Cultivating Disciples to Breakthrough

Chapter 1352: Expansions and Paperwork caused by Expansion

As the elders of the alchemy hall got busy with their preparation for changing the location of the alchemy pavilion, while at the same time also making it bigger so it could fit the increasingly large number of disciples joining the alchemy hall, the sect's formation masters had run into a similar problem, as they had also been looking towards somewhere to expand to and establish themselves either on the Seventh Star Peak or somewhere else within the Shattered Star Peaks.

Of course, because of the difference in size between the Alchemy Hall and the Formation Hall that the formation masters of the sect used and the fact that there were far less disciples interested in the art of formations compared to those interested in alchemy, the expansion ideas of these elders weren't at the level of taking over an entire peak for themselves like the elders of the alchemy hall were planning to do.

Not to mention, there was little chance they would be able to accomplish something like this, as they didn't have the backing of Pei Yang to help convince Elder Song that it would be beneficial to dedicate an entire mountain peak to them.

After all, even though only the Ninth Star Peak and Seventh Star Peak were being used by the sect at the moment, it didn't mean that Elder Song and the rest of the sect had no plans for the remaining mountain peaks. Only that the sect was still too small to begin investing in expanding into these areas of the Shattered Star Peaks when there was no need to do so.

Out of all the different profession halls of the Star Shattering Sect, the only one that didn't have any problems with the increasing number of disciples was the blacksmithing hall, whose Sea of a Thousand Furnaces already covered a good portion of the Seventh Star Peak.

Even if the number of disciples continued to grow at its current rate, the blacksmithing hall would easily be able to continue on like normal without needing to expand. Making the elders from the rest of the profession halls of the sect feel regretful that they didn't decide on constructing such a massive location for their profession when the sect had just been moved to the Seventh Star Peak.

But then again… There was no way any other sect could take up the same space as the blacksmithing hall on the Seventh Star Peak, as it would have made it difficult to fit in the disciple abodes if that was the case.

Also… It was only for now that the blacksmithing hall could continue running normally without having to think about expanding. In the future, when the number of disciples grew larger and the sect needed more abodes for disciples, the blacksmithing hall might end up being forced to move from the Seventh Star Peak to make space, as the Seventh Star Peak was the best location inside the Shattered Star Peaks to cultivate due to the presence of the qi spring lake in the middle of the mountain peak…

As the different elders related to the different profession halls began to make their way to Elder Song one by one, it didn't take long for Elder Song to realize the seriousness of the situation, as he understood that the expansion of these few different profession halls was going to be critical for the future growth of the sect.

Every single one of them provided something invaluable to the sect and aided in its rapid growth, the alchemy hall providing pills and elixirs to assist the cultivation of the sect disciples, while also providing safety when outside the sect, the blacksmithing hall providing artifacts, while the formation hall helped in construction of certain artifacts and was the main part of the sect responsible for the establishment of new branch sects.

After all, for a branch sect to be successfully established, it had to have a guardian formation that could help defend it in case it was attacked… And at the moment, most of the Star Shattering Sect's branch sects were equipped with powerful guardian formations capable of fending off most people in the Nascent Soul Realm, with a few of the more important branch sects having formations capable of resisting Domain Lord Realm cultivators for a period of time.

Though it didn't seem that impressive, it was still a testament to the increased strength of the Star Shattering Sect's foundation, as formation masters were originally hard to come by and the Star Shattering Sect had spent a large number of resources nurturing the current formation master of the sect to their current level.

"The alchemy hall wants to expand and so does the Formation Hall… Haaa… I guess it won't be long before the rest come running over to ask about expanding. Although, compared to the rest, the alchemy hall's suggestion of moving to the Ninth Star Peak is a little out of the ordinary, but can be accomplished given that only the peak of the mountain is being used at the moment." Muttering this to himself with a somewhat exhausted expression on his face, Elder Song glanced down at the large stack of papers that had slowly begun to pile up in front of him.

Even though the majority of the work regarding the expansion of the different profession halls wasn't something he would have to do, a lot of paperwork ultimately still had to go through him first for approval.

"I finally reached the Nascent Soul Realm when I thought I never would in the past, but all I was met with was more paperwork… Is this perhaps a fate that I won't be able to escape no matter how strong I grow? No… I have to properly nurture a successor to take care of this for me in the future, the management elders and those few disciples I have been nurturing so far with this goal in mind is far from enough! I have to expand the internal management departments of the sect! Recruit more internal elders for management!

But… Before that, I should be able to take the opportunity while the alchemy sect is moving to merge them together with the spiritual herb caretakers. Not only will this lessen the overall work I will have to go through when the alchemy hall expands, but it will also allow the two sides to get closer."

Shaking his head as he talked to himself while looking down at the paperwork in front of him, Elder Song soon showed a determined expression before he went to work. Diving headfirst into the large stack of paper.

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