Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 564 Admiral Kizaru's Arrival! Rayleigh Knows Everything About This World.


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"One Piece" Events:


[Sabaody Archipelago, Grove 21, Harbor]

"A Marine ship has been sighted in the harbor!!"

"An Admiral is here…!!!"

"We have to run away quickly, or we'll die!!!"

"Launch the ship!! I don't care where to!!"

Chaos spread among the pirates as they learned about the Admiral's arrival. At this moment, everyone was trying to run with all they had.

Suddenly, the sound of cannons being fired from the warship was heard.

"They've fired their cannons!!!"

"No way, without warning!!?"

One of the pirates used his telescope to see what was happening up close.

"No…!! There's something weird about one of them…!!"

"Somebody's riding on it!!!"

"No way!!!"

The cannonball exploded just as the man jumped away from it, causing a large explosion behind the tall man in the yellow suit.

"Yes… This is Kizaru!!"

The Admiral was speaking through the Den Den Mushi on his wrist after arriving at the archipelago.

"Yes… I've arrived, please respond."



"What a splendid entrance...!!"

"Where did you learn to stand on Cannonballs, Borsalino?"

"Buwahahahaha! As expected from an admiral, as soon as news of your arrival spread, it struck fear into the hearts of the Pirates."

"I wonder how strong I've become after more than two decades... I'd like to find out... I'm excited."

Borsalino felt immense excitement while witnessing his future self entering the arena with a majestic presence.

"Seeing Kizaru's appearance makes me look forward to my own moment as an admiral too..."

Even Sakazuki was eagerly anticipating the time when he would become a fearsome Admiral.

After all, he didn't like his appearance as a vice admiral in the Ennies Lobby Arc, and the events on Ohara Island had tarnished his reputation. Even now, as an admiral, he didn't feel genuine respect and admiration from his subordinates.

"Now that Kizaru has arrived... only the Dark King Rayleigh has the strengh to save Luffy and his crew from certain death."

At that moment, Sengoku spoke with complete confidence in the strength of the current Borsalino, not to mention how much more formidable he must have become in the 22 years since. Considering the current level of the Straw Hat crew, they had no choice but to wait for their doom within the Admiral's enclosure.

"Arara~ why would Rayleigh possibly intervene to protect them?" Kuzan wondered.

"To protect the seeds of the new generation... perhaps," Zephyr answered.

"But wouldn't he risk exposing himself if he did that? Didn't he say he wanted to live a quiet life away from the spotlight?" Tsuru questioned.

"That's true, but the mindset of a pirate like Rayleigh can't be fully comprehended or restricted to mere words... his thoughts may shift at any given moment... if he recognizes what Shanks truly saw in Luffy, he will undoubtedly step forward to safeguard the seeds of the New Generation, just as Z suggested," Sengoku speculated.

"And I find it highly improbable that someone like The Dark King would overlook what a mere cabin boy on his ship witnessed... so I'm willing to wager that we will witness a clash between Kizaru and Rayleigh."

Sengoku's analysis left everyone speechless, especially when it was realized after several chapters.


At Ohara:

"Look, guys! Rayleigh said he knows everything about the Void Century and the will of D!"

"He... he even expresses sympathy for what happened to us in Ohara... what an incredible man."

"Unbelievable... I didn't anticipate Robin being asked such a questions... nor did I expect Rayleigh's answer to be like this..."

At that moment, the enthusiasm of the Ohara archaeologists was soaring; excitement could be seen on all their faces.

It was difficult to contain their emotions when Rayleigh expressed solidarity with the people of Ohara who had suffered at the hands of the World Government's secrets.




"Rayleigh… I have a question…!!"

At that moment, Robin stood up to ask Rayleigh a question.

"Just what is… 'The will of D'…?"

"Roger's name was engraved on the poneglyph I saw on the Sky Island in an ancient language. How did he know that language...!?"

Robin recalled the words she saw inscribed on the golden walls surrounding the poneglyph on that day.

("I was here, and I will follow these words to their end.") - Pirate Gol D. Roger.

Robin continued speaking: "... Do you know what happened in the world 900 years ago, during the 'Blank Century'!?"

"... Yeah, I know." Rayleigh's answer was simple and concise. "We... knew all of history..."

Hearing this, Robin was shocked.

"... But, Little Lady... You can't rush things... Just go forward one step at a time... On your ship." Rayleigh sighed before continuing:

"Maybe we... and maybe Ohara, too..." "Maybe we all... tried to go too fast..." "Even if I told you everything I know about the history of the world, as you are now, you won't be able to do anything about it...!!" "... Take your time, and after you see the world, perhaps you'll find a different answer...!!"

"But if you must ask, I can tell you everything about the world." Rayleigh smiled and said in the end.

"..." Robin hesitated, but then she smiled and said, "No." "I'll stop asking here... I'll continue my journey."

Rayleigh nodded and said, "Someday, you'll see everything... It makes me sick, what happened to your hometown, Ohara..."


"Robin made the right decision to stop asking questions, otherwise..."

"Fufu~ otherwise what?" Bella laughed before asking Olvia to continue her explanation.

"Otherwise, the story of One Piece would have ended here, and there would be no more chapters..." Olvia's answer left Gloria, Bella, Matri, and Melona feeling shaken and in awe.

"That's right..."

It was indeed true... Robin could have almost unraveled the entire story of One Piece if she had kept asking Rayleigh, who had no reservations about revealing everything.

"Hof~ it's fortunate she stopped... although I'm curious about the past and the so-called 'Blank Century,' I also don't want the One Piece book to end in a hurry!"

"Me too!"

"It would be frustrating to live the upcoming days with no purpose, without waiting for the next volume!"

"But one day it will end... won't it?"

"Yes, but then everything in the world will revert to the way it was in the past... that was the answer dear Rob gave when I asked him what would happen when he finishes posting all the chapters of One Piece," Olvia said quietly.

"What does that mean?" asked Bell-mère.

"I don't know," replied Olvia.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 554: I'm not going on a boring adventure!!!

Chapter 555: Marine Headquarters Admiral — "Kizaru"

Chapter 556: Capone 'Gang' Bege – Castle man.


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