Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1373: Spirit Stones and Strange Black Spear

Compared to when he had last seen them heading off towards the other side of the pitch black river, Chu Yang could clearly see that their numbers had been significantly reduced compared to before, with only 5 people in the Nascent Soul Realm alive, while only a single Domain Lord Relam was still alive together with the Soul Ascension Realm city lord who looked like he had lost one of his arms during the journey and didn't have the strength to regrow it at the moment.

Ah… Make that four Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, one of them were just grabbed by a few tentacles and dragged below the surface.

Even if they did make it to the other side, it should at least be another twenty or so minutes given their current exhausted and slow speed.

Before that, I should quickly look through this city and see if there is anything useful around…


Not wasting any more time looking at the remaining few cultivators from the Demon Mountain City as they struggled through the tall waves while also trying to defend against any unexpected attacks from the creatures lurking below the surface, Chu Yang first checked the tower to see if this one was as empty as the last one.

"Spirit stones!? And top-grade ones as well!"

Surprisingly, he actually found something when he reached the top of the stone tower. Top grade spirit stones, something that could be considered rare even in the core region of the continent. Useful for cultivators in the Dao Seed Realm as they could slightly help with comprehension, while also being indispensable in any higher-level formations.


Without a second thought, Chu Yang placed the spirit stones inside his interspatial ring before continuing to look around the tower for more treasures. Unfortunately, he didn't find any more spirit stones and soon left the stone tower to search through the rest of the abandoned city.

Soon enough, he swept through all of the buildings except one and managed to get his hand on over a thousand top grade spirit stones. From what he knew, this was more than what the entire Star Shattering Sect had or to be more precise close to a hundred times what was currently inside the sect, as the sect didn't really have a way to mine top grade spirit stones, as most mine capable of producing such spirit stones were located in the core region.

The few that the sect had was obtained through luck.

If he could bring the thousand or so top grade spirit stones back to the sect, it would definitely help in the future growth of the sect!


As he thought about this, Chu Yang slowly pushed open the door to the last house in the abandoned city, filled with anticipation, as he had saved this house for last given it was located at the center of the city and was by far the largest one.

"Huh? No… No spirit stones?"

However, as he stepped into the abandoned house, he almost immediately realized that there were no spirit stones inside, as the house was essentially just a single large open room. The only thing he could see was a small pedestal located at the center of the room-

"Ah? Wait! A pedestal?! Treasure!?" Feeling like there was still hope for this house, Chu Yang focused his full attention on the pedestal, or more specifically the pitch-black spear the seemed to be hovering a few centimeters above it.

Even without knowing about the quality of the spear, Chu Yang was certain, this was a definitely a treasure!


And so, without a second thought, Chu Yang dashed forward and grabbed the black spear to examine it more closely-


However, the moment he grabbed the spear, he suddenly felt a terrifying power erupting from the spear before rushing directly into his dantian before he had a chance to defend himself.

Is this how I die?

Feeling the terrifying power rush into his dantian, Chu Yang could not help thinking this to himself as he blamed himself for being too careless-


And it was just at that moment the terrifying power from the black spear reached the soul at the center of his dantian, causing it to activate the protection Xuan Hao had attached to his disciple's soul in case of deadly threat that they couldn't react to in time.


In the end, the terrifying power erupting from the spear was quickly overwhelmed before a radiant sword intent bloomed inside Chu Yang's dantian before rushing towards the source of the power that had tried to attack Chu Yang's soul.

"Noooo! Not like thissss!"

Soon enough rushing into the black spear where a pitiful scream echoed out a second later before the sword intent retreated back into the depths of Chu Yang's soul. Leaving no traces of its existence behind.


That should be something left behind by master…

Not knowing what to say as the battle that had broken out inside his dantian was over in an instant, Chu Yang could only thank his master before turning his attention back towards the black spear that now felt far more comfortable in his hand.

Given that he was no longer that naïve when it came to the cultivation world, it didn't take him long to understand that the thing that had attacked his soul just now should have been a remnant soul of a long dead ancient cultivator hidden inside the black spear trying to take control of his body.

Now that the soul had been destroyed by his master from what little he could tell, the black spear was safe to use-


However, before he had a chance to inspect the black spear any further, he suddenly felt a stream of pure spiritual qi flowing into his body from the black spear, causing his cultivation still at the Second Stage of the Domain Lord Realm to start improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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