Chapter 1290 Ten Celestial Trials

Of course, it had to be too expensive for me to buy outright... And given the formations that should be guarding this place, trying to forcefully take it isn't an option.

Smiling wryly as he thought this to himself while looking at the thin scroll placed on the shelf in front of him, Xuan Hao did his best to suppress the desire to just try and forcefully take the scroll. Knowing very well that the formations inside the Tower of Secrets would end up killing if he did so.

"Is there any way to earn celestial coins outside of partaking in the celestial trials?" With that in mind, Xuan Hao could only turn around and ask this. Hoping that there was some other way for him to earn that last celestial coin required for him to get his hands on the scroll containing the information on the Dao Domain Lord Realm.

"Yes, outside of the main method of obtaining celestial coins, they can also be obtained through trading with other trial participants for things other than celestial coins and combat matches with other trial participants putting some of their celestial coins on the line.

Outside of that, a more difficult way to earn celestial coins is also available. Involving the submission of at least Earth Rank combat techniques that haven't been registered inside the Tower of Secrets before. Slight changes to a combat technique does not serve as a valid submission."

"Submission of combat techniques? Can I perhaps submit some of the combat techniques from the sect and try to see if I can get the last remaining celestial coin through this!?" Feeling both his eyes starting to shine as he said this after hearing what the preservation golem said in response to his question, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a sense of renewed hope that he wouldn't have to leave behind the scroll containing information on the Dao Domain Lord Realm.

"Submission of new combat techniques require the validation of an elder before they can be placed inside the Tower of Secrets, would you like me to contact an elder for combat technique evaluation? Be warned, contacting an elder without proper reason will result in a deduction of 5 celestial coins."

"No… No need for that…"

However, before he could start getting excited about submitting the different high level techniques that the Star Shattering Sect had managed to get their hands on since their rapid expansion and some of the techniques he had obtained himself, the preservation golem destroyed his hopes.

Contacting an elder from the Mirage Sect to come and evaluate his combat techniques now that the Mirage Sect itself had been destroyed was nothing more than a pipe dream. Not something that would happen no matter how much he wished for it.

Instead, there was a higher chance that he would end up losing 5 celestial coins by trying to contact one of the elders from the Mirage Sect…

Haaa… Looks like the only way for me to earn enough celestial coins to get my hands on the scroll with information on the Dao Domain Lord Realm is to find another celestial trial and complete it.

The only problem with this is the fact that I haven't found any other celestial gates so far. Not to mention, there is a high likelihood that the other celestial gates won't be in good condition. Meaning just entering them will pose a risk…

Thinking this to himself as he looked down at the scroll that was just barely above what he could afford, Xuan Hao soon turned back to face the preservation golem that had remained silent since his refusal to contact one of the elders. "Do you have any idea how to find any of the celestial gates?" Not thinking twice as he asked this, as he intended to try the only method left for him to get more celestial coins, challenging another celestial trial.

"Yes, you can track down celestial trials with the help of a celestial compass, as you have yet to claim a celestial compass, you can get one for free."


Taking out a small golden compass with a small crystal dial inside, the preservation golem directly handed it over. "Do be aware, losing or destroying the celestial compass will mean you have to pay for the second one. The price of a celestial compass is 25 celestial coins."

"Thank you…" Not knowing what else to say in response, Xuan Hao just looked down at the compass in his hand with a surprised look on his face. Not having expected the preservation golem to suddenly hand over something that would help him track down the location of other celestial trials.

[Main Quest: The Ten Celestial Trials]

[Description: Having gained the celestial compass, you can now track down the remaining celestial trials inside the mystic realm. Complete all the celestial trials.]

[Celestial Trials Completed: 3/10]

[Reward: Increase comprehension of the Dao of Space, ???]

However, the most surprising thing was that a new main quest appeared the moment he took the celestial compass from the preservation golem.

Not to mention the single celestial trial that he planned to complete so he could get his hands on the information regarding the Dao Domain Lord Realm, it seemed like the main quest wanted him to clear all the celestial trials present inside the mystic realm.

But… A total of ten trials…

Frowning as he thought of having to go through seven more celestial trials, Xuan Hao could not help feeling a bit uneasy.

Not so much because he was fearful of the celestial trials themselves, but more so because he was afraid of encountering a situation where the spatial passage leading to the trial had been destroyed and would end up resulting in him being thrown into a spatial storm the moment, he tried to go through it.

Although the chance of this happening when passing through the third celestial gate wasn't high, it was still there… And he had no idea if any of the remaining seven celestial gates were in a worse state than the third celestial gate…

"No… I don't need to worry so much about all of this for now, there isn't a time limit to the quest. For now, I should just start off with trying to find a stable celestial gate and get the last celestial coin I need for the scroll with information on the Dao Domain Lord Realm.

After that, I can use the information in the scroll to increase my strength and try to reach the Peak of the Dao Domain Lord Realm before trying to go through any of the unstable or damaged celestial gates." Calming down as he muttered this to himself, Xuan Hao glanced back down at the celestial compass in his hand.

If he had enough time, it shouldn't be that difficult for him to complete the main quest given by the system.

The only worry he had outside of the unstable spatial passages being the fact that he had no idea what the remaining seven celestial trials entailed.

Considering that they were also designed for those trial participants in the Profound Immortal Realm, he understood that even if he felt confident after going through three of them, he couldn't let his guard down.

Even more so considering that the difficulty of the celestial trials would likely increase now that his strength had broken through to the Late Stage of the Dao Domain Lord Realm.

"Well… It's no use staying inside this place any longer. After all, there isn't much I can get with my meagre 7 celestial coins…" Glancing down at the scroll with information on the Dao Domain Lord Realm one last time as he said this, Xuan Hao turned around and made his way back in the direction he had come from.

Now that he had managed to get his hand on a celestial compass that could help him find the other celestial trials present inside the mystic realm, he didn't intend to waste any time lingering around inside the Tower of Secrets staring at the scroll he couldn't get his hands on.

Instead of that, his time would be far better spent returning to the mystic realm and start searching for one of the seven remaining celestial trials as fast as possible-

"Trial participant has left the Tower of Secrets without purchasing anything, one celestial coin has been deducted as entrance fee."


Deciding to not say anything after hearing the emotionless voice of the preservation golem behind the moment he stepped out of the Tower of Secrets, Xuan Hao could not help silently cursing to himself as he wondered what had happened to his temporary elder status of being able to enter anywhere inside the exchange hall.

Obviously, even though it seemed like he could enter everywhere from what he had experienced so far, he still needs to pay some kind of mandatory fee for not buying anything after entering the Tower of Secrets…

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