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Chapter's Events:


"All of the candies here were prisoners who got lost. They found their way to one of the many entrances through sheer luck."

Ivankov began talking about how the people here arrived at this place.

"In the needle pit, dripping with blood… In the beasts' den… In the midst of a raging fire… In the graveyard…"

Ivankov fell silent for a moment before continuing:

"In other words, we can use those entrances to get all the supplies we need."

Some secret passages appeared in the background in all the areas Ivankov mentioned.

"None of the guards have noticed. After all, how could a paradise like this exist in hell?"

"However, we can get information from outside. We have the same kind of camera den den mushi they have in the monitor room."

"So we catch all of the information they have. We even steal newspapers from the trash, so we get information from all over the world."

Ivankov smiled at this moment, recalling the intense events of the past hours.

"We've been watching the struggles of the first intruder ever, The Strawhat boy, and you as well."

"Oh, it's been a great show, very interesting for us!"

After Bon-chan absorbed all that, he only had one question left unanswered - their current location, where exactly they were.

"So where exactly are we!? Why is there so much space!?"

"This space wasn't always here, of course. Long ago, a prisoner with the 'Digging Ability' was held here."

"I've heard that that candy was the one who made this prisoner's paradise. This place is like an ants' nest dug into a gigantic boulder…"

"It's located directly between floors 5 and 6."

In the background, an illustrative image of Level 5.5 appeared between Levels 5 and 6.

What shocked Bon-chan the most was hearing about the sixth floor.

"Wait, Level 6!!? There's a Level 6!?"

"N-fufu, that's right, most people don't know about it… but of course, it exists… The truly dangerous guys are held there!!"

"All the prisoners there are either on death row or have a life sentence…!! Level 6, Infinite Hell!"

"They've committed inhuman crimes that have been covered up by the government…!!"


In the heart of Marineford, the resonance of Ivankov's words manifested in the steely gaze of Sengoku, whose countenance remained stoic and impassive.

"So, the Digging Ability? Is it mere happenstance or perhaps a stroke of fate?"

"Quite intriguing indeed..."

Kong, the erstwhile Fleet Admiral, cast an approving look at his successor, acknowledging the subtle nuance in his response.

A discreet cough emanated from Kong before he spoke:

"I shall dispatch a formal request to the authorities at Impel Down, urging them to scrutinize the existence of Level 5.5... If it has ceased to exist, that would be fortuitous."

"I will assign them the task of actively seeking the prisoner possessing the Digging Ability. All of this is in a bid to forestall the potential emergence of what is colloquially referred to as the 'Prisoner's Paradise' within the infernal depths of Impel Down."

Sengoku nodded sagely upon digesting the sagacious counsel of his predecessor, a testament to the expected precision and dependability inherent in the role of the Commander-in-Chief of the World Government.

Even Akainu tacitly acknowledged the sagacity of Kong's decision within the confines of his heart. Taking proactive measures to avert the existence of such a clandestine level was deemed imperative.

"The prisoner endowed with the Digging Ability fashioned an intricate ant nest within the confines of Impel Down. Undeniably, Devil Fruit abilities pose a considerable challenge, and no such ability should be cavalierly underestimated, regardless of its apparent feebleness. One of these abilities might harbor a staggering impact, serving as the catalyst for a sequence of cataclysmic events that could potentially herald the apocalypse!"

Zephyr articulated his astonishment, accompanied by a contemplative sigh, as he refrained from mentioning the name of the Digging Ability user.

Borsalino and Kuzan nodded in concurrence upon absorbing this information.

At this moment, the occupants of the room were exclusively those holding the esteemed ranks of Admiral and above, with Great Staff Officer Tsuru standing as the sole Vice Admiral in attendance.

"Well, it appears the volume is on the verge of completion, especially now that the discourse has veered towards the elusive sixth level..."

Observing Ivankov broach the subject of the sixth level, an erstwhile government secret, Kong clenched his teeth in visceral disdain.

"That level is no longer shrouded in secrecy..."

"Well, let us redirect our focus to deliberating the enhancement of Marine forces... It would be unwise to incite ire prematurely..."

As Kong closed the manga book, the others reluctantly followed suit. Internally, a collective yearning persisted; they harbored an unspoken desire to delve further into the unfolding narrative.


At Marigoa:

Within the confines of the Hall of Authority in Pangaea Castle, the five elders meticulously scrutinized the pages of the manga with expressions of disapproval and lingering uncertainty.

"Sigh, As anticipated..."

Saint Saturn couldn't help but feel a profound sense of sorrow following the revelation of confidential information pertaining to the elusive sixth level.

Initially, the Five Elders were struck with astonishment and shock upon learning about the existence of the so-called 'Prisoner's Paradise' in Impel Down. However, this revelation did not substantially alter the overarching narrative, considering they remained deprived of their true freedom.

Yet, with the disclosure of Level 6, maintaining their composure became an untenable task.

"This level has shrouded itself in secrecy for the past 700 years, ever since the inception of Impel Down. It served as a haven for numerous generations of formidable pirates and rebels, their very existence systematically erased from historical records, leaving behind only the remnants of their bones in the eternal abyss..."

Saint Venus paused for a contemplative moment, casting a thoughtful gaze upon their comrades before resuming: "With the veil lifted from this clandestine level, I harbor concerns that the forgotten names from the river of history might resurface in the collective memory of the world."

"They've already met their demise... even if people remember them, what tangible change will it bring?" Saint Ju Peter pondered aloud.

"Perhaps the narratives of some among them could wield an impact... the Revolutionary Army might seek to exploit this revelation."

"In truth, there is no greater influence than that wielded by the manga itself... should we prove incapable of halting its course, our fate is inexorably sealed... for its true conclusion portends our own demise as well, fufu~"

The countenances of the Five Elders solidified into a stoic expression upon hearing the voice of their sovereign.

The atmosphere in the 'Hall of Authority' seemed to exhibit signs of opacity, akin to an illusory page. This phenomenon was a direct consequence of Lord Imu's shifting mood.

In this fleeting moment, only the Five Elders experienced a momentary dizziness. Though their inclination was to kneel in veneration of the Lord and pledge unwavering protection with their lives, an imperceptible force thwarted their attempts at movement.

Seated on the throne, surrounded by swords, Imu adjusted her posture. The enigmatic smile etched across her face remained unchanged.

"Fufu~ I eagerly anticipate witnessing how this unfolds... my own conclusion."

"I've wearied of eternity; witnessing the culmination will prove most enjoyable, wouldn't you agree, Rob-chan?"



"Level 6?"

"Oh my God, does such a Level truly exist!?"

"I often pondered why figures of considerable strength, like Crocodile, were absent on Level 5. Now, it all falls into place..."

"So, is there a Level even more dreadful than Level 5?"

"What defines Level 6? Why is it dubbed Eternal Hell?"

"Even the head guard of the prison is confined to this level!? Possessing a strength equivalent to Magellan...!? Oh my God!"

The readers in Ohara were left astounded by the unfolding events and the pivotal information disclosed by Ivankov.

"Heh!? Is there an intriguing character of this caliber within Impel Down? Fufu~" Beneath his glasses, Doflamingo's eyes glimmered with an intriguing light.

"What an eccentric individual... Shiryu..."

Both Rosinante and Enel were left in shock after witnessing the actions of the former jailer known as Shiryu of the Rain.

"Hehehe~ This is quite entertaining... it appears Magellan has an equally formidable adversary imprisoned on Level 6 as well..."


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 658: Shiryu of the Rain.

Chapter 659: Luffy's Escape Death.


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