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"One Piece" Events:


"They're coming out!!" "Get ready!!!"

The Marine soldiers pointed their rifles at the auction house entrance where three young men had just appeared.

"Those are the three captains...!!" "Their advance guard is coming out!!!" "On the right, they're worth 300 Million, 315 Million, and 200 Million!"

At that moment, the three captains stood together in a rare scene.

"You guys... can just stand back," Luffy said as he squared his hands and stared at the Marine soldiers.

"I thought I told you two to stay back," Eustass Kidd replied arrogantly.

"If you try to order me around again, I'll start with you, Eustass," Law said, clearly disliking Eustass Kidd's arrogant attitude.



"Mortars!! Fire!!!" Upon hearing the orders, the soldiers fired their cannons at the three pirates.

"Gomu Gomu!! Balloon!!!" Luffy transformed into a massive balloon, deflecting the cannonball from his body back towards its owners, causing an explosion.

Seeing this, Kidd pointed his hand simply at the cannonball, and some strange electromagnetic sparks appeared from his hand. "Repel." After uttering the name of his technique, the cannonball came to a halt in mid-air and returned to its origin.

"Room!!" Law didn't stop the party; instead, he moved his hand, forming a small whirlwind beneath his palm. In the next moment, a blue bubble covered the cannonball that was heading toward him and one of the Marine soldiers.

"What the hell is this circle!!?" exclaimed the Marine soldier who realized he was within the range of the blue bubble.

Though Law didn't move, he sliced the air with his sword, and then the magic happened. The Marine soldier's head was severed from his body. "UWAAAAHH!!"

"Shambles," said Law.

"Huh?" The cannonball was replaced with the head of the man Law had previously cut off.

"EEHHHH!!?" Strangely, the decapitated head of the man was still alive in Law's hand, but he quickly felt the pain of his body burning in the flames. "GUWAAAAH!!"

"Be careful!!! The cannons won't work on these guys!!!" exclaimed one high-ranking Marine soldier.

"All three of them... Have Devil Fruit powers!!!"


Inside the Pangaea Palace, in the Holy Land of Marigoa:

Imu attentively watched the three captains who were bullying the mob with their abilities.

A smile appeared on her face as only two abilities caught her attention.

"Could it be that even the author himself has not yet known the truth of Gomu Gomu no Mi?" That would be interesting... the most annoying opponent in the world previously for me was this particular Devil Fruit."

Imu turned her gaze from Luffy, who was thought to be a rubber man all the time, to the dark-eyed guy.

"Ope Ope no Mi... So this boy is the user of the most useful Devil Fruit in recorded history?"

"His role in this story will certainly not be simple..."

"How is the search for these two fruits going on? Is there any news?" Imu looked at the five elders who were sitting below the throne and asked.

Hearing that, Saint Marcus Mars responded immediately. "The search for Nikka fruit and Ope Ope fruit is still ongoing, their whereabouts are still unknown, Imu-sama," Mars replied in a depressed tone.

"Well, forget about finding the Mythical Zoan Fruit because it has its own will. It's practically impossible to catch it. Even if we get it in our hands, we might lose it the next day. But the Ope Ope fruit is very important... I heard Rob-chan is looking for it too, maybe he already realized the secret behind it."

"I can't even imagine facing an opponent like Rob-chan who having an undying life like me... that would be ironic."

"I'm still relieved because I'm not his only enemy; his real enemy is time. As long as he gets old and dies, I won't feel any discomfort... he can do whatever he wants in the human lifespan. Hahahahahaha!!!"

For the first time, Imu revealed why she is not worried about Rob, as she is a person who lives forever, making mortal beings insignificant to her, no matter how strong they may be."

Unfortunately, she didn't know that Rob is already immortal... if he's looking for the Ope Ope fruit, it's just to make his immortality meaningful.


"Those little bastards, Buwahahaha!! Even without Haki, they still cause a lot of trouble," Garp wrinkled his nose contemptuously as he glared at Luffy, Kidd, and Law.

"They think they're strong and everything... right? Well, soon they will see what real power is... they will learn how to write the word despair!" Sakazuki had a fierce expression on his face as he stared at the youths, arrogantly displaying their scrap powers.

Even he, the owner of a Logia-type Devil Fruit, Magu Magu no Mi, had never behaved so arrogantly at their age.

"Arara~ Sakazuki, it seems that you are really upset because of the events of the manga... are you sympathetic to Saint Rosward and his family?" Kuzan said sarcastically.

"I just hate Pirates!"

"Ahem... shut up, guys, let's talk about what's important now, don't be distracted," At this moment, Sengoku intervenes.

"Gomu Gomu no Mi, a Paramesia-type Devil Fruit, gives its owner a super rubber body... not a big thing, but since it is the devil fruit that the protagonist of this story ate, it must have a hidden secret..."

Sengoku returned to stand in front of the whiteboard that he had personally placed there to explain some of the things he understood to his subordinates and to make it easier to deal with what the future might bring later.

"Does an ordinary Paramecia fruit really have some secrets on it, Sengoku? So wouldn't my Woshu Woshu fruit have some secrets on it too?" Tsuru said with a calm expression. Personally, she did not think that there would be a secret of some kind on the rubber fruit.

"This and this are completely different, Tsuru-chan... what gives the rubber fruit the premise of having a secret behind it is the person who ate it... is that understandable?"

"Next, Jiki Jiki no Mi, a Paramecia-type Devil fruit, too gives its owner a supernatural ability to manipulate magnets, although it is also not a big thing without having junk around, but it has the power of self-generating electromagnetic energy... since its user is standing side by side with the protagonist of the story, he may have some important role in the future."

"Very annoying, this young man looks arrogant like a prick in the ass... I'm looking forward to seeing my counterpart in the manga wiping the floor with his face." Borsalino was extremely unhappy every time he saw this Kidd acting.

Sengoku shook his head and continued, "the next fruit for me is the coolest devil fruit, which I'm pretty sure is a big secret, given that it's the most expensive devil fruit in history... and even the Celestial Dragons are after it every time it appears... although with the appearance of Brook's fruit, this rating may change, but nevertheless, Ope Ope no Mi is still at the top of the Paramecia-type."

"Due to its miraculous ability to cure any kind of disease by separating it directly from the body. it may even have the ability to fight aging, and this is truly miraculous."

"In any case, these three young men are special since the author chose to show them together in such a scene."



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 548: Is he really Kuma?

Chapter 549: Heart Pirates and Kidd Pirates VS Bartholomew Kuma!

Chapter 550: Vice-Captain of the Pirate King!


Teaser fron Pat:



"Who would have expected the same thing to happen to our dearest heroes… My tears won't stop…"

"This is so unfair… Uwaaaah!!"

"Please stop... Where are you sending them!? The crew will be scattered this way!"

"This means we might not see the Straw Hat Pirates together for a long time!!!"



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