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Calm Belt, Impel Down:

'Will you let me go deliberately after everything...'

In his cell on the fourth floor of Impel Down, the young Marshal D. Teach pondered the past, which had become blurry and intertwined with the world of manga since he was thrown here in prison... no, hell.

On that day, when he was treated by Marco and realized his shackles was lifted, he didn't think much as he successfully escaped from Moby Dick... he didn't know he was being let go in the first place.

Only when he ended up in Impel Down did he realize he had overlooked many things.

'Perhaps because he no longer desires to see me nearby, simply abandoned me, Zehahaha...'

Teach cast a glance at the manga page where Luffy and Buggy had literally taken over Level 2; he couldn't help but show an enthusiastic smile. He was close to seeing the success of his counterpart's future plans.

For him, this was the only entertainment in this world... the difference between him and his counterpart who possessed the Dark Fruit and the cunning of a powerful pirate who lived longer than him was like the difference between a pebble and a mountain.

"Zehahahaha... Cough!" At this moment, Teach began to cough violently... if not for the Zoan Devil Fruit that enhanced his vitality, he would have died long ago from the injuries caused by the Whitebeard... although months had passed since then, and despite being treated by Marco, he still suffered in silence.

"It seems your condition hasn't changed, Marshal D. Teach..."

At this moment, the shadow of an old man covered his cell... the aura of the old man silenced the nearby prisoners.

Teach's eyes widened as he observed the massive white mustache that resembled a crescent! The Whitebeard's face collided with the visitor's, prompting him to instinctively step back.

"Don't worry, I am not him," said the Gorosei.

At that moment, Teach regained his focus; "What is one of the revered world rulers doing here? What does he want from a little punk like me?"

Teach fully understood his situation at this stage... the Marines must not have apprehended him without reason, throwing him into Impel Down despite having no bounty on his head was not without reason either... after all, he was just a trainee on the Whitebeard's ship; if not for One Piece manga, he would still be planning for a distant future on the Whitebeard's ship.

One Piece manga brought that distant future for him to bite into!

It had used his own future against him very well... even he felt horror at just the thought of it!

"Marshal D. Teach, we appreciate your potential greatly. How about striking a deal?" At this moment, the voice of Saint Warcury echoed in Teach's astonished cell.

'Finally, my chance here... I can respond now.'

These were Teach's internal thoughts at this moment.



Chapter 528's Events:


[Level 2 guard room... ruins.]

"...!?" At this moment, Buggy's eyes widened, and he opened his mouth in awe as he saw the destroyed guard room and the defeated Basilisk.

"Oh yeah!!" Luffy, the dwarf version, shouted after defeating Basilisk.

Buggy trembled, asking: "… Y… Your arm got gigantic… Zeeh… Zeeh… What the hell was that?"

"And what's with you now?" He inquired about the reason for Luffy's ridiculous size reduction.

"Haa… That was Gear Third!! Haa… Looks like I beat it… Now come on…!! Let's go to Level 3!!" Luffy was eager to go to the next floor immediately.

"… You beat that monster…" Buggy marveled.

"Uwooohhh!!!" "They took out the Basilisk!!!" "Awesome!!! You guys are awesome!!!" "Thank God, they even busted up the guard room!!"

The prisoners who were watching all of this from the side exclaimed in amazement.

"I dunno who you are, but thanks!!" "Now just get the keys for us, the keys for the door and the shackles!!" "Those keys over there!!"

Just like the Level 1 prisoners, the Level 2 prisoners also wanted to get the keys.

Among the prisoners, Mister 3 Galdino was in a state of awe after learning about Luffy. "Strawhat Luffy… Why is he here…!!?"

"... No, more importantly, if they're outside the cell, they must be breaking out!"

An instinctive smile appeared on his face; he thought internally. 'If I take advantage of this opportunity… This could be an unparalleled chance to escape!!! It looks like god hasn't forsaken me after all!!!'

"All Right!! It's open!!!" "We're out of the cell!!!"

The prisoners cheered excitedly when they were released.

"Gyahahaha!!! Be grateful, ya bastards!!!" Buggy laughed with sheer joy.

"Tell us the names of the guys who set us free!!!" "Captain Buggy!! We'll never forget this!!!" "Captain Buggy is our savior!!!"

"Nkyahahahahaha!! That's right, engrave my name into your hearts!!!" Buggy continued to revel in the praise of the prisoners he had liberated, making things even more chaotic so he could escape in the midst of the chaos. "Keep on opening the cells!!!"


Beside Oro Jackson:

"Oh, what a despicable villain you are, Buggy! Undoubtedly, the Marines want nothing more than to tear you apart at this moment."

"Hahahaahaha!! What a mischievous troublemaker you are!"

"Hahaha! That's funny. You've really freed the prisoners!"

"Hahaha! A truly wicked clown!"

"Hahaha! Sengoku, Zephyr, and Kong will be very angry about this vile act." Rayleigh said, laughing heartily.

"It was expected from Buggy-sama! Do they want to keep me in Impel Down? In their dreams! Today will mark the beginning of their worst nightmares because of me! Gyahahaha!"

"Don't dream too much, Buggy… Luffy is the one who started all this; you're just reaping the rewards of his hard work, you exploiter!" Shanks said with a strange expression.

"What did you say!? And who guided him on the path, is it your sister?" Buggy erupted in anger.

"Calm down, comrades, let's enjoy the manga without conflict."

"Calm your fears, Buggy, everyone knows you're a legend! Hahaha!"

"As if your flattering words will succeed in swaying me, you fool, Gyahahahaha! Of course, I will be the legend Buggy the Clown, the future Pirate King!"

"Since they captured me, I will capture them in the future too!"

"Wait, is this the bastard from Baroque Works Mister 3 planning to steal the spotlight from me!?" At this moment, Buggy noticed Galdino joining.



Inside the hall, the foreheads of all the Marines wrinkled at this moment.

A suffocating silence hung in the air... "Is this really Impel Down???"

"What the hell....????"

"Damn you, Buggy!!!"

"He really freed them! Each one of those chaotic prisoners!"

"What is Magellan doing? Is he back to relieve himself again!"

"Fire is breaking out in your house, you fool! Do something!"

Seeing the prisoners being released one by one from their cells made Momonga shudder... it was all a sequence of events, the main cause of which was his negligence when he allowed the Straw Hat into Impel Down.

Everything that happened and would happen later would be primarily due to his negligence!

This would be a black mark in his record as a veteran Vice Admiral!

The evidence of that was Akainu's looks at him, making him sweat.

"Sigh~ I hope Magellan can somehow control the situation and that Hancock doesn't turn against us at this crucial time." Sengoku could only sigh.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 628: The Appearance of Knight of the Sea, Jimbei! Drawing of Spirit!

Chapter 629: Freedom and Prison.

Chapter 630: Many Enemies of the Whitebeard!


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