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Events of Chapter 533:


[Level 4, The Inferno Hell]


Only desperate cries echoed on this floor, as those thrown into the sea of fire by the prison guards screamed for help.


"Carry that firewood!! Don't drag your feet!!"

"A prisoner is escaping!!"

"Haa… Move!! It's so hot!!! My body… My insides are on fire…!!!"

It seemed like someone had lost their sanity, unable to bear it any longer, and decided to escape.

"Haa… This floor… It's worse than death…!!! I'm sick of it!!!"

"Clear a path!!!"

He ran forcefully through the other prisoners, shoving the weak out of his way. Suddenly, it looked like he collided with a steel plate.

"Hey, out of my way!! You wanna get knocked into the sea of fire?"

The bronze-skinned man glanced at the person trying to push him aside, then forcefully kicked him, sending him into the sea of fire instead.

"Aahh!! Ahh, I'm falling!!"

The escaping prisoner met his end like this.

"Hey, you!! We don't need prisoners attacking prisoners…!!!"

One of the masked guards warned the bronze-skinned man.

The bronze-skinned man remained silent, licking the blood flowing from his forehead, and continued carrying the massive piece of wood on his shoulder.

[Former Baroque Works Member Daz Bones, Assassin also known as Mister 1]


In the manga, Daz Bones' eyes are dark and filled with despair, as if he had lost his soul long ago.

In contrast to Bon Clay, who was in a similar situation, despite Bon Clay's despair, he still retained a glimmer of hope in his eyes, a brightness that grew after meeting his friend Luffy.

However, what Crocodile saw in the eyes of his close subordinate in the manga was complete emptiness. It was as if he had become a piece of emotionless iron.

'Sigh- Did his defeat from Zoro affect him this much?'

Crocodile, at 24, was pleased to see a familiar face from his fallen organization but felt a bit sad when thinking about how Daz Bones ended up in this state because he had trusted him.

"Ah~ Looks like Luffy's getting another powerful ally! Mister 1!!!"

Ivankov exclaimed excitedly after seeing Daz Bones.

"Let's see how this helps… He seems to be enduring this floor quite well, as expected from Zoro's most annoying opponent in the beginning..."

"Bwahahaha!! My grandson is thinking with his stomach as usual… This kid doesn't change even in serious times." laughed Garp.

"It seems Magellan plans to seal all entrances and exits from this floor..."

"Yeah, Luffy needs to create another hole towards the fifth floor, doesn't he?"

Upon hearing that, Dragon smiled. Since the start of this arc and Luffy moving between floors indirectly, he nodded at hearing that... no one could confine Luffy to one place.

"But this time, Magellan is really serious. Things may not go as smoothly as before." Garp said.



"Minorinokeros? Minokoala? Minozebra?"

"What cute animals!"

Bonney's eyes sparkled after seeing the rest of the Demon Beast Guard, finding them cute instead of terrifying.

Upon hearing that, Connie and the others looked at her in astonishment.

'What cute animals?'

They could feel Bonney's desire to tame them.

"Is this a mobile restroom!? I thought it was a chair for the prison warden..."

"Bwahahaha!! Magellan, this is something else..."

"This Devil Fruit has such annoying side effects… I'm really lucky I didn't eat such a Devil Fruit..."

Somewhere in the West Blue, on a desert island with a hot summer climate, readers gathered in an art store, enjoying the cool breeze inside and reading the manga just like any other art store.

This was the West Blue, where many art stores were scattered across the multiple islands, and this island was one of them.

Away from prying eyes, a boy with short hair and bronze skin read the manga with an enthusiastic expression, but at some point, his eyes widened, and his breath caught.

This was because he saw his counterpart in the manga again after a long time.

'Here I am again! Just as expected! Daz Bones the Great! Mister 1, the strongest in Baroque Works after the Sir Crocodile!'

The 9-year-old boy was extremely excited, as Mister 3, Mister 2, and even Mister 0 had appeared. Now, finally, his counterpart had appeared.

As a big fan of One Piece, seeing his counterpart in the manga was like a celebration for him. This meant it wasn't over yet for him, and he still had a role to play…

'This prison won't keep me locked up for long! Since Luffy is here, I'm confident I'll get out too! With Sir Crocodile, of course!'

He didn't dare express his thoughts out loud, as he didn't want to draw attention to his presence. Being a counterpart to a real character in One Piece had significant consequences, particularly being targeted by the World Government for recruitment.

But Daz Bones was one of the most vehement haters of the World Government; he preferred joining the hunters instead. If only he couldn't find Sir Crocodile first.

This was Toroa Island in the West Blue, the home of the boy named Daz Bones.


"What's wrong with you, partner!!? You must be crazy hungry too!!"

Buggy couldn't understand why Galdino prevented him from going to the kitchen like Luffy and Bentham did. Buggy was starving after everything, and he believed Galdino was in the same situation as him.

"Take a look at how many enemies there are...!! Level 4 is usually filled with screams and cries of agony."

While Galdino spoke, passages of the fourth floor appeared in the background.

"But there's not a single guard in the fire torture area...!! Look at the soldiers moving in formation! This is totally out of the ordinary!"

"They'll check the entrances and exits soon. We'll be ambushed...!! We might even be trapped on this floor!!!"

Upon hearing that, Buggy tensed.

"They're gonna ambush us on level 4!!? They're after Strawhat, aren't they!? We're only here by accident!!"

"Regardless, they know our names and faces now."

Galdino poured cold water on Buggy as he said that.

"What I'm afraid of... is that in order to stop this mess, it's highly likely that Impel Down's 'All Stars' have been gathered on this floor...!!!"

"... Of course, the three remaining Demon Beast Guards...!!"

"If the prison's Chief Warden Magellan shows up... It's over!!!"

Galdino announced his only fear, which was Magellan.


In the kingdom of Roshwan in the South Blue, the boy Galdino is highly sympathetic towards his counterpart in the manga.

But deep down, he wanted Mister 3 to truly ally with Luffy and help him reach the fifth floor instead of constantly thinking about how to escape the prison.

'This is bad... Where is this heading?'

'Will there be a massive battle!? We need more allies! Go and help Mister 1 break free from his restraints!'

The boy Galdino was more excited about the idea of freeing Daz Bones than freeing Bon Clay.

After all, Daz Bones was incredibly strong, and his addition to the group would be more beneficial.

Galdino moved to the next page, and his eyes widened as his jaw dropped, a scene that repeated with the people nearby.

Seeing Magellan appear in front of Luffy like a demon from hell made the readers gulp in intense fear.


Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 647: Luffy VS. Magellan. (Part 1)

Chapter 648: Luffy VS. Magellan. (Part 2)

Chapter 649: Luffy's Defeat Reactions!


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