‘Chen Ping must have some hidden secrets!’ Back in the Great Liang World, Fang Xi’s eyes sparkled with intrigue: ‘Should I…’

In the next moment, he chuckled to himself, realizing, “In the vast great thousand worlds, cultivators often encounter unique opportunities; having some secrets is only natural. There’s no need to relentlessly dig deep or resort to murder for personal gain - it would be counterproductive! Regardless of how significant his secret might be, could it possibly surpass mine?”

With a metaphorical mountain of gold at his disposal, scheming to steal a beggar’s pennies seemed truly… petty!

Having reached this conclusion, Fang Xi let go of his curiosity about Chen Ping. He quickly assessed their direction and spurred his horse to catch up with the caravan.

Honestly, he relished being away from the main group, enjoying somewhat of a lone adventurer status, as it provided ample opportunity to conceal certain activities.

For instance… Fang Xi had been continuously searching for traces of mythical beasts in the wilderness.

Unfortunately, despite the presence of demonic disturbances in Great Liang, encounters with such creatures were not commonplace.

Ever since killing that chameleon beast, Fang Xi’s luck seemed to have depleted entirely.

During his time wandering outside, he encountered no mythical beasts whatsoever.

His journey remained uneventful as he swiftly caught up with the caravan once again.

“Gongzi is back!” Lily spotted Fang Xi, her eyes filled with warm smiles.

“Indeed, I’m back!” Fang Xi nodded, observing the increasingly larger caravan.

As the convoy passed through other towns and cities, they naturally acquired more livestock and carriages, growing progressively grander yet bulkier… However, this also eased their travel hardships significantly.

After exchanging a few words with the maidservant, Fang Xi sought out Fatty Han.

“Oh? Fang-xiong wants information about factions in Three Origins City?” Sitting in his carriage, Fatty Han was being served fruit peeled by one of his concubines. Upon hearing Fang Xi’s request, he laughed heartily, “That’s quite straightforward…”

Since there was ample idle time on the road, Fatty Han decided to provide Fang Xi with a detailed overview of the power dynamics within Three Origins City.

As the capital city of Ding Province, Three Origins City boasted a large population and thriving industries, resulting in a complex mix of influential factions.

“The most influential group in Three Origins City is undoubtedly the Dingzhou Army! They serve as the imperial court’s stabilizing force in Ding Province… Every soldier within their ranks must have mastered their blood qi, achieving at least one transformation as a martial apprentice! To become a squad leader requires reaching three transformations of blood and qi, while True Force martial artists can lead a battalion. Above them are the eight Brigade Commanders, each renowned for years as accomplished True Strength Martial Artists… As for the army commander…” Fatty Han deliberately paused, building suspense.

“Could it be a True Astral Martial Saint?” Fang Xi interjected.

“If they were a Zongshi, commanding such a position would indeed be plausible, but that’s not the case…” Fatty Han laughed heartily. “Being skilled in combat doesn’t necessarily translate to leading wars… High martial prowess does not guarantee effective command over vast armies. The Dingzhou Army commander is simply a military official appointed by the Great Liang imperial court, with uncertain strength. However, rumor has it that he possesses an elite personal guard unit, so formidable that even a Zongshi might struggle to approach him…”

“That makes sense,” Fang Xi nodded. “If the imperial court and its officials hold the top influence, who holds the second-most power?”

“The second major power is Yuanhe Mountain.”

Fatty Han glanced at Fang Xi’s expressionless face before continuing, “Yuanhe Mountain is a prominent sect in Ding Province, boasting dozens of True Strength Martial Artists with countless others ascending to True Force regularly. Their influence extends through intricate networks… It’s rumored that within their ranks resides a Zongshi ancestor, though whether it’s true or not remains uncertain.”

“As for the third, it’s the Beast Hunt Society!”

“Beast Hunt Society?” Upon hearing this name, Fang Xi felt an instant affinity, sensing a connection with this organization.

Unaware of Fang Xi’s thoughts, Fatty Han explained, “With numerous mythical beasts lurking in the wilderness, deploying imperial forces or divine constables to handle each case individually would be impractical. However, civilian cultivators can also serve as a significant force. Thus, the Beast Hunt Society emerged, functioning like bounties set by the court. Any capable cultivator may hunt mythical beasts, earning rewards…and gaining fame worldwide! Who among cultivators doesn’t crave recognition and wealth? The Beast Hunt Society spans across the entire province. Whenever a cultivator successfully subdues a challenging beast, their reputation spreads, and there are even monthly rankings…”

“Indeed, that makes sense,” Fang Xi agreed.

Fang Xi continued his inquiries and learned that the fourth and fifth-ranked powers were the Chamber of Commerce and the Martial Union, leaving him somewhat speechless.

The Chamber of Commerce represented business alliances, essential for wealth generation among civilians - this was self-explanatory.

The Martial Union, on the other hand, was an alliance of dojos, surprisingly ranked only fifth. It seemed true to the adage that anything readily available is often of low quality.

Martial arts taught for money would invariably be at the lowest tier; their diminished status made perfect sense, understandable indeed.

“Fatty Han, you seem to have missed some factions, like the black market influence?” Fang Xi pondered briefly, narrowing his eyes slightly.

“Haha… The black market is just rats scurrying in gutters, what real power could they wield?” Fatty Han chuckled humbly. “Apart from that, there are the four major aristocratic families. I didn’t list them separately because their influence spans across various sectors. Take the Huang Family, for example; they have members serving as military officers in the Dingzhou Army while also managing extensive commercial interests. Their affiliated businesses hold significant voting power within the Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, they exert control over several dojos and secretly gather numerous experts under their wing, making them quite formidable…”

“I’m not planning to confront anyone…” Fang Xi chuckled softly, “I just want to diligently practice martial arts and someday ascend to Zongshi rank!”

“Zongshi?” Fatty Han smiled wryly, “Achieving true astral energy is incredibly arduous… I’ve only heard from an elder about needing ‘unity of spirit and strength,’ ‘harmony with the heavens’… things like that.”

“Unity of spirit and strength?”

Fang Xi recalled similar descriptions in the Yuanhe Mountain secret manual, but they were explained more clearly.

The gap between a Zongshi and a martial artist was vast, consisting of several distinct steps.

The first step towards becoming a Zongshi was cultivating fist intent!

The second step involved refining True Force down to its subtlest essence, transforming it into a great dragon along the spine, surging upwards through the crown chakra to break through Pangu’s Pith!

This information wasn’t documented in any manuals; it was shared by Linghu Yang’s master.

There were likely further steps beyond—first-stage martial artist, second-stage martial artist…and possibly even third, fourth stages…

As for when one could truly become a Zongshi, even Linghu Yang couldn’t say.

‘Training as a martial artist seems far more challenging than being a cultivator…’

‘It’s unfortunate that my Yuanhe Five Thunders Hand manual is incomplete… Perhaps I should find a way to remedy this?’

Fang Xi gazed at the scenery outside the carriage, lost in thought.

Over the following month, Fang Xi frequently fell behind the caravan to tend his fields in the southern wilderness’s cultivation realm and manage interpersonal affairs.

Occasionally, he ventured into Ding Province’s wilds, searching for traces of mythical beasts.

With great effort, he finally managed to defeat a two-headed snake demon. He promptly skinned it and stored the meat for future sale.

Fang Xi gradually came to terms with this reality. If mythical beasts were commonplace across rural areas, how could common folk cultivate their lands?

This world would likely have collapsed long ago, with no existence of Great Liang’s imperial court.

Thus, although demons lurked in the wilderness, they remained exceedingly rare.

The situation at Blackstone City was exceptional, caused solely by the emergence of the Demon Tree, which had driven away other mythical beasts - a unique occurrence!

One day, as the caravan ascended a hill, a large city came into view in the distance.

Situated at the confluence of two major rivers, this bustling metropolis boasted a massive harbor. Under the sunlight, the moat shimmered brilliantly, with grand flower boats gracefully cruising its waters…

The majestic ancient city exuded a timeless aura, and atop its gate, the words ‘Three Origins’ were clearly visible on a large horizontal plaque.

“Three Origins City, we’ve arrived!” Many within the convoy cheered excitedly.

Finally, they had reached their journey’s end!

“Gongzi, look!” Lily pointed eagerly towards the nearby city, her excitement evident. “So many people… It’s so beautiful…”

“Yes indeed!” Fang Xi smiled warmly, affectionately patting her head before turning to Mu Piaomiao. “Piaomiao… please take care of Lily.”

“Da-shixiong, don’t worry,” Mu Piaomiao agreed instinctively, but then realized something was amiss. “Wait, Da-shixiong… you’re not entering the city?”

“I only accompanied you this far. All journeys must come to an end; it’s time for me to go!” Fang Xi waved farewell to Mu Canglong and Fatty Han, swiftly turning and striding away.

Entering the city with such a large group was never his intention. With so many people and varying opinions, especially after revealing some of his extraordinary abilities, even Mu Canglong might not fully trust him.

Moreover, the siege of Blackstone City was a significant event bound to attract attention from the authorities. Once they discovered this group of survivors, who could withstand their questioning? Human hearts often fail under scrutiny.

Therefore, Fang Xi chose not to test these hearts at all. By mysteriously disappearing without leaving any trace, no one would know his whereabouts, preventing anyone from considering betraying him to the officials.

Thus, he decided to depart alone, not even taking Lily along.

After all, she was just a servant girl. Having protected her through the demonic disaster and safely escorting her to Three Origins City already demonstrated immense kindness on his part. He owed her nothing beyond that gratitude.

Fang Xi’s departure was remarkably nonchalant.

Watching his retreating figure, both Mu Canglong and Fatty Han fell silent. Although grateful for Fang Xi saving their lives, it was uncertain whether they would resist betraying their benefactor deep down.

However, now there was no room for such thoughts.

Because Fang Xi left them absolutely no opportunity!

“Progressing beyond True Strength Martial Artist becomes quite challenging. Currently, my Martial Power Value is equivalent to a Second Step Martial Artist, but on the path to becoming a Zongshi, I’ve yet to take even a single step… Although with spiritual sense assistance, reaching the subtlety realm and comprehending fist intent should be swift…”

“But martial arts are merely protective means; cultivation is the true path to longevity…”

Returning to the cultivation world, Fang Xi felt the abundant spiritual energy, significantly richer than in Great Liang, and inwardly marveled at the difference.

As he emerged from the cellar into his shack, he noticed a voice-transmission talisman floating outside!

Fang Xi reached out, infusing it with a hint of magical energy.

A crisp young woman’s voice echoed, “Is this Daoist Friend Fang Xi? My name is Situ Qingqing, the newly appointed Crop Protector Envoy. Upon receiving this voice-transmission talisman, kindly respond.”

“The Situ Clan has replaced their envoy?” Fang Xi was taken aback, holding the talisman. Nonetheless, he followed her instructions, channeled more magical energy, and tossed it gently.

Holding the voice-transmission talisman with surprise, Fang Xi followed the instructions, inputting magical energy and then tossing it away.


The talisman transformed into a streak of firelight and disappeared.

Shortly after, an iron-leaf boat magical artifact flew towards him.

Standing on the iron-leaf boat was a striking young woman dressed in a light green gown. Her delicate eyebrows framed her slightly pale complexion, and while her features were not exceptionally remarkable, they combined harmoniously, giving her an ethereal, elf-like aura. With long hair cascading down to her waist, she resembled a graceful maiden straight from a landscape painting.

“Greetings, Fellow Daoist Situ!” Fang Xi hastily bowed in respect.

Although his perception indicated she was only at the Middle Stage Qi Refinement realm, being associated with the Situ Clan commanded courtesy.

“Fellow Daoist Fang is already well-established among our Qingzhu Mountain spirit farmers; there’s no need for such formality!” Situ Qingqing spoke, her voice as clear and pure as a mountain spring.

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