134 Go For a Walk

While in BaiYing’s room,

Yan and Bi tidied BaiYing’s clothes to pack for their journey back to the palace, while BaiYing’s cloth bags were already starting to fill up, not to mention the box containing lots of food that General Po gave as well as souvenirs to take back to the palace,

FuLan sat on the bedside accompanied BaiYing who was still not very well.

“How about just braid it, brother’s hair is long like this,” said FuLan who had been combing BaiYing’s long hair which was still flowing.

“It’s up to you, usually sis Bi will help Ying’er tie it all up.”

AYa came closer while carrying some cold coats that young madam Po, General Po’s first daughter, gave to everyone.

“This coat is made of high-quality material, according to the young lady the weather along the road to SanPo will be very cold because this year’s winter is indeed much colder than usual”

FuLan glanced at AYa sarcastically.

“This person, the honorable Princess aYa why don’t you just go back to Kili? If you want to go back, you should have arrived earlier than going back to the palace, the journey is further, isn’t it, what else do you want in the palace? Didn’t you refuse to be His Highness the Crown Prince’s concubine?”


BaiYing nudged Lan’er’s hand, it’s no secret that Lan’er’s words were very harsh, that was her character from the start.

“Sister” he whispered, Lan’er glanced at BaiYing “What? Am I wrong? She has no shame sticking around wherever we go, what else does she want?” Lan’er whispered.

AYa didn’t have many expressions, after handing the coat to BaiYing’s maid she sat on the edge of the bed.

“Does, I bothered you? Ying’er have no problem with it why you the one who busy?” aYa answer made Lan’er swell her mouth to hold back her words, that person, have no shame at all.

“Well, yeah! because my eyes hurt to see you always following us here and there, you’re an honorable princess, just go back to your country and marry another prince, really there’s no need to follow people” while muttering Lan’er again combing BaiYing’s hair.

BaiYing stifled a laugh, Lan’er’s vogue voice as if she couldn’t against aYa who actually had a fiercer gaze than her.


AYa saw BaiYing’s smiling face for a moment, those big shining eyes, very beautiful and interesting to keep looking at it, enjoying it longer to the fullest.

“Why am I having a hard time doing it? Didn’t I already find what I was looking for here?” AYa’s words made BaiYing stop smiling, his two big eyes blinked as if trying to adapt to what the girl said who was now looking at him with a deep gaze, FuLan frowned seeing that the girl didn’t take his eyes off BaiYing at all until he shifted BaiYing’s face towards him, AYa who had time to daydream again to her body and averted her gaze quickly.


“Brother, look at your front hair, it’s messy like this, I’ll comb it all to the back, okay?”

“Just leave it in front, sis, Ying’er likes it”

“Yeah but trimmed it up a bit, your hair is so soft that it falls like this, In sister’s palace there is oil that can make hair a bit stiff, I’ll give it to you later.”

BaiYing smiled.

“Hehehe thank you sis”



LuoXiang entered BaiYing’s room.

“YingYing, are you done packing?” he shouted as he entered the room, his eyes wandered around the room, and found a shadow standing behind the partition, unlike BaiYing, a tall young man dressed in blue and white, the upper part was a white combination of silver and the lower part was bright blue with a sparkling list, LuoXiang was stunned when saw the young man turn towards him.


It’s BaiYing, in young master Hua’s eye-catching attire, a sweet-faced young man smiling broadly at him, his long hair tied up high with a small silver crown with his jade hairpin, a gift from the Crown Prince, a pair of shining eyes with a sweet laugh on her pink lips showing her cute bunny teeth, complete with cute dimples on her blushing cheeks. The Crown Prince was drawn to him like a living corpse, his eyes couldn’t stop admiring how beautiful the scene in front of him was now as if the warm wind that blew made his eyes sparkle.

“Hehe, Your Majesty, what do you think? This is good right? Grandpa Po gave Ying’er a lot of beautiful clothes and Ying’er couldn’t wait to wear them, according to him all these clothes are deliberately collected every year on Ying’er’s birthday just haven’t had the chance to give them to ..ekh” BaiYing stopped his speech, suddenly The Crown Prince had already pulled him in his arms.

“Your Majesty”

LuoXiang missed him so much, BaiYing’s face that he had missed so much, a sweet young man who made him often unable to sleep before, even though, he had had it for a long time, but seeing him now, made his longing seem to be healed, basically, he always wanted to hug the young man for whatever reason.

“Heh YingYing”

“Eh Y-Your Majesty, I will go to the city for a while with sister Lan’er and Princess aYa, take a short walk while giving the souvenirs that haven’t have the time to buy before, although everything is already there it’s a shame not to enjoy this beautiful city of XianYang.”

LuoXiang let go of his embrace, raising his hand to caress BaiYing’s hair that fell in front of his forehead along his cheeks to his chin.

“We will start our journey early tomorrow morning, YingYing needs to have a lot of rest, don’t be too tired.”

BaiYing smiled.

“Hey, calm down Your Majesty, I’ll only take a moment, after all, there’s a Princess aYa with me if Your Majesty is afraid that someone will attack me, but, it seems very unlikely, the entire XianYang city is Grandfather’s territory, suspicious people will definitely be found out immediately.”

“I’m more suspicious to the princess” LuoXiang mumbled.

BaiYing frowned at the Crown Prince’s words which he didn’t hear.

“Uh what, Your Majesty?”

LuoXiang clasped BaiYing’s two palms together, looking at the pair of big round eyes that were looking at him.

“Em, okay I’m joining you, it does look fun, be able to have a walk for a while”

“No way Your Majesty, Your Majesty will attract a lot of attention, what if everyone gives way when you see Your Majesty, what fun is such a walk”

LuoXiang chuckling, he pinched BaiYing’s nose.

“This kid, just chill, we’ll just take Bei with us, and I can disguise myself as a young master, this is sure to be fun, em, there’s a XianYang City handicrafts bazaar in town, isn’t this a coincidence?”

BaiYing pulled his lips, seeing The Crown Prince who was so excited, it might be fun to go out with him after all this time not being able to go anywhere freely.



Bustling downtown XianYang.

“Quality hangers! Made of fine pure green Jade! Please see!” exclaimed the merchant on the roadside, all the traders who were on the edge of the market street who were eager to sell their goods made BaiYing keep looking left and right, his eyes couldn’t stop admiring all the goods sold on either side of the road, everyone kept calling his name for him to see.

“Wow, that’s great.”

His two maids, Yan and Bi, had to stick him here and there, right to left, forward, back again, sometimes running away, sometimes getting closer, he couldn’t stay still.

“Your Majesty, slow down,” Yan shouted.

LuoXiang that afternoon was wearing a beautiful blue dress, he didn’t want to be too different from his BaiYing, a white-dominant top with a sky blue bottom with gold embroidery threads along the bottom, carrying a white fan in his hand with a handsome face shining with his hair tied up and a small silver crown in his bun, he was indeed a very handsome young master, walking beside him BeiYau, who was also dressed like a commoner did not leave behind his black longsword which never once left his grip.

Not far behind him was concubine Fu who couldn’t help but stare at the merchandise being sold.

“Wow, this is pretty good,” amazed Lan’er holding up some jewelry such as earrings, bracelets, and silver necklaces with many beads hanging, while aYa, her eyes didn’t stop watching BaiYing really like hot worms, because her eyes were tired of watching him finally the girl came forward and approached him.


The Crown Prince who was walking with his hands behind his waist was tired of seeing how much energy the young man had always been running here and there until he got annoyed and finally approached him.

“This kid, don’t waste time, quickly buy what you want” cried the Crown Prince holding BaiYing’s hand before aYa could hold him.

“Your Majesty, this is what I am doing, buying what I want” BaiYing shouted.

“Which part do you want? Everything? Make up your mind we don’t have all day.”

Although the Crown Prince’s gaze was intense on him BaiYing didn’t care, he grabbed the Crown Prince’s hand and ran to the booth which was selling wood-dolls not far down the road.

“Your Majesty, that doll is very cute, I want one” BaiYing exclaimed pointing at the wooden doll that was on a shelf not far in front of them, a seller smiled at BaiYing.

“Please customer, if you want the doll, buy these four arrows and shot them right on the target, then you will get the doll for free”

BaiYing stretched out his hand to receive four small arrows into his palm, he just had to shoot it at the red circle, this was so much fun.

“Wow, that’s so cute, Ying’er wants that.”

Tried a few times, but the shot always missed, this is really bad, BaiYing thought until he frowned deeply in anger, until all his arrows were gone he could only hit the yellow area far from the center.

“Akh why always missed, my hand is bent”

Yan and Bi stole a laugh seeing BaiYing’s clumsy attitude, even the seller had to hold back laughter seeing the annoyed face of the young man in front of him.

BaiYing tugged at LuoXiang’s sleeves asking him to shoot arrows at him, but LuoXiang just crossed his arms in front of his chest.

“Your Majesty, please help me”

“You ugly doll, what’s free, isn’t there anything else?”

But BaiYing trying to persuade LuoXiang kept pulling his sleeves.

“Akh Your Majesty, come one get it for Ying’er, please”


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