Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1375: Erasing a Little Renmant Soul~

"Hm? The protection I left behind for Chu Yang was activated?"

Deep in meditation back inside a large city located in the Blue Sea Empire with a Peak Soul Ascension Realm cultivator watching over it, Xuan Hao suddenly opened both of his eyes in surprise as he felt the last defensive measure he had left behind inside Chu Yang's soul suddenly being activated all of a sudden.

Although he had noticed that he had wandered into what he guessed to be a secret realm from how he couldn't properly pinpoint the general direction of his disciple through the connection between him and the mark he had left behind in his disciple's soul, he hadn't expected it to be so dangerous that it would trigger the hidden trump card of his disciple.

At least, with the mark being activated, he could somewhat sense the situation his disciple was in… And what he saw enraged him to no end, as a remnant soul that should have belonged to someone around the Peak of the Dao Seed Realm was actually trying to wipe out his disciple's soul and take control of his body.

Even though this little remnant soul was in an extremely weakened state, it wasn't something his little disciple could handle with his current strength, thus causing the soul mark to be activated when his soul was in danger.

Of course, the soul mark had already managed to repel the remnant soul on its own and it had already started retreating, but Xuan Hao had no plans of allowing it to simply run away after trying to destroy his disciple's soul-


So, with a simple thought, he motioned for the soul mark to follow and destroy the remnant soul at its core.

"Senior, please spare me! I didn't know this was your disciple, just let me go and I will make sure to repay you, no I will serve you as an obedient dog! Don't kill me!"

As a terrifying sword intent bloomed inside his little disciple's dantian before rushing towards the core of remnant soul, Xuan Hao heard a few pitiful cries coming through his soul connection as the remnant soul began pleading for mercy, but Xuan Hao didn't bother listening to any of it as he pressed forward. Rapidly destroying the remnant soul.

"Noooo! Not like thissss!"

And in less than a fraction of a second, the battle ended, as the remnant soul was destroyed.

However, he found out that there was a large abundance of extremely pure qi inside the space that the remnant soul should have gathered and painstakingly refined over the long period of time he had been stuck inside the small space. Likely in preparation for rapidly increasing his own strength when he got his hands on a body in the future or gather enough qi to rebuild his own body.

Well, no need to waste his effort, I should guide it out and let Chu Yang absorb it, it will be helpful for his cultivation.

Nodding his head as he thought this to himself, Xuan Hao created a small passage for the pure spiritual qi to flow through and into his disciple before he returned the soul mark back to his disciple's soul where it once again entered a dormant state.

Although the soul mark hadn't really used that much of its strength during this period, him taking control of it over such a long distance still had costs and the soul mark could at most be used one more time before it had to replaced.

However, Xuan Hao didn't worry too much about this, as it was unlikely for his disciple to run into a similar scenario to the one, he had just experienced in the future. Especially considering that he should be strong enough to fight most people in the Domain Lord Realm after he absorbed the pure spiritual qi that had been painstakingly refined by the now dead remnant soul.

"Everything should be fine with that. Now, my own situation… There is no sign of any demonic cultivator chasing after me and it's been close to a week since I broke in and stole the space node stones.

Either the other party doesn't have a way to track me or doesn't dare to enter the Blue Sea Empire. Likely the latter of the two. But… How can I create even more trouble and hopefully avoid the battlefield between the Blue Sea Empire and the demonic cultivators being anywhere near the sect?" Saying this, Xuan Hao unconsciously glanced out through a nearby window and happened to look straight out at a large sign.

[Blue Sea Empire, Intelligence Department]

A familiar sign belonging to a branch of the Blue Sea Empire's intelligence department.

And all of sudden, Xuan Hao realized just how he was going to cause trouble for both the demonic cultivators and the Blue Sea Empire at the same time without involving the Star Shattering Sect in any of the problems that these powerful forces might end up causing.


The next second, he found himself directly in front of the entrance leading inside the intelligence department where he decisively decided on using his explorer union identity, Bright Sword, an identity he didn't have the chance to use in a long time, as most of his recent activities didn't really require him to hide his identity in any way like what he was about to do at the moment.

"Oh well, I hope they bite the bait. After all, I'm not going to say anything false." Chuckling to himself as he said this, Xuan Hao stepped inside the Blue Sea Empire's intelligence department, a space node stone in hand as he directly informed the one sitting at the front to inform the one in charge of the branch that he had some important information he wanted to sell.

Revealing an aura that was around the level of someone in the Dao Seed Realm to make it a bit more convincing and have them take him more seriously. Understanding that there was little chance they would believe him without him showing some of his strength.

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