"Black Merge? Is that the name of a skill? How'd you get it?" Lyrian questioned further, as he was intrigued.

'What a powerful ability... I can't believe how much it boosted his strength. Even though it wasn't much to me, his power soared by leaps and bounds while activating it! In truth, he probably became as strong as someone with an OP of 5 simply by using that spell, when he only has an OP of 1 normally.'

"I don't know. I was just born with it." The boy said, clutching his head as he rose to his feet.

"Born with it? Who are you? What's your family name?"

"Uh... well. My name is Ranthor. Ranthor Crysalis. I don't know who I am, or who my parents are, so don't bother asking. I'm an orphan, a nobody. That's all you need to know." The boy wiped the blood off his face.

"I am only alive to take care of my sister. Without her, I am nothing. A spec of dust that can be wiped off the face of the planet." The boy's tone was filled with truthful ambition.

Lyrian paused, thinking, 'The only reason I wanted to help this kid was because he said his sister was taken... it might have been by the Black Petal Sect, so it piqued my interest. However, he keeps surprising me. This power that he has... if it can turn a person with an OP of 1 to 5, without any prior training... just how powerful can it be with someone trained and strong.'

His eyes lit up at just the possibility of it all.

"You said you were looking for your sister, right?" Lyrian asked, catching the boy off guard slightly.

"Y-yeah... she was kidnapped-"

As the boy spoke, Lyrian assumed inwardly, 'As I expected... another mysterious kidnapping.'

However, as the boy continued, Lyrian realized that he was wrong.

"-right in front of my very eyes."

"Wait... what?" Lyrian said, surprised by this. This wasn't just another mysterious kidnapping, but one with real intel.

'Wait... no... don't overthink this. Such a sect wouldn't possibly be so careless. It must have just been a random kidnapping.'

Lyrian looked at the boy, who was in a horrid state. He then remembered how even when he was saying the truth to the crowd moments prior, no one believed him.

Suddenly, the kid inhaled sharply and fell to Lyrian's feet, bowing down fully.

"Help me! Help me find my sister! I will do anything! I beg you!"

It was abrupt, but the boy broke down into a flurry of emotions at Lyrian's feet.

"I'll sacrifice my life a hundred times over! Please! Help me save my sister, and I will be indebted to you for life."

Lyrian was slightly taken aback by this but didn't hesitate too much in his answer.

"I'm already doing that." He said, taking a step back from the boy who was at his feet.

"In fact, I'm trying my best to solve this mission. When I save those people, I will make sure to retrieve your sister along with the others."

The boy sniffled as he wiped his snot and tears away and rose to his feet. "All black. They wore all black, and their faces were masked."

Lyrian's eyes widened slightly as the boy began to speak, "Continue."

"Their masks resembled that of crows' faces. They were too large, nor did they stand out a lot, but were pitch black."

"What about symbols? Did they have any symbols on their clothing that could give away their association?" Lyrian asked as this would be a good way to verify if the boy was actually telling the truth.

"Yes. They had a symbol on their chest. It was of flower petals. Three black flower petals outlined in a dark purple. I will never forget it, nor anything else about them." The kid firmly stated.

'On the chest... he got that part right. On top of that, he even remembered what it was.' Lyrian was impressed and relieved to hear this information.

"Good job kid... thanks for the help. Here, take this. It will keep you fed for the next month."

Lyrian took out a small pouch from his storage ring.

The boy looked at this pouch, and then back at Lyrian. His expression remained stoic and determined.

"Please... if I may, I would like to request something else."

"What?" Lyrian was slightly confused. He didn't see why the boy would have a reason not to accept the money.

"Instead of that, allow me to help you. I want to complete this mission alongside you to find my sister."

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