Chapter 1277 Magical Furnace

Continuing to work on the thing that she wanted to use to try and apologize to the blacksmithing elders that she had stolen spiritual metal from over the past few months, Mui disappeared from the surface of the sect. Making many of the disciples and elders wonder where she had gone.

However, Mui didn't care about any of this as she continued her work on what slowly shaped out to be some kind of large furnace mainly made up from the red and blue colored spiritual metal, she had taken from the two blacksmithing elders who had blocked her path into the spiritual metal storage of the Blacksmithing Hall.

"Finished!" After close to two weeks going by with Mui using all of the spiritual metal she had on her, the furnace was officially finished, as she didn't waste any time in dragging the massive object into the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces where she placed it directly in the middle of the place before leaving after informing the confused elder in charge of the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces.

In the end, he could only call a group of fellow blacksmithing elders to examine the strange furnaces that had been brought over by Mui. After all, as someone from the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces, he was well aware of the possible danger hidden in the things created by Mui.

Although the strange furnaces didn't seem dangerous at first glance and hadn't done anything as of yet, one could never be too sure when it came to something made by Mui.

"My Water Stream Spiritual Metal!"

"Ah!? The Red Spirit Crystal Metal!?"

Arriving along with the rest of the elders who had shown up to inspect this creation that had been left behind by Mui, the two blacksmithing elders who had recently lost their spiritual metal to Mui instantly realized that the main components of the furnace in front of them was none other than their former spiritual metal.

"Hm? Now that you say it, isn't that my Amber Dust Metal in there as well."

"My Hard Scale Iron is also in there!"

"Ah! I also see my…"

Following the first two blacksmithing elders recognizing their own spiritual metal inside the furnace that Mui had left behind in the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces, it didn't take long before the rest of the blacksmithing elders present realized that the spiritual metal Mui had taken from them was also present inside the large furnace.

"Is this perhaps what she had been gathering spiritual metal for…?"

"Who knows, but we should at least test it out and see if it's dangerous."

Not long after this realization, the blacksmithing elders became less cautious compared to before, as the first few among them began expressing their desire for testing out the furnace. Even petitioning to be the first among the group to test it out and ensure its safety-


Soon enough resulting in the first among the blacksmithing elders stepping out to test out the furnace brought in by Mui, as the spiritual flames of the blacksmithing elder soon entered the furnaces and heated it up.


However, different from what would happen under normal circumstances, the spiritual flame didn't just enter the furnace, but was instead enhanced by the furnace as it passed through it. Allowing it to reach a far higher temperature, while at the same time making it easier to control and adjust as needed inside the furnace.

At the same time, it also seemed like the furnace was partially guiding him in how to improve his control and forging after the spiritual metal was placed inside of it and he began crafting a relatively simple Mortal Grade Artifact for testing purposes.


Realizing just how useful the furnace was in improving his blacksmithing skills and flame control, the blacksmithing elder testing out the furnace could not help showing a somewhat shocked expression on his face. Instantly realizing just how magical the furnace in front of him was.

Not to mention allowing a higher success chance in refining higher grade artifacts, the furnace also seemed to be subtly guiding him in the Dao of Blacksmithing as he continued using it to craft an artifact. Suggesting possible improvements.

"Huh? Is something wrong with the furnace?" Seeing the surprised expression on the testing blacksmithing elder's face, the rest of the blacksmithing elders who had been paying attention to him from the side could not help asking. Clearly worried that the furnace might blow up or cause something strange to happen.

"No! Not at all! Instead…" Shaking his head vigorously, the blacksmithing elder didn't waste any time as he directly told the rest of the blacksmithing elders about the magical use of the furnace. Soon causing all of these blacksmithing elders to grow excited as they all rushed up to try the furnace for themselves. Wanting to see if it would be able to help them step into the Master Realm and become Master Blacksmiths.

After all, the fact that only Bai Ning, a disciple, had managed to reach the Master Realm so far, was a rather embarrassing thing for these elders.

Now that a chance for them to break through to the Master Realm had presented itself, all of them grew excited and wanted to try it out for themselves.

The bad reputation that Mui had managed to garner for herself among these blacksmithing elders over the past few months was instantly swept away when faced with the magical furnace. Especially considering that most of these elders noticed some of the spiritual metal Mui had taken from them inside this furnace.

In the end, these blacksmithing elders concluded that Mui had gathered the spiritual metal from them with the simple purpose of creating the furnace in front of them to help their blacksmithing skills improve.

None of them cared about what had happened in the past when faced with such a magical furnace that could allow their blacksmith skills to improve and guide them into comprehending the Dao of Blacksmithing. After all, the main reason they had gathered precious and rare spiritual metal in the first place, was to try and forge something that would allow them to comprehend the Dao of Blacksmithing and break into the Master Realm.

Now that these rare and precious spiritual metals had been used for something that could help them achieve their original goal, they all felt thankful to Mui. Even feeling bad about how badly they had treated her in the past without knowing about just what she had been secretly doing for them.

"I really misjudged that little girl!"

"Me too, I will go to Elder Song later and give back the compensation I got from him and ask him to deliver it to that little girl!"

"Yeah! This furnace is more than enough to help us in reaching the Master Realm. Giving that little girl the extra spiritual metal we got from Elder Song is a good idea! Who knows she might create another furnace like this for us in the future!"

"True! I will go over immediately and thank her with my Spirit River Crystals!"

As the blacksmithing elders all felt emotional over the furnace that Mui had created for them even though they had chased her away whenever they saw her trying to take any spiritual metal from the Blacksmithing Hall or somewhere else, it didn't take long for them to come to consensus of sending over the spiritual metal that they had received as a compensation from Elder Song.

Not just with the hope that she would create something useful for the Blacksmithing Hall again in the future, but also to repay her for the hard work she had put into the massive furnace now placed at the center of the Sea of a Thousand Furnaces. All of them believing that she should have taken months to create the furnaces in front of them.

"Well… This worked out well, I guess?" Not knowing what to say upon seeing the emotional blacksmithing elders praising his naughty little disciple who had essentially just thrown together whatever spiritual metal she had on her to create the furnaces praised to the high heavens by them, Xuan Hao could only shake his head helplessly as he decided not to interfere.

As long as the blacksmithing elders were happy, he wouldn't be one to jump in and badmouth his own disciple. Especially when they were going to give her enough spiritual metal to keep her preoccupied for the next few months.

"After they give their thanks, I should get going to the mystic realm of the Mirage Sect or it might be too late for that Su Wuhan to escape notice before the people from the Blue Sea Empire show up." Muttering this to himself as he glanced in the direction of his youngest disciple who was about to get swarmed by the happy blacksmithing elders, Xuan Hao stood up before disappearing in the direction of the border where the winged lion demon beast and Su Wuhan were located.

Intending to pick up Su Wuhan while Mui was thanked by these elders.

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