In the southern wilderness’s cultivation realm.

At the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion.

A small clay teapot atop a fire stove emitted gentle wisps of steam.

Ge Hongdan, dressed casually in loose robes with his hair tied up in a knot and secured by a blackwood pin, exuded a relaxed demeanor at home.

He lifted the teapot and poured Fang Xi a cup of tea. “For brewing tea, snowmelt is ideal, followed by mountain spring water, then rainwater… This is last year’s stored snowmelt. The weather was favorable, with the first snowfall occurring at just the right time. Daoist friend, please taste it and tell me how you find it?”

“It doesn’t compare to spirit spring water!” Fang Xi spoke honestly.

Instantly, Ge Hongdan fell silent, a hint of self-doubt creeping onto his face.

After all, for a cultivator who had completely abandoned the cultivation path, acquiring wealth, jewels, or secular power was effortless. However, obtaining anything related to the cultivation world remained virtually impossible…

Yet paradoxically, even a bowl of spirit rice would be considered superior to any gourmet delicacies by most cultivators! A patched-up magical robe held more prestige than a nobleman’s thousand-gold fur coat!

Within the cultivation world, anything unrelated to cultivation stood at the very bottom of the hierarchy of disdain.

“Haha… Nonetheless, this tea is quite good.” Fang Xi laughed to ease the awkwardness and asked, “Daoist Ge, may I inquire about the items I requested?”

“Already prepared, please take a look!” Composing himself, Ge Hongdan unrolled a scroll on the table, revealing a map with mountains and rivers - it was clearly a topographical depiction of the Yue Kingdom!

To ancient people, maps were highly valuable possessions, and even for cultivators, their significance remained largely unchanged.

“Please observe, Daoist friend, Jiahe City is located here!” Ge Hongdan pointed at a tiny spot on the map.

Fang Xi scrutinized closely before finding Jiahe City, noticing that nearby Qingzhu Mountain Market had a more prominent marking.

The entire Qingzhu Mountain Market lay towards the northeast within the territory known as the ‘Yue Kingdom’.

This map was extensive, not only depicting the Yue Kingdom but also its neighboring Wood and Wu Nations… One could see these three kingdoms forming a tripod-like balance, with the Yue Kingdom situated farthest north.

At the borders between the nations, there existed a massive mountain range shaped like the letter ‘Y’, dividing the three kingdoms.

It was called the ‘Myriad Beasts Mountain Range’, rumored to harbor third-order mythical beasts reaching Core Formation stage deep within its reaches.

At every passable mountain entrance, there were cultivators’ markets and fortresses established.

These fortressed markets resembled strings of pearls, with the largest one located at the intersection of all three nations. It was prominently labeled in massive letters as “Bai Ze Immortal City”!

“Is this it? The sanctuary for rogue cultivators - Bai Ze Immortal City?” Fang Xi gazed at the location marked on the map, his words filled with boundless yearning.

In each of the Yue, Wood, and Wu kingdoms, dominant sects exerted control over everything, even monopolizing the supply of Foundation Establishment Pills. Only a few wealthy cultivator clans could afford the immense cost to obtain such pills from these sects.

Rogue cultivators struggled to survive amidst these constraints, often finding themselves squeezed between powerful factions.

However, Bai Ze Immortal City stood apart. Originally just a cultivators’ market, its strategic position beyond direct jurisdiction of any kingdom allowed it to rapidly become a hub for rogue cultivators. Leveraging the abundant resources from the nearby Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, it continually grew until True Person Bai Feng achieved Core Formation, ultimately establishing an entire cultivation city!

Nowadays, it is considered the only place within the three kingdoms where rogue cultivators have a chance to acquire a Foundation Establishment Pill, revered as their sacred haven.

“Yes… if only I were thirty years younger, perhaps even I would have ventured to Bai Ze Immortal City, seeking my own fortune,” Ge Hongdan sighed wistfully.

Fang Xi’s gaze shifted away from Bai Ze Immortal City; it was a place teeming with diverse characters, far from ideal for cultivating the Longevity Technique.

His cultivation principle was clear: avoid competition, quietly nurture growth like planting seeds, and never seek out perilous lands of fierce contention.

Instead, Fang Xi looked further northward, beyond the Yue Kingdom.

At the northern border of Yue lay a vast body of water known as ‘Wan Island Lake.’ This immense lake stretched endlessly, merging with the ‘Vast Dream Marsh’ farther north.

The marsh was perpetually shrouded in dense fog, impenetrable even by Foundation Stage cultivators’ divine senses. Its expanse is boundless, and according to legends, even Core Formation patriarchs who venture within often disappear without a trace.

It is said that crossing the Vast Dream Marsh leads one to territories far to the north, home to a more powerful and prosperous cultivation realm than the southern wilderness.

Within Wan Island Lake, countless islands are scattered like stars across the sky, some possessing spiritual veins occupied by small sects and minor clans.

The ancestral lands of Yue Kingdom’s ‘Zhong Family of Dragonfish’, one of the seven major cultivator clans, were located nearby.

Ah, the so-called seven great cultivator clans of Yue Kingdom consisted of Foundation Establishment families led by the Song Clan. Each generation produced Foundation Stage cultivators, standing alongside Red Leaf Valley and other Foundation Establishment sects as the thirteen dominant forces in Yue Kingdom, all under the authority of the Profound Sky Sect.

However, with the destruction of the Heavenly Talisman Shen Clan, Blackwater Situ Clan, and Red Leaf Valley, only five of the original seven cultivator clans remained intact.

It was rumored that the Song Clan had recently elevated another cultivator family, the Tu Family, assisting their patriarch to reach Foundation Establishment. This move suggested their intention to replace one of the diminished clans with the Tu Family.

“In the Yue Kingdom, the Core Formation patriarch-led Profound Sky Sect reigns supreme like the heavens themselves! Only those possessing Foundation Stage cultivators can claim power as influential clans. As for countless Qi Refinement families, smaller sects, and even the lowest-tier rogue cultivators, they struggle tirelessly…”

Fang Xi sighed inwardly, his gaze fixed on Wan Island Lake.

Within this vast lake, islands rich in spiritual energy were scarce, numbering only a few dozen. Some of these were occupied by small Qi Refinement sects, Qi Refinement families, or individual rogue cultivators. Among them, there existed an alliance known as ‘Thirty-Six Islands’ that stood against the Zhong Family of Dragonfish.

Currently, the Qingzhu Mountain Market was chaotic, having transformed into a black market with significant safety concerns. Naturally, Fang Xi had no intention of venturing there.

To cultivate the ‘Longevity Technique’, it would be ideal to find a location with spiritual veins.

Fang Xi’s gaze turned towards the Wan Island Lake region.

This area predominantly consisted of Qi Refinement cultivators, with stable factions that remained at a standoff. No major conflicts had occurred in recent decades, making it relatively peaceful.

With numerous islands scattered across the lake, the spiritual veins were fragmented; most were first-tier or even lower quality, and resources were not particularly abundant.

Overall, this region did not attract attention from large influential forces but was perfect for cautious growth and development.

“Wan Island Lake is vast; perhaps I can discover new spiritual veins… Even if they’re only first-tier or lesser, they’ll suffice…”

“Once I set up protective formations, I can cultivate the Longevity Technique while simultaneously advancing my cultivation through meditation…”

“After refining my spiritual body, I’ll then head to Bai Ze Immortal City to plan for reaching Foundation Establishment!”

Fang Xi’s minimum goal was to successfully cultivate the ‘Azure Wood Spirit Body’!

Without it, given his low-grade spirit root aptitude, achieving Foundation Establishment would be highly uncertain.

Even though he could continuously acquire vast quantities of spirit stones through inter-realm trade and wouldn’t hesitate to consume medicinal pills despite potential toxicity for cultivation, both trading and purchasing large numbers of pills risked attracting attention from Foundation Stage cultivators!

Once he achieved the spiritual body, his reliance on medicinal pills would significantly decrease.

“Firstly, I must focus on growing the tree; it’s like sharpening the axe before chopping wood.”

“The Demon Tree grows quite rapidly… if it doesn’t meet expectations, at least I can cut my losses early.”

“I’ll set a limit of twenty years! I’m only twenty now, so by then, I’ll just be forty! If cultivating the Longevity Technique proves too challenging, there’s still time to reconsider.”

Fang Xi secretly imposed this deadline upon himself.

“Nevertheless, certain purchases are necessary…”

His gaze scanned the area around Wan Island Lake, noticing the marker for the ‘Treasure Ship Market’, which brought him even greater satisfaction.

Although Qingzhu Mountain Market had many good items, its size allowed for unfair treatment towards customers, causing some issues. Fang Xi decided against visiting it again.

With valuable items at hand, Fang Xi could easily sell them at another market and then purchase legacies, formations, and more…

“Not bad, truly excellent resources!”

After formulating his plan, Fang Xi looked up and said to Ge Hongdan, “Many thanks, Daoist friend!”

As he spoke, Fang Xi took out ten spirit stones and handed them to Ge Hongdan.

“Haha, you’re most welcome.”

Grinning widely with the spirit stones in hand, Ge Hongdan reveled in this hard currency prized by all cultivators. Despite any worldly power one might possess, obtaining spirit stones was notoriously difficult.

Having received the payment, Ge Hongdan resumed sipping his tea, now somewhat curious, “Could it be that Daoist friend wishes to visit Bai Ze Immortal City?”

“Indeed, I do!” Fang Xi responded promptly.

Although truthfully, he had no intention of going there; Bai Ze Immortal City housed Core Formation patriarchs and countless great Foundation Establishment cultivators. Fang Xi preferred not to draw attention under their watchful eyes. However, maintaining secrecy was essential.

“I happen to have a few friends in Bai Ze Immortal City,” Ge Hongdan offered with a smile, providing several contact details. “If you go there, feel free to pay them a visit…”

Fang Xi carefully noted each detail, expressing his gratitude. Once the transaction was complete, he swiftly departed from the Heavenly Immortal Pavilion.

Wan Island Lake was approximately six to seven thousand kilometers away from Qingzhu Mountain Market - this distance being just as the crow flies.

Considering the obstacles of mountains, rivers, and potential bandits along the way… even for ancient people of that era, many might never leave their local village throughout their entire lives, with only exceptionally capable individuals venturing as far as the county town.

Fang Xi employed efficient movement techniques, conserving his energy, allowing him to effortlessly travel at a pace faster than a galloping horse, covering around five or six hundred kilometers per day.

Although he possessed the Black Cloud Pocket magical artifact for transportation, Qi Refinement cultivators have limited magical energy. Continuously using such artifacts for travel is extravagant and leaves one vulnerable to unexpected dangers.

Thus, Fang Xi primarily relied on physical movement techniques, occasionally resting by riding horses. He reserved the Black Cloud Pocket for crossing large bodies of water, rivers, or traversing steep cliffs and impassable terrain, flying low over these obstacles.

With this approach, despite taking longer routes, he estimated it would take about twenty days to reach Wan Island Lake.

After more than ten days:

Fang Xi had been traveling continuously, enduring the elements, and only occasionally stopping in major cities for brief relaxation.

One evening, as twilight approached, Fang Xi found a cave for rest.

“If not for conveniences like fasting pills and cleanliness talismans for cultivators… long-distance travel would be even more arduous.”

After consuming a fasting pill, Fang Xi couldn’t help but lament over ancient transportation methods.

“I’ve heard that… between major markets, regular caravans operate using beasts of burden, which makes travel much easier… and safer too.”

Qingzhu Mountain Market used to have such services, but now it’s fucking just a black market!

As a result, there were no organized caravans available.

Fang Xi had no choice but to journey alone.

Fortunately, he maintained a low profile and avoided trouble, so aside from the fatigue of travel, nothing particularly eventful occurred along the way.

There were neither Calamity cultivators jumping out to kill and loot nor any distressed female cultivators needing rescue.

After a restful night, Fang Xi felt rejuvenated and continued his journey, eventually reaching Yu County in the northern part of the Yue Kingdom.

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