan has agreed to share control of Peach Blossom Island with us. The Wei couple, weary of conflict, desire to retire and establish a new clan amidst peaceful surroundings. With two peaks and a lake on Peach Blossom Island, we can allocate one peak to the Wei couple, while I humbly accept the second peak. As for Xianzi Ruan, naturally, she will oversee the main vein at Mirror Moon Lake, becoming the true island lord!”

The old Daoist Xiu Mu grinned at Fang Xi and continued, “As for Fellow Daoist Fang… there is ‘Emerald Cliff’ on the island, connected to a secondary branch of a first-tier spiritual vein. Although its spiritual energy quality is not exceptional, it can still support the cultivation of several acres of spirit fields. Xianzi Ruan is willing to lease this area to you rent-free for a hundred years, provided your assistance in this endeavor.”

Upon hearing these words, Fang Xi was momentarily speechless.

‘So fucking what if I’m only at the fourth level of Qi Refinement? Am I just here as filler?’

‘Thinking yourselves superior because your cultivation bases are higher than mine? Care to step up and test me? I’ll even let you have one hand tied behind your backs!’

However, he quickly composed himself and began weighing the pros and cons of the situation carefully.

A simple inquiry would confirm the truth of this matter, so it seemed likely that Ruan Xingling’s status as the daughter of the former island lord was genuine.

Fang Xi felt a sudden sense of relief:

‘Phew, I almost ended up following that Lu guy’s script…’

‘A lesson learned indeed. From now on, when eliminating enemies, I must ensure they’re completely eradicated to avoid future troubles!’

‘But a hundred-year lease on a low-grade spiritual land isn’t bad at all; definitely worth taking action for!’


Fang Xi glanced at Xiu Mu and asked, “Fellow Daoist Xiu Mu, will you also participate?”

“Yes…” The old Daoist chuckled bitterly, “I’ve often heard you speak passionately about this opportunity, Fellow Daoist Fang, and it sparked some thoughts within me too. Becoming an island lord, cultivating fields, and raising fish sounds carefree indeed. It’s certainly preferable to relying on one’s reputation just to make ends meet in the market. Moreover… with my lifespan nearing its end, I must consider the future for my descendants.”

Internally, Fang Xi scorned the old man but then turned to Ruan Xingling, asking, “Fellow Daoist Ruan… when that Lu fellow was wreaking havoc initially, did you not seek redress? Or does the Thirty-Six Islands Alliance not intervene?”

Ruan Xingling replied with a bitter smile, “The Thirty-Six Islands Alliance is loosely structured; members even harbor deep-seated grudges against each other… Conflicts among them are quite common. As long as it wasn’t an attack by the Dragonfish Zhong Clan, no intervention would occur. Back then, our Ruan family had alliances through marriage, but after that Lu individual seized our resources, he swiftly broke through to Late Stage Qi Refinement. He then forcibly married a distant cousin from the Ruan clan, assuming the role of island lord as a son-in-law. Consequently, neither the Feng family of White Feather Island nor the Mo family of Black Sand Island intervened…”

“Truly a twisted and bizarre tale…” Fang Xi sighed inwardly thinking, ‘In small temples, great demons lurk; shallow waters breed numerous turtles…’

“Today, I humbly request your assistance for my vengeance. As a pledge, I shall swear upon Xin Mo to fulfill all previous promises.”

Ruan Xingling stood up, gracefully bowing to each of them.

As she moved, her tinkling bells resonated softly, subtly calming their minds.

“Fear not, fellow Daoists! Eliminating evil and promoting virtue is our duty as cultivators!” Wei Yixin was the first to commit with assurance.

“This old Daoist will undoubtedly lend his support!” The aged Daoist Xiu Mu exuded a menacing aura. “To be honest…I have some connections within the thirty-six islands. If Daoist Ruan pursues rightful revenge against the direct lineage, killing that Lu fellow should face no objections!”

“Um…if you don’t mind me asking, what is the current strength of the Peach Blossom Island bandits?” Fang Xi hesitantly inquired last.

“That ‘Lu Jingqing’ broke through to Eighth Layer Qi Refinement years ago and commands four subordinates at Mid-Stage Qi Refinement…” Ruan Xingling revealed candidly. “When the time comes, please leave Lu Jingqing to me while entrusting his subordinates to your capable hands!”

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