After Draco and his group made it to their seats, the canteen quickly went back to its loud atmosphere. Everyone quickly forgot what happened but still had a deeper impression left on them from Lyrian.

As Lyrian finished his food, Alten seemed to be thinking about something. Suddenly, he leaned forward and said, "I heard about Battle Forge in my Hunting class... I'm pretty sure it's something that you can duel other students in or something."

He said, not fully sure if he was right or wrong. "I barely remembered what the brute said... he was a crazy teacher..."

Alten joked but was also serious at the same time. Leon was slightly intrigued by what he heard. "Hm... that actually doesn't sound too bad."

Lyrian had the same reaction. "Yeah... that could be useful."

He retorted, thinking about its possibility of being used for training. At that point, everyone was already done with their food. Lyrian was the only one who was finally finishing up.

Before he could bring the tray back to the wash station, the bell for the next class rang. After saying goodbye, Leon and Alten both went to their final classes of the day.

That's right, final classes. Right now, students only have four classes. This was because the four classes, including lunch, were the more important ones. Later, they would get to choose what other classes they wanted to take, and wouldn't have to waste time with ones they didn't even need.

It was a smart and efficient way to allow students to grow in only useful aspects of life... or at least, that's what Lyrian surmised from Julius' speech the day before.

Lyrian rushed his tray over to the wash station, causing the lunch lady behind the counter to chuckle, as he followed his bracelet map to his final class.

"Oh? It's Hunting class. Maybe I'll learn some stuff about Battle Forge, as Alten did."

He arrived at his class shortly after, which was a glass dome building with a hard rubber floor. It was connected to the main building with a short tube. Lyrian sat down on the stalls that were present on the side of the room and waited for class to start.

The dome was mostly empty, but it was quite big. Compared to his other class, the one before lunch, it was over 3 times the size of that one. What a coincidence. There were a few volleyball nets to the side, some soccer goals, and closets full of various sports equipment.

Next to him on the metal stalls were a full group of other kids. Most of them actually seemed to be closer to his age. After waiting for a short while, the instructor soon came inside.

His strut was loud but calm. He walked inside the dome door and made his way in front of the students before staring at them all with furrowed brows and a stern expression.

Lyrian, and everyone else in the group of kids, were slightly taken aback on seeing the instructor's face. Not because of the expression he was making, but because of the giant scar that went right through his face diagonally, as if it had been sliced in that way.

Lyrian also noticed several scars on his rough, hairy arms, which were bulky in size. They had veins protruding out of them the size of big worms. In fact, Lyrian saw that under the teacher's uniform was a very built body.

The teacher lifted up a clipboard in his hand and suddenly began shouting. "Tell me if you are here or not! Remis Jalsen!"

He said in a rough voice. "H-Here!" The slightly surprised boy replied. "Heigh Kall!" "Here sir!" "Lyrian Theageld!" "Here."

On saying his name, the instructor gave Lyrian a slight glance, before continuing to call out names. After all of them were called out, he gazed at the students and said, "You will call me Sir Rerth, Mr. Rerth, instructor Rerth! Do any of you have questions about this class, if not, we will begin drill testing immediately!"

A wave of silence washed through the students as they all glanced at each other to see if anyone had something to say. "Good! Now listen here, you small chums! If you want to be a Hunter, you have to be strong! That's the main foundation of this class! So, we will be testing it on the first day as such!"

He said before beginning to make his way towards an exit from the dome into the outside. "Follow me!"

Everyone stood outside the dome, where lay a giant exercise ground. A large quarter-mile race track existed in the middle of this ground, inside of which were wooden dummies, and also duel arenas—small stone platforms which were elevated from the ground about 3 feet.

To the sides were different stations of exercises, such as long jump, high jump, pull-up bars, and more. Everyone looked around, observing the several stations of the outdoors.

Some even stretched, knowing that they were obviously going to have to exercise soon. "Listen up! The test drills for your strength will consist of three parts! These parts are based on what I think is most important for you in terms of your strength! Do not doubt them and whine like a little girl, just do 'em'!"

He made his point clear, making sure no one could make a peep in reply. Some girls in the group didn't like the remark that he made, but they couldn't do anything about it either...

"Firstly, the 20 of you will race! The winner nor loser doesn't matter, as long as you run four laps around the track in four minutes, you will pass. If you fail, you get disqualified."

He spoke in a serious and non-joking manner, making many tense up.

"Also... I know I said the winner nor loser of the race matters, but try to win, even If it makes no difference to your grade. Don't be pathetic."

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