Cultivating Immortality in a World of Chaos

Chapter 32: Immortal Techniques vs True Force

“Not quite…” Linghu Yang raised his hand indifferently, as if ready to pass Zhang Junming’s death sentence.

However, his eyebrows suddenly lifted. “You’re far too weak, not even a match for Chunyu… Who else is helping you?”

As expected… this guy isn’t foolish. It’s time for me to make my exit.

Fang Xi pondered briefly and then swiftly turned to run away!

The senses of a True Force martial artist are incredibly sharp. Almost instantly upon Fang Xi’s movement, Linghu Yang detected him and gave chase. “At last, the true mastermind rat appears!”

Fang Xi didn’t pause, moving like a swift serpent through grass. He darted past Yuanhe Mountain’s entrance and quickly vanished into narrow alleyways.

After several twists and turns, he reached an uninhabited area.

Ahead, near a dilapidated earthen wall, Linghu Yang stood with hands clasped behind his back, calmly watching Fang Xi approach. “Your speed is remarkable, your leg techniques akin to a snake… Are you a true disciple of Red Snake Leg? No, wait… Your true force and blood qi surpass that waste Lu She by far too much; you must have trained multiple martial arts… What a pity, such wasted potential!”

In Linghu Yang’s view, practicing third-rate martial arts was tantamount to ruining one’s future prospects!

“Enough talk!” Fang Xi rubbed his palms together, causing them to turn pitch-black instantly.

With a swift movement, Linghu Yang bent his spine like a coiling python and then sprang forward, unleashing a rapid succession of palm strikes.


Terrifying gusts swept through, carrying potent venom within them.

“Black Cloud level White Cloud Palm?” Linghu Yang observed this with a smile. “Once you reach True Strength, you’ll realize… so-called poison techniques mean nothing against it…”

He countered with both palms simultaneously, swift as thunderbolts.

Bam! Bam!

Their palms clashed repeatedly, true force intertwining with True Strength…

Fang Xi quickly noticed that the toxins from his palm strikes had no effect on Linghu Yang whatsoever. Moreover, Linghu Yang’s True Force struck relentlessly like a torrential downpour, leaving him virtually defenseless.

In mere moments, Fang Xi’s true force and blood qi were overwhelmed!

“What a pity…” Despite their intense battle, Linghu Yang managed to speak, “Your blood qi surpasses even my own during my cultivator days; truly remarkable talent. But practicing third-rate martial arts will never match me!”

As he uttered these words, Linghu Yang’s speed suddenly surged!

Yuanhe Mountain Secret Technique - Dashing Thunder Step!

He closed the distance to Fang Xi, his palms moving like divine weapons aiming for Fang Xi’s waist.

By the time Fang Xi realized, it was too late; his fingers fell short by nearly a foot!


A remarkable scene unfolded before Linghu Yang’s eyes!

As if struck by immense force, he rapidly flew backward.

“What was that…?” He lifted his hand to find a vivid red mark on his palm, nearly drawing blood.

“That is my secret technique—the Innate Invisible Sword Qi!” Fang Xi declared loudly, while internally thinking, ‘Impressive for a body cultivator equivalent to Middle Stage Qi Refinement. Such formidable resilience! My Spirit Farmer Weeding Technique almost failed to breach your defenses…’

Linghu Yang fell silent for a moment before sneering, “You’re lying! Do you think being a True Astral Martial Saint allows you to project astral energy and harm me from distance? If you were truly a Zongshi, I would be dead already…”

“You have a point!” Fang Xi nodded, once again ensuring there were no survivors nearby. “Then… it’s time for me to unleash my full power!”

“Full power?” Linghu Yang felt somewhat puzzled.

After their recent exchange, he had confirmed that Fang Xi was merely at the level of a True Force martial artist. Perhaps exceptional within this tier, even surpassing some sect’s true disciples, but certainly not a match for him!

In a life-or-death battle, one cannot hide their true strength!

However, in the next instant, Fang Xi produced a yellow paper talisman like a divine wand wielder and then…tore it?!


Suddenly, a terrifying wave of chilling cold descended.

Linghu Yang’s face filled with shock. Just as he tried to dodge, he realized his legs were encased in a layer of ice, firmly freezing him to the ground.

“Eat my palm strike!” Fang Xi roared, unleashing a powerful blow.

Linghu Yang swiftly drew circles with both hands, focusing on defense. Suddenly, his martial instincts sensed immense danger; with a sound like cracking bones in his neck, he jerked his head aside just in time.


A burst of dark light assaulted him from behind, narrowly missing vital areas but still tearing a deep gash across his shoulder.

“That…that is…” Linghu Yang paid no heed to his injury, instead staring at the ‘Qinghe Sword’ hovering beside Fang Xi, utterly astounded. “How…how is this possible?”

In this world, true cultivation was unattainable for martial artists. To everyone, immortals existed only within stories and scripts.

Yet now, it seemed as though he was witnessing a genuine ‘sword immortal’!

Linghu Yang’s expression suddenly turned incredibly fervent. “Between you and me, there seems to be no grudge or conflict. You came seeking me, presumably because you want to leave the city… I have a way out, and I can teach it to you. Let’s escape together, provided you tell me how all of this is even possible?”

“Leave the city?”

Fang Xi smiled faintly.

From an ordinary person’s perspective, it was indeed easy to connect Linghu Yang revealing the method to exit with the subsequent attack on Yuanhe Mountain.

“No… I’m only interested in your martial arts,” Fang Xi shook his head.

“Simply teach me your sword control technique, and I’ll gladly offer you the Yuanhe Five Thunders Hand!” Linghu Yang responded without hesitation.

This man truly had no qualms; for greater gain, notions of loyalty to his sect or secret teachings meant nothing to him.

“That won’t be necessary. I can obtain the information I seek on my own.” Fang Xi looked at Linghu Yang, suddenly frowning. “Your wounds… they’re healing too quickly.”

Linghu Yang fell silent for a moment before tearing open his robe.

On his bare chest, striking black symbols resembling tadpoles were visibly encircling his wound, akin to a circular seal.

Within this dark-sealed area, the bloody gash on his shoulder rapidly began to close.

“Cursed being?” Fang Xi furrowed his brow. “No… how is it possible that you can harness demonic magical energy even slightly?”

“Magical energy of demonic origin… it surpasses martial power and is exceedingly difficult for mortals to control. Only by sacrificing vast amounts of cultivators’ essence blood can it be briefly suppressed. This is one of Yuanhe Mountain’s secret techniques!”

Linghu Yang produced a small bottle, swallowed its contents of brownish essence blood, and gained a deeper shade of red on his face. “This is how we escape the city… The Demon Tree only hinders ordinary humans but won’t intentionally obstruct its own kind. By transforming ourselves into conscious demonic beings, we naturally can flee this place!”

“So your widespread capture of cultivators was solely to extract their essence blood? To suppress the magical energy within you?” Fang Xi subtly reached into his sleeve, gripping something hidden there. “What about Qiao Wuchang, who ambushed me?”

“He’s dead… With too little essence blood recently, I could feel the Demon Tree gradually encroaching on my consciousness…” Linghu Yang smiled. “How about that? Can’t you consider it as retribution from me? Shouldn’t this serve as a foundation for our cooperation?”

“You truly outdo me in cold-bloodedness and lack of morals!” Fang Xi’s expression remained composed. “Unfortunately, when I entered this world, I vowed to confront the most ruthless individuals, and you fit the bill perfectly!”

“That’s truly unfortunate!”

The curse mark on Linghu Yang’s chest rapidly spread across his entire body.


Behind Fang Xi, the ground exploded as numerous tree roots surged upward like spears, densely piercing through the air!

This was a newfound ability after Linghu Yang transformed into a demihuman monster!

Even a regular True Strength martial artist, caught off guard, would likely suffer greatly!

However, Fang Xi remained vigilant against Linghu Yang!

Ping! Pong!

The Spear of Earth array struck Fang Xi from behind, tearing his clothes but immediately halted by a layer of golden light, unable to advance further!

In Fang Xi’s hand, a paper talisman swiftly consumed its energy—the Golden Light Barrier Talisman!

“You always manage to surprise me!” Linghu Yang observed the golden glow thoughtfully.

At that moment, Fang Xi pointed with his finger.


Qinghe Sword transformed into a streak of jade-green light, thrusting forth like a bolt.

“Secret Technique: Five Thunder Extremity!”

Linghu Yang roared, sparks seemingly dancing between his hands before converging explosively inward, shockingly grasping the sword tip!

A terrifying burst of True Force caused even the Qinghe Sword to emit mournful cries.

‘Damn, body cultivators are such a hassle!’

Fang Xi observed that while the Qinghe Sword had torn through Linghu Yang’s flesh, it got firmly lodged by his bones, unable to advance further.

The opponent’s True Force even formed thread-like strands, attempting to sever Fang Xi’s connection with the Qinghe Sword like unraveling a cocoon.

‘If this person were born in the southern wilderness’s cultivation world, they might have truly achieved great things!’

Witnessing this display, Fang Xi felt a sense of admiration but became more resolute in his decision to kill Linghu Yang.

His right hand flickered, revealing another powerful paper talisman from his reserve.

Electric sparks danced across its surface, resembling flowing lightning and emitting a terrifying aura as soon as it appeared.

It was a mid-tier, first-rank - Little Thunder Talisman!


Fang Xi infused magical energy into the talisman, directing it at Linghu Yang.


Thunder erupted out of nowhere!

A streak of green lightning, carrying immense power, instantly struck Linghu Yang. His entire body turned charred, eliciting a horrific scream, indicating severe damage.

“The Little Thunder Talisman, not only a mid-tier first-order talisman but also of lightning attribute, may have additional potency against demons!”

Observing this, Fang Xi pondered briefly while his hands swiftly moved. “Go!”

Unrestrained, the Qinghe Sword darted relentlessly, instantly severing Linghu Yang’s limbs.

“Ahh!” With a blood-curdling scream, Linghu Yang fell unconscious.

Fang Xi approached and noticed faint tendrils of flesh regenerating at the wound sites, as if black tadpole-like runes were stubbornly healing his injuries to sustain his life.

“This demonic magical energy is truly remarkable.”

With a sigh, Fang Xi grabbed the now limbless Linghu Yang and swiftly departed.

He needed to find a secure location where he could gradually interrogate Linghu Yang using the ‘Soul Confusion Technique’.

Linghu Yang had become deranged in his desperation to escape the city, even attacking fellow cultivators on his side.

Regardless of how Fang Xi dealt with him, he felt no moral qualms whatsoever.

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