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"One Piece" Events:


"Anyway, what's up with this island?" wondered Franky.

"I have never seen any animals or insects evolve like this before. It's a world where man's wisdom and abilities are insignificant, and strength is the only thing that matters," replied Robin.

"Hmph... An island where only the fittest survive, huh?" Franky said, understanding the situation.

In the end, it turned out that Franky, Robin, and Brook were on one of the many floating islands.



Meanwhile, on the main island of Merveille, where it was currently snowing, Nami was relaxing in a covered pool wearing a sexy swimsuit.

She looked beautiful beyond measure, like a young mermaid.

"..." As Nami swam, she noticed two channels for delivering seawater under the pool, which seemed convenient for escaping.

When Nami finished swimming and went to use a towel, she heard loud music and saw the Three Idiots - Shiki the Golden Lion, Dr. Indigo, and a dressed-up gorilla - dancing.

"Hmph..."Nami snorted contemptuously at the silly scene.

Shiki laughed after seeing Nami's cold reaction and asked, "Have you made up your mind, baby-chan?"

"Let me go already," Nami replied coldly.

"Jihahahaha! A strong-headed girl. My kind of woman," laughed Shiki.

Suddenly, Dr. Indigo walked toward Shiki, making annoying sounds that the Golden Lion could not stand. "Can't you do something about your footsteps, Dr. Indigo?!" he complained.

"What are you trying to tell me?" Shiki asked what Dr. Indigo was trying to say after seeing him attempting sign language.

"I just remembered there's something I want to show you," said Dr. Indigo.

"Now you talk?!" exclaimed Shiki.

Suddenly, the dressed-up gorilla started laughing and clapping, which caught Shiki's attention. "--Mom?!" he exclaimed, shocked.

Dr. Indigo exclaimed, "--A gorilla, no matter how you look at him!"

"How was that?"

In the end, they clarified that they were only performing a comedy show for Nami.

"Don't look at me," Nami said, still indifferent.

"Just like ice, baby-chan~! Jihahahaha!" replied Shiki, laughing.


"Why that day...?" thought Nami.

Nami began to recover memories of what happened on that day; the same day Shiki attacked Marineford, and the same day they left the border of the Florian Triangle.


Vegapunk continued turning the pages enthusiastically, "As expected from Robin. She has enough knowledge to understand the situation on this island and can even say that this kind of animals is evolving in a strange way," he said.


As he continued reading, he heard cheers from the readers around him.

Even Brook held his hand over his nose, which had started bleeding strangely.



"Wow! I have seen something so beautiful that it will make my life feel rosy forever!" exclaimed someone from the group of readers.

"Oh my god! What kind of beautiful and sexy is this? How did Nami mature so quickly in the manga?" said another, shocked.

"This is unbelievable! After the events of Thriller Bark, she looks like a completely different person!" replied another from their group.

"She looks like a goddess in that swimsuit! A real goddess!" said another person in amazement.

"It seems that the ingredients used in Sanji's food contain a deep secret. There's no other explanation for Nami's transformation since the East Blue saga except Sanji's cooking. The same goes for Robin, who has become so cute," clarified one of their colleagues.

"Please, let's not speak too loudly. Miss Bell-mère warned us," the first person interjected.

"That bastard Shiki! He must have kidnapped the goddess of my heart!" exclaimed someone else.

"Fuck you! I'd said stop talking loudly!"


Bell-mère exclaimed, "Damn the Golden Lion! Nami has really been kidnapped! Why did he do this?"

Olvia replied, "At this stage, the only thing special about Nami is her navigational skills. I don't think the famous Golden Lion would kidnap a woman simply because of her beauty. Otherwise, we would have heard of him doing it before."

As the author's wife, it is not unusual for the light of wisdom to radiate from her, as she can foresee the events of the manga drawn by her husband.

After all, she had a profound comprehension of the One Piece manga and all the characters who had appeared in it so far.

"That's...you're largely correct, older sister Olvia," Bell-mère replied confidently.

"But that doesn't justify why he refers to her as 'Baby-chan'. This disgusting old man is clearly molesting her!"Gloriosa explained.

She puffed her cheeks angrily, resembling an exact copy of the annoyed Chika Fujiwara.

Anyway, Nami was her dear friend, so this scene would definitely upset her, as well as Otohime, Olvia, Melona, and Matri.

Even Toki, and Sora, who were resting in the palace instead of assisting customers.

"Will the Golden Lion cross the line?" Bell-mère wondered with a trembling voice. She knew that her daughter looked very sexy in this outfit, sexy enough to trigger men's animal instincts at least ten times.

The scary thing was that the Golden Lion was not an ordinary man, but a legendary pirate in the current story, someone who fought Roger and Whitebeard countless times and was ranked as one of the great pirates alongside them.

He also fought Sengoku and Garp and destroyed half of the Marineford!

He escaped from Impel Down and even after many years, his record of escaping from the underwater prison remains unbroken.

In reality, the only person who escaped from Impel Down was Brynndi World, and he needed Rob's help to achieve it!

As for Shiki in the manga, he helped himself escape.

"I don't think this will happen. Don't worry, trust Rob," Olivia reassured Bell-mère.


On the Flying Island of Merveille:


"Baby-chan? This young lady is tasty enough to be considered as such a beloved woman by me," said Shiki with a perverted smile while wiping his saliva and gazing at Nami's flawless body.

He looked like an ugly bastard, ready to attack his prey at any moment.

"Wororororo! I wonder what the Golden Crow of the Hunters' Guild will think of this scene," laughed Kaido.

"Isn't she Bell-mère, who adopted Nami and Nojiko in the manga? I believe she sees Nami as her daughter, so she'll curse at you for kidnapping her in the manga right now," analyzed Kaido, sipping his sake.

"That woman? Oh yes, she's considered Nami's mother, but why should I care... if Nami does appear, I'll make sure to take her under my wing, hehe~" laughed Shiki as a crazy idea popped into his mind.

"After all, she's a very talented woman, far better than the trash meteorologists I have on my ship."

Kaido nodded in agreement, "She's undoubtedly gifted, and her talent deserves to be showcased in a larger crew, one more significant than her current crew." Even Kaido was beginning to have foolish notions.



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 465: Is East Blue in Danger?

Chapter 466: Nami, the Genius Navigator!

Chapter 467: Fuwa-Fuwa no Mi!


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