Creating Manga Of One Piece In Pirates World Become My Ultimate Goal!

Chapter 538 The Beginning of Troubles - The Kidnapping of the Mermaid Caimie!


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New World, Elbaf Island:

"Well, that's enough."

Upon Rob's arrival at Elbaf, he immediately noticed a massive battle unfolding between the Big Mom Pirates and the Elbaf Giants.

As soon as he spoke those words, a tremendous aura erupted, engulfing the entire island continent - Elbaf, the homeland of the Giants.

The intense spiritual pressure caused all creatures in the vicinity to instinctively freeze, regardless of their strength. Everyone ceased their activities, except for breathing.

The suffocating aura was so overwhelming that some beings even forgot how to breathe. It resembled the pressure of Conqueror's Haki, yet it was something distinct.

Rob stood in the sky above Elbaf, emanating an otherworldly presence.


Brogy: "..."

Dorry: "..."

Even these two giants couldn't break free from Rob's terrifying aura. They stared helplessly at each other, recognizing the arrival of their boss. His presence meant that whatever was transpiring would come to an end.

And indeed, it did.

"Brogy, Dorry... Didn't I tell you not to pick fights with Linlin's children?" Rob's voice was as heavy as a soul-crushing hammer, sending shivers down the spines of everyone present. The scolding tone in his voice filled them with terror.

Even Katakuri, the strongest among the Big Mom Pirates, felt fear—not for his life, but fear of incurring the wrath of the owner of that voice. The rest of his siblings were practically trembling in fear.

Prince Loki of the Giants Kingdom felt the same way. Tears welled up in his eyes as he gazed at the godlike figure in the sky, unable to move or speak. He felt an overwhelming sense of injustice.

Even his royal father had never instilled this level of oppression in him. Throughout his life, he believed that his father was the strongest being in the world. Yet, this small man in the sky made him cry with just the suppression of his aura.

Observing their sorrowful expressions, Rob deemed this lesson to be sufficient.

With a smile, he withdrew his spiritual pressure, which could subdue any being except for gods, and spoke.

"Linlin's children, your business here in Elbaf is finished. From this day forward, you have no purpose here. Return and inform Linlin that she should 'Not disturb the Giants again.' Is that clear?"

Rob descended slowly, stopping in the center of the giant village, where the wary and fearful Giants observed him. They would never forget the tremendous aura emitted by this man for the remainder of their long lives.

"We understand, Rob-sama! I will make sure to relay your esteemed words to Mama immediately!" Perospero responded swiftly, expressing his gratitude to Rob before gathering his siblings and leaving.

The battle against the Giants had been lost from the beginning, and Rob's arrival served as their savior from a life-or-death crisis.

Rob nodded. Suddenly, he remembered that he had just slept with these men's mother. Did that mean they were now considered his children? He shook his head, dismissing these strange thoughts, and looked at the oppressed Prince of Giants with a smile.

"I apologize for frightening you, Prince Loki."

"No need to worry. I didn't come here to cause harm. On the contrary,



"One Piece" Events:


"I took a peek at the town. It looked like there were soap bubble bicycles flying around."

Returning to the Sunny-Go, Sanji, who had just spoken, along with Usopp and Franky, were happily drinking tea and conversing.

"I saw that, let's buy one!!" Usopp enthusiastically suggested.

"We'll have to try them out first-"


Before Franky could finish speaking, the sound of Denden Mushi interrupted him.

"I hope it's Nami," Sanji hurriedly responded - GACHA~

((Hello!!? It's me, Chopper!!! Um... There are too many flavors of ice cream!!!))

"Hey... what happened...?"

((Sanji!? It's bad!!! Ueeeehhhn!))

"Uh! I can't understand you, calm down and speak clearly... Now tell me, what happened?"

((Caimie's been kidnapped!!!))

"What!?" Sanji, Usopp, and Franky were shocked.

((It was probably some kidnapping team...!! I don't know why, but Mermaids and Fish-Men are sold and bought here, even if they haven't done anything wrong!!))

Chopper continued, his tearful tone shifting to a tone of self-blame.

((Caimie's gonna be sold!!! She's gonna be a slave for the rest of her life!!! It's all our fault!!!))

((There are too many human shops on the archipelago!))

((We don't know where she'll be sold! We don't even know who took her!!!))

((The archipelago is too big... Anyway, if we all split up and look...!!!))

"Tell me where you guys are, in detail... just wait there." Sanji interrupted before he could finish what he intended to say.

((Eh!!? But...!))

"We know some pros at this...!!"

"I'll call the Flying Fish Riders!!!"



"This is what happens when the roots are not cut after demolishing a house... If Luffy hadn't shown mercy to those despicable bounty hunters, the information about the mermaid wouldn't have leaked, and the slavers wouldn't have pursued her."

Doflamingo grew increasingly annoyed while reading this chapter, from the appearance of the slimy Celestial Dragon who undeservedly held his authority and power to the situation involving the fish-faced slave trader.

"...Everything in this chapter is annoying except for Zoro's appearance," added Mihawk, who had joined Doflamingo's group along with Issho.

"You're right. Zoro always brings magnificent splendor to this manga. If Luffy had even half of Zoro's seriousness, he would have become the Pirate King by now!" Enel spoke sarcastically this time.

Enel had always been greatly annoyed by Luffy, who had defeated him through luck and a plot hole in the manga. That's why he always favored Zoro over Luffy.

"Isn't kidnapping her right under the protagonist's nose a terrible loss and a slap in the face for Luffy?" Rosinante was also deeply upset about this.

"That's why all of you need to learn the valuable lesson that the author or our teacher imparted in this chapter, Fufufu~"

"Don't show mercy to enemies. A dead enemy can't harm you or cause any trouble."

Doflamingo adjusted his exquisite glasses before a cruel smile spread across his face. He stated, "A good enemy is a dead enemy."

Mihawk's eyes gleamed upon hearing Doflamingo's words, and he thought to himself, "This kid is insane."


Fish-Man Island:

"This is being repeated again in the manga... Damn it!" exclaimed Jinbe.

"Nyuuuu...! Oh no! Caimie has been kidnapped...!" The current Hatchan felt deeply saddened after witnessing the kidnappers escape with Caimie.

"Don't worry, the Strawhats are not ones to be taken lightly. They can handle it," Arlong pointed towards Sanji's angry expression, attempting to calm the panicked Hatchi.


"Well, there's no need to worry about events in the manga that have no connection to our current reality..."

Suddenly, Fisher Tiger spoke, his eyes burning with undisguised rage.

"What we should truly be concerned about is this... whether or not we have done anything wrong, humans still choose to kidnap us Fish-Men and sell us in human shops... that's what Rob said in the manga."

"No, that's what we have been subjected to for a long time."

"Listen, kids..."

"What is Rob trying to convey to us in this arc..."

"This is the most important thing."



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 529: All humans on this island are enemies of the Mermaids and Fish-Men.

Chapter 530: Human Auction House.

Chapter 531: The Appearance of Old Rayleigh and the Fishman Reactions!


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