88 a Clue?

Evening at the Plum Pavilion.

BaiYing sat dreamily on his bed, still not feeling sleepy from constantly thinking about what had been missing from his memory during the events that day.

Tonight it was raining so hard, BaiYing kept seeing the water that fell between the slightly open windows and made him focused and calm, which was what he really needed right now.

The Crown Prince approached, immediately tore off the blanket, and sat behind BaiYing.

“YingYing, what are you thinking?”

The Crown Prince’s hands wrapped around BaiYing’s waist from behind and rested his chin on the boy’s shoulder, BaiYing was still looking intently at the window, thinking until his brow furrowed deeply.

LuoXiang raised his hand to brush BaiYing’s hair behind his ear.

“Em, you’re still thinking about concubine Fu? Did you get any clue?”

BaiYing was still seriously thinking, he ignored the Crown Prince until suddenly he turned his head quickly.


“Oh Yeah, Your Majesty, tomorrow I will go to the Pavilion Lily to meet Bao’er, according to Lan’er sister, he was the one who was assigned to buy the glass string, maybe Bao’er can be a witness who was the first person who told him to buy the string, this is could be another clue, Your Majesty.”

The Crown Prince frowned, he still rested his chin on BaiYing’s shoulder.

“Clue? What clue? If someone else is the mastermind behind it? Who else? If not concubine Fu, concubine Lui and concubine Ye who can command Bao’er, who does YingYing hope to be the culprit?”

The Crown Prince’s words made BaiYing realize, he realized, one of the three concubines must have been the culprit, and he didn’t expect one of them to be right, but, this is for the sake of finding out the truth, if concubine Fu is not the culprit then the real culprit must still be around, be free and laugh, but, what if it concubine Lui, or concubine Ye? BaiYing didn’t want any of them either.

BaiYing lowered his head, pursed his lips.


The Crown Prince straightened his seat, he raised his hand turning BaiYing’s head towards him, squeezing BaiYing’s cute face in annoyance.

“Ich this kid, why do you think so much about them? Whereas they don’t think about you at all, whether it’s concubine Fu or not the culprit but he really intends to hurt you, so she, or concubine Lui, or even concubine Ye, it’s all the same right, you don’t have to think too much about them”

BaiYing tried to say something with pouting lips.

“nya pi nyu buknya”

The Crown Prince couldn’t help but be amused at BaiYing’s adorable face and voice, he wanted to squeeze him even more.

“What are you talking about, this kid really makes people want to pinch you, my YingYing icch”

BaiYing let go of the Crown Prince’s hand.

“Your Majesty it’s hurt” the boy looks at him with his very sharp eye from annoyance.

The Crown Prince laughed, he ruffled BaiYing’s front hair.

“Hehehehe sorry, let’s go to sleep, tomorrow you just stay here, let BeiYau’s men call Bao’er to come here ok, don’t go here and there, I can’t work in peace if you keep running around, while Your health condition hasn’t fully recovered yet”‘

“I’m fine, Your Majesty, tomorrow I still want to visit the Cold pavilion. I have promised sister Lan’er to bring a facial mask for her. Poor girl, it’s just a few days in the Cold pavilion she’s already become so thin and unkempt, Your Majesty shouldn’t have locked her there.”

The Crown Prince wrapped his arms around BaiYing’s chest who was leaning against him on their bed.

“Well, it can’t be helped, for a palace concubine the detention room is in the Cold pavilion, the conditions in prison will, of course, be more difficult for an honorable concubine, but the Cold pavilion from the beginning was built to provide a deterrent effect so that people who were once imprisoned there won’t repeat their evil deeds, I don’t know what Father’s intention was to build the Cold pavilion but I think it’s better than the prison”

“Well, that’s according to Your Majesty, in fact, the conditions in the Cold pavilion are far worse than in the prison, the place is indeed clean, there is no one else but concubine Fu was there, but that only made Sister Lan’er even more depressed.”

BaiYing took a deep breath.

“Heh, I hope, none of the concubines are the suspects, even if there are, I hope Your Majesty can forgive them, don’t because of me, one of them had to lose their life, after all, this servant is just a fake concubine, don’t even have the right or anything in the palace, don’t risk them just because of me”

The Crown Prince didn’t answer immediately, he would definitely disappoint BaiYing, because the palace rules were very clear, anyone who harmed other family members would be severely punished, he put his chin back on the boy’s shoulder.

“YingYing, to me you are not a fake concubine, don’t ever say that, what you did is not worth as what they did, you guys are not the same, heh, because you did no harm to anyone on this, not at all”

The Crown Prince buried his head to BaiYing’s neck and back, sniffed the scent he liked so much, hugging the body tightly from behind.

“My YingYing”


Morning comes.


A loud clapping sound, suddenly a voice that appeared in BaiYing’s head made him open his eyes and wake up to sit down.

“Your Highness” Yan and Bi who were already sitting on the edge of the bed approached, both of them saw BaiYing who woke up with wide eyes as if he had a bad dream.

“Your Majesty, did you have a bad dream?”

The sky outside was already bright, the sound of birds singing could be heard clearly into his room, a gentle cold wind blew in through the window, BaiYing had a dream, something very important appeared in his memory, he immediately pulled the blanket aside.

“Sister Yan, Sis Bi, help me prepare the bathwater, we have to go see Bao’er today, who knows he can give us a hint” While BaiYing was busy putting on his footwear, the two maids looked at each other.

“Um, His Highness the Crown Prince has told us to remind Your Majesty to stay here, let the guards pick up Bao’er here.”

BaiYing stopped his hand movements, yes, he forgot, he was too excited to forget what the Crown Prince said last night, his head hurt so bad, the dream, or the lost piece of memory that made him tired, instead of waking up with a headache and neck pain.

“Your Majesty, we will prepare bath water with herbs. Your Majesty has been too tired lately, Bi will massage you later,” said Bi, BaiYing shook his head.

“No need Sis Bi, just taking a bath is enough”

Yan and Bi looked at each other again.

“Um, actually, Your Majesty, you don’t have to be too shy with us, we are happy to do it, um, this lady has a good massage, although not as great as LoMa, her hands are strong enough,” said Yan.

BaiYing glanced at his two maids, smiled at the two cute girls who were getting closer to him, and nodded slowly.

“Em, okay, looks like I really need a massage”


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