Linghu Shan’s response genuinely stunned Fang Xi.

For any martial arts organization, sharing foundational techniques typically led to relentless conflicts, often until one side perished, right?

Fang Xi had already mentally prepared his next moves: turning hostile, engaging in combat, swiftly soaring high above, and then methodically wearing down this Zongshi with paper talismans and magical artifacts from the sky…

But instead… the opponent completely defied convention!

“Hmm? Why would you give it away?” Fang Xi directly voiced his confusion.

“Ha ha… In truth, even with access to cultivation techniques, only a minuscule number can achieve Zongshi status!” Linghu Shan’s flippant demeanor shifted to solemnity. “What truly matters is always the individual! It depends on their aptitude, character, and perseverance! Sadly, despite these qualities, becoming a Zongshi still relies partly on luck! With too few Zongshi in Ding Province amidst rampant Monster Kings, gaining another Zongshi is undoubtedly beneficial for humanity! Since you appreciate our Yuanhe Mountain technique, young man, I must support your endeavor.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I won’t decline such generosity.” Fang Xi smiled faintly, showing no hesitation or embarrassment in accepting the offer.

“The Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand is no ordinary mastery technique, being a fundamental secret of Yuanhe Mountain… Surely, if I bestow it upon you, it warrants at least a significant favor in return?” At this moment, Linghu Shan’s true intentions finally surfaced.

“Hmm, what do you require?” Fang Xi composed himself, recognizing the typical rhythm of negotiation had begun.

“If one day you ascend to Zongshi rank, would you join forces with me to slay the Dragonfish lurking in the Old Dragon Pool!” Linghu Shan spoke with unrestrained hatred on his face, “This monstrous Dragonfish has terrorized the region, even devouring my last remaining blood descendant…”

“A Monster King Dragonfish?”

Fang Xi nodded, “Very well…I accept your terms.”

In any case, once he reached the third stage of Body Refinement, confronting such mythical beasts was inevitable sooner or later.

A first-stage mythical beast awakened with dragon blood would be immensely valuable; an opportunity not to be missed!

“Ha ha, splendid!”

With a casual toss from Linghu Shan, a scroll made of animal hide landed in Fang Xi’s hands.

The aura emanating from this scroll left Fang Xi slightly uneasy, suggesting it might be leather from a late-stage Tier 1 mythical beast.

On its surface, there were detailed illustrations depicting the grand scenery of Yuanhe Mountain’s five peaks. Among them, Lei Ji Peak was constantly enveloped by swirling azure lightning.

‘Is this the Divine Intent Diagram for Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand?’

Just a glance assured Fang Xi that it wasn’t counterfeit.

On the reverse side of the Divine Intent Diagram, tiny text, almost as small as ants, densely documented the cultivation method for ‘Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand’. Comparing it to Linghu Yang’s verbal explanation revealed no discrepancies.

‘This old man is truly serious…’

Fang Xi initially suspected that there might be some hidden traps within this technique. After all, even minor errors in advanced cultivation methods could lead to detrimental effects taking years to manifest, often irreversible.

“I’ve given you the secret manual now. As a third-step martial arts master with tempered steel-like muscles, your next step is the fourth stage - Divine Union… While Yuanhe Mountain has recorded some techniques to aid breakthroughs, their effectiveness may vary.”

Linghu Shan’s perceptive gaze seemed to instantly discern Fang Xi’s current realm: “As for Zongshi attainment and Harmony with Nature… it ultimately depends on individual insight and opportunity! In my youth, I spent twenty years away from the mountain, disguising myself as an ordinary person devoid of martial skills, experiencing life’s vicissitudes… until finally achieving sudden enlightenment.”

He then shared numerous insights about breakthroughs, his words filled with genuine sincerity.

Fang Xi diligently noted them down, intending to validate these teachings in the future.

Their conversation flowed amicably, with Linghu Shan even expressing a desire to form a sworn brotherhood with Fang Xi and inviting him to become a Guest Elder at Yuanhe Mountain.

Fang Xi politely declined several times before finally taking his leave, descending Lei Ji Peak alone.

Watching Fang Xi’s disappearing figure, Linghu Shan stroked his small beard, his eyes gradually deepening in thought. “For a third step martial arts master to remain so composed in my presence, he must possess some hidden trump cards… What happened at the Blood Gate? Even I couldn’t ascend Lei Ji Peak without arousing suspicion. Are all those disciples down there asleep or bought off?”

Rather than believing such scenarios, he preferred to think that Yuanhe Mountain might have additional secret passages!

“Well, well, in any case, it’s best to avoid conflict and foster good relations… These young ones these days, each more fierce than the last! Clearly, Ghostweary is prepared to take what he wants by force if denied!”

Linghu Shan placed his hands behind his back, pondering news of the latest courtesans turning their trade in Three Origins City—a habit reflecting his character.

In past years, his righteous, vengeance-seeking Master, fiery-tempered Shixiong (Senior Brother), and chivalrous Shidi (Junior Brother) had all met untimely deaths…

Only he survived, reaching the esteemed rank of Zongshi (Grandmaster).

This longevity was due to cultivating goodwill wherever possible and avoiding confrontation whenever he could.

As for the Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand manual? Would descendants audacious enough to exhume ancestral tombs truly care about such secrets?

‘Choosing not to engage was indeed wise!’

Descending from Lei Ji Peak, Fang Xi activated his camouflage robe and effortlessly blended out of Yuanhe Mountain.

Despite its stringent defenses, for him, it felt akin to strolling through his own backyard - entering and exiting at will.

Acquiring the Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand technique along with guidance from a Zongshi made this trip exceptionally fruitful.

As for any potential traps set by Linghu Shan?

Fang Xi remained undeterred.

His primary cultivation focus was not the Yuan Fusion Five Thunders Hand but rather the Primordial True Art!

The reason he stole the secret manual was merely to extract its essence and enhance his mastery of the Primordial True Art. Even if there were hidden traps within the Grandmaster teachings, they could at most lead him astray, wasting some time, without fundamentally harming his foundation.

However, when the time comes, he would undoubtedly annihilate everyone on Yuanhe Mountain!

‘Linghu Shan seems quite knowledgeable; perhaps I should seek more guidance from him in the future…’

Beyond just the Grandmaster Martial Arts, Fang Xi showed keen interest in various secret techniques accumulated over the years at Yuanhe Mountain, such as the Demonic Possession method. These methods and experiences often relied on oral transmission, meaning even after wiping out Yuanhe Mountain, obtaining them might prove difficult.

In Three Origins City.

As the capital of Ding Province, it was vast and expansive, divided into the Inner City, Outer City, and an outermost extended district.

Naturally, property prices were highest near the Inner City, where nobles and high-ranking officials resided.

The Outer City housed merchants of various sizes, dojo masters, and commercial streets.

Living in the farthest extended district were the largest numbers of ordinary people.

One day, within the Outer City, at a three-compartment courtyard house:

“Gongzi, look at this spacious courtyard! The rooms in the back are brand new, with red bricks and green tiles freshly renovated just last year… Plus, there’s even a water well!”

A real estate agent was showing Fang Xi around properties.

Considering the cultivation world had become increasingly perilous, with ongoing conflicts between numerous Foundation Establishment factions, Fang Xi decided to lay low in Great Liang while focusing on advancing his martial arts proficiency.

Before ascending Yuanhe Mountain, he had already exhausted all body-refinement medicinal pills, achieving the third step martial arts master realm with steel-like sinews and iron-like bones!

Next, he aimed to explore the technique of Divine Union and ultimately grasp the profoundly mystical state of Zongshi - Harmony with Nature.

Therefore, Fang Xi planned to purchase a house in Three Origins City and practice what Linghu Shan referred to as “cultivating amidst worldly affairs.”

‘However, I don’t need to pretend like an ordinary person… The Primordial True Art is still rudimentary, making it perfect for recruiting disciples as test subjects… Additionally, teaching novices and transforming them into experts will allow me to assess any shortcomings in my own martial arts.’

Fang Xi surveyed the courtyard, feeling quite satisfied.

Not only could the front area be converted into a small dojo, but the spacious backyard provided ample space for his personal training.

He promptly asked the broker, “How much does this place cost?”

The broker’s eyes lit up, “Just nine hundred taels of fine silver!”

“Affordable, I’ll take it!”

Fang Xi knew he might be overpaying, but he didn’t care and agreed casually.

“Gongzi is decisive! May I inquire your esteemed name? I’ll immediately prepare the deed contract!” The broker grinned widely, barely showing any eyes amidst his broad smile - what a truly… juicy target indeed!

“Fang Leng!” Fang Xi replied with a smile.

Considering his original name had ties to Baiyun Dojo, he decided not to use it in Three Origins City. To further conceal his identity, he subtly altered a few features on his face using True Force.

Additionally, due to his martial breakthrough, Fang Xi had become taller and more robust.

Even if Lily encountered him face-to-face, she might not recognize him.

“Ah, Gongzi Fang Leng! May I inquire where you’re from, and do you have travel credentials? These are needed for transferring property at the yamen…” the broker asked with another ingratiating smile.


Fang Xi shot him a questioning look. “The reason this gongzi hired you is for convenience. If lacking travel credentials means no transfer can be made, then I’ll find another broker who can handle it!”

After all, he was willing to spend extra money precisely for ease of transactions. If this broker couldn’t resolve such issues, why should Fang Xi let him earn so much profit?

“It’s fine, we can proceed without travel credentials. I’ll take care of it right away.” The broker hastily responded, fearing that Fang Xi might leave.

Bribing the yamen clerks would cost just a fraction of what he stood to gain from this fat sheep, far exceeding any potential expenses.

“Now that’s more like it!” Fang Xi reverted to his aloof demeanor, smiling broadly. “When serving this gongzi, rest assured you won’t go unrewarded… This gongzi also requires a few maids for cooking and laundry; arrange for them, and your commission will be generous.”

Three days later.

A modestly opened “Anytime Martial Arts Dojo” debuted with little fanfare.

Fang Xi only briefly appeared to greet neighbors and potential customers when hanging the signboard, without much effort put into promotion or networking.

In fact, he didn’t even showcase any profound martial skills.

As a result, the dojo remained cold and deserted from its opening day, attracting not a single apprentice.

Fang Xi wasn’t overly concerned; after all, it was just for leisure purposes.

Each day, he would sit on his armchair, holding a book containing various formations and restrictions, diligently studying them.

He even hired local tutors to teach him indigenous calculation techniques.

Fang Xi showed unwavering determination; currently, exploring other fields like pills, paper talismans, and artifacts was impractical due to limited resources, leaving him ample free time.

By synthesizing knowledge from three worlds’ mathematical disciplines, he aimed to grasp the fundamentals of array formations!

Even mastering the basics, merely first-tier proficiency, would establish him as a craftsman within the cultivation realm. This could significantly enhance his reputation and income prospects in the future!

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