“W-What just happened?” The surrounding patrons were instantly stunned.

Initially, they had been watching like spectators at a play, only to suddenly see the main character collapse!

Not only did she fall, but a bloody hole also appeared in her throat.

“Ah, Miss?!”

“We must fight him!”

The few servants accompanying Huang Ximei roared angrily and charged towards Fang Xi with fists flying, revealing themselves as cultivators.

Bang! Bang!

However, they swiftly flew back even faster, their lives brutally ended by Fang Xi’s swift actions.

“Waiter, where’s my detailed booklet?”

Fang Xi casually sipped his tea, looking at the waiter.

“M…Master…it’s right here…”

Trembling, the waiter handed over a book to Fang Xi and hastily retreated as if fleeing for his life, treating Fang Xi not as a person but rather like a ferocious tiger!

“Tea finished, item obtained, time to leave.”

Fang Xi nonchalantly tucked the booklet into his robes and prepared to depart.

Just then, a tall, imposing figure rushed in, dressed in the attire of the Beast Hunt Society. His demeanor exuded authority, clearly indicating a high-ranking position within the organization.

Noticing Huang Ximei lying on the ground, his expression turned icy cold. “You’ve gotten yourself into immense trouble… Do you know who she is and what the Huang Family entails?”

“So what?” Fang Xi asked nonchalantly, “Are you trying to stop me?”

“Since this incident occurred at the Monster Hunting Building, we must bear responsibility… You won’t escape.” The burly man looked at Fang Xi as if gazing upon a dead man. “Even if you manage to flee from me, the Dingzhou Army will immediately seal the city gates and conduct a thorough search… You’ll be like a rat, living in constant fear. Surrender quietly, and at least your death might be swift.”

“Haha… Escape?”

Amidst his laughter, Fang Xi’s muscles bulged, joints cracking audibly, before he unleashed a powerful palm strike.


The burly man took the blow, stumbling back several steps, then opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood. “A…a martial artist? But so what if you’re one? Huang Yuanwu of the Huang Family has already reached Third Step Martial Artist… far stronger than I!”

The tall man had just recently broken through to martial artist level, but Fang Xi seemed at least a first-step martial artist, having already condensed his fist intent.

“Huang Yuanwu?” Fang Xi’s interest piqued. “So… does this mean the Huang Family possesses cultivation techniques up to the third step?”

Confused, the burly man wondered if this individual truly didn’t grasp the significance of such information.

However, he soon wouldn’t need to ponder further, as Fang Xi swiftly closed the distance between them.

As they crossed paths, a head soared into the air.

‘Indeed… my strength is still formidable. Although I haven’t extensively trained as a martial artist, combining multiple techniques with Primordial Strength, along with the assistance of cultivator abilities… makes dispatching ordinary martial artists effortless.’

Fang Xi never showed mercy to those who sought harm against him, hence he delivered a lethal strike without hesitation.

As for attracting the attention of the colossal Beast Hunt Society?

Since he’d already provoked the Huang Family, one more enemy didn’t deter him. Besides, even if he backed down, the Beast Hunt Society would not be friendly towards an unknown outsider anyway.


At this moment, chaos erupted within the Monster Hunting Building.

Fang Xi seized the opportunity, burst through a window, and leaped outside. Finding an unnoticed corner away from prying eyes, he promptly activated the Camouflage Suit.

Soon after, the sound of galloping hooves filled the air!

The first to arrive was a cavalry unit that swiftly sealed off the Monster Hunting Building!

Teams of skilled soldiers enforced the blockade, and the gates of Three Origins City had already been shut tight.

A city-wide manhunt would likely commence next.

“To see such rapid mobilization and response in ancient times is truly remarkable… Equipped with bows and crossbows, it’s indeed difficult for ordinary cultivators or martial artists to escape from military encirclement.”

With a sigh, Fang Xi casually walked past one of the soldiers, who seemed oblivious, almost as if blind, though his expression hinted at slight confusion.

‘My movements might still create faint wind sounds…’ Fang Xi acknowledged internally, paying no heed to the furious Huang Family members arriving on the scene. He nonchalantly strode out of the encirclement, sauntering away…

Late at night.

At the Huang Family residence.

The patriarch, Huang Yuanding, wore a grim expression as he stood with other leaders in the main hall, gazing upon the corpse covered by a white cloth. “Has the City Guard still not captured the culprit?”

“Master, you must seek justice for Ximei…” A wealthy woman adorned with red hairpins sobbed uncontrollably, her tears streaming like rain on a pear blossom. “Ximei was such a good child, just perhaps too playful, but that heartless fiend…”

“All right, please step down.”

Huang Yuanding frowned, and immediately several maids approached to escort the weeping woman away.

Just then, a robust voice boomed from outside the hall, “Elder brother!”

“Huang Yuanwu…you’ve arrived?” As Huang Yuanding saw a captain clad in armor enter the hall, a hint of relief appeared on his face. “I heard the details from the Beast Hunt Society; it seems Ximei’s fate finally caught up with her after wandering so recklessly… But taking lives within our Huang Family won’t go unpunished.” His words carried a menacing undertone.

The newcomer was indeed Huang Yuanwu, one of the eight captains of the Dingzhou Army, possessing a cultivation base equivalent to a Third Step martial artist. He was renowned as a formidable expert across Ding Province, holding both high rank and significant influence!

After contemplating briefly, he said, “That murderer is meticulous, possibly even using concealment techniques… However, no matter. I have brought along a Nine Lives Mastiff from the military camp… It already exhibits traces of demonic nature, making it akin to a demihuman. With its exceptional sense of smell, we will undoubtedly find the perpetrator!”

As the saying goes: “Nine dogs breed one mastiff!”

A Nine Lives Mastiff, being a type of demihuman, possesses unique characteristics from birth. It requires a female dog to give birth to exactly nine puppies in a single litter. These pups are then confined together, forcing them to fight amongst themselves like breeding venomous insects, until only the strongest survivor emerges as the true Nine Lives Mastiff!

Such mastiffs not only have exceptional scent detection but also possess remarkable strength, comparable to that of ordinary martial artists.

Even within the Dingzhou Army, these mastiffs are scarce, indicating Huang Yuanwu had spared no expense for this endeavor.

He whistled, and a black lion-like mastiff leaped forward from behind him. Its jade-green eyes seemed bottomless, instilling an eerie chill upon sight.

“Did the assailant leave any belongings?” Huang Yuanwu asked.

“Hmm, we’ve brought all the tea utensils he used,” Huang Yuanding nodded, gesturing towards a servant who promptly presented a set of sky-blue porcelain teaware.

Huang Yuanwu inspected it briefly before letting the Nine Lives Mastiff sniff the teacup.

“Woof! Woof!”

The mastiff sniffed intently, then suddenly barked loudly towards the door.

“What’s happening?” Huang Yuanding appeared puzzled.

However, Huang Yuanwu’s expression turned solemn and serious. “The Nine Lives Mastiff says…the person is nearby!”

Outside the Yellow Mansion gates:

“So this is the Huang Family residence?” Fang Xi deactivated his Camouflage Suit, emerging from the shadows, and murmured to himself as he gazed upon the imposing entrance.

“Young man, you should leave quickly. If you inadvertently offend someone important here, you’ll be in trouble,” advised an elderly man holding a lantern nearby, noticing Fang Xi’s disrespectful demeanor.

“Important person?” Fang Xi chuckled and strode towards the main gate of the Yellow Mansion.

This grand entrance was typically closed, only opening for distinguished guests. At the gate, several brutish servants were often stationed.

As soon as they spotted Fang Xi approaching, one barked aggressively, “Can’t you see where you are? Get lost! Are you looking for a beating?”

Being gatekeepers, their first skill was discernment. These cruel servants immediately recognized that Fang Xi had no valuable possessions or attendants, clearly indicating he wasn’t a close friend or esteemed guest of the family. Thus, they felt free to humiliate him at will.

“Sigh… Shall we compare who can twist logic better?” Fang Xi glared at the brutish servant and suddenly shouted, “Hey…how dare you step out with your left foot first!”

“What?” Before the servant could react, he found himself staring at his own back. His last thought was, ‘Whose headless body is this…it looks so familiar…’

This marked his final moment of consciousness.

With a swift hand strike, Fang Xi dispatched the approaching servant and then punched the main gate of the Yellow Mansion.


The massive gate shattered instantly, sending countless splinters flying everywhere.

“Who is it?”

“Which fool dares to challenge us?”

A group of guards rushed forward, led by a formidable True Strength martial artist!

“You… daring to step with your right foot first? This greatly offends my superstitions - you deserve death!” Fang Xi roared angrily, launching a punch.

His objective was simple: randomly exterminate a powerful family and plunder their secret manuals! Though underhanded, he felt no shame about such methods. By targeting a notorious clan, it could even be seen as ridding society of evil.


Under Primordial Strength, the charging martial artist flew back at an even greater speed.

“How audacious!”

Accompanied by barking dogs, Huang Yuanding emerged with several others, staring at Fang Xi. “Does our esteemed guest hold a grudge against the Huang Family?”

“You dare to speak before me?” Fang Xi’s eyes flared, True Force surging through his right arm. With a sudden burst, he charged like an arrow, striking out with a palm. “Seeking your own demise!”

A thunderous roar echoed beside Huang Yuanding as a figure suddenly stepped forward to shield him - it was Huang Yuanwu!

“Secret Technique: Winds from All Directions!” With a fierce shout, his body swelled like a colossal spirit, hands tearing through the air as if controlling wind currents. The surrounding space compressed towards Fang Xi with immense force.

Fang Xi swiftly transformed his palm strike into a clenched fist and punched the void before him.


An explosion akin to lightning dispersed countless swirling gusts of wind.

Fang Xi retreated rapidly, then leaped upwards, laughing heartily, “Huang Family martial artists, not bad!”

In an instant, he flipped over a nearby wall, where hidden archers behind it cried out in agony, falling to the ground.

By the time Huang Yuanwu jumped onto the same wall, Fang Xi’s silhouette had already vanished into the darkness outside.

“Nine Lives!” Huang Yuanwu roared furiously, prompting the black mastiff to leap forth, sniffing the air and leading the way ahead.

Huang Yuanwu swiftly followed…

“Yuanwu, be cautious!” After issuing this warning, Huang Yuanding turned around, his face flushed red with anger, fingers trembling. “When did our Huang Family descend to such humiliation?”

He couldn’t comprehend why that man dared to act so recklessly, treating laws as nonexistent!

“What are you all still waiting for? Go assist the second master!” Seeing most of the guards standing dumbfounded, he couldn’t help but roar angrily.

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