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Egghead Island:

Only 10 kilometers away from Ohara Island, a new island appeared not long ago, but the strange thing is that despite the proximity of this new island to Ohara, no one was able to notice it.

This is because it is completely hidden from the public eye by the art store barrier that changes its color to match the color of the sky and sea, a simple function for hiding on a wide scale.

Here, there is a research laboratory for a mad scientist that has separated from the world government and disappeared from their sight, Vegapunk.

Places that are safest from the hands of the world government are near the other pole, the home of the leader of the hunters guild.

For this reason, Rob moved his entire island here, which caused Vegapunk to be shocked for several days.

At this moment, Vegapunk was in the "Ohara" art store while two clones of him were in his laboratory.

They are Shaka and Lilith, which were completed some time ago.

Of course, there are hundreds of loyal subjects of Vegapunk who help him build his future island, after he decided to secede from the world government he expelled all the loyalists to the world government from them, but there are still many who decided to stay with him and help him because of the kindness they have with him.

After Rob's level of title went from "Beginner Mankaga" to "Average Mankaga," he was able to sense things and elements that he had never felt before.

For example, "Threads of fate," "Remnants of time," and "Elements of the mysterious plot."

His eyes can now see many mysterious auras, each with its own meaning.

For example, the strongest auras that he can sense in Ohara are those of Brook and Robin, who represent elements of very dense plots. As the main characters of the story.

He can also sense strong threads of fate woven around Vegapunk, Saul, Doflamingo, Toki, and also Stussy, for some reason.

And because of this, Rob's expression became cold.

The threads of fate woven around Doflamingo, Saul, and Toki also seemed to be on the brink of breaking for some reason. While the threads of fate around Vegapunk became denser.

New threads of fate appeared around Professor Clover after he didn't have any threads of fate from the beginning!

He was on his way to becoming like Vegapunk.

The difference between them is that while the density of the threads of fate around Vegapunk is like a light bulb, Clover is like a soft glow.

Rob took his gaze away from Stussy's aura and looked at the auras of ordinary people with Mankaga eyes, but he only saw white auras with no connection to any plot.

Rob found his aura black, like ink, as a black hole in space. He knew he was a mangaka, completely disconnected from the world of manga as if he was the only real existence in a fantasy world.

Rob shook his head and looked towards Egghead Island, where he could feel stronger fate threads than those of Vegapunk.

He disappeared from his place in a moment and appeared in front of a half-destroyed giant robot, in fact, an ancient war machine.

Rob quietly examined the fate threads surrounding this ancient war machine and realized that he could calculate the true plot around anything that had fate threads on it, just as he had previously done with Stussy aura.

For example, the giant robot in front of him is:

"The legendary Iron Giant programmed to attack Marigoa for the purpose of destroying the mysterious "energy source" hidden in Marigoa... The main and only responsible in the current era for providing energy to the spaceship Oranus so that it can work again... So your programmed job is to disable the recovery of an ancient weapon, correct?"

With one glance, Rob understood the complete purpose of this Iron Giant and the reason behind its creation.


Suddenly, Rob received a notification from the system shop, which means a new chapter of the original "One Piece" manga had been released.

"Interesting, after counting the number of chapters that have been released since my arrival in this world, this means that only one year has passed on Earth, while I am approaching the end of my fourth year here..." Rob noticed this time difference for a long time already, due to the system shop.

Rob bought the new chapter magazine and jumped to read it on the broken horn of the Iron Giant.

He was going to start reading the new chapter, despite being able to infer a lot of facts using his title abilities, but connecting everything in a story that can be understood is extremely difficult even for someone with a "photographic memory" like him.

The best way to easily discover the background of the world is still read the manga "One Piece"...

"Also, reading it again is enjoyable. Hehe~. The reason for the delay of this chapter must be the end of year holiday on Earth~right?"

Rob opened the new chapter after remembering the events of the previous chapters in the new arc.

"Hmm, the weight of memories, huh?"

From the continuous cover stories, Rob knew a lot about "MADS" and why and under what circumstances they met, all of this became easy to infer from the cover stories.

But none of this was more important than the chapter itself,

"Even if the world denies its nature, it is human in terms of rights and truth! The experiment succeeded! I firmly believe that this achievement represents an important step towards global peace."

"Doctor Vegapunk, head of the MADS research lab for peace."

"Hmm, in any case, is Vegapunk... talking about her...? "

"Oh, Bonney's ability is truly amazing... that's why she's called the 'Jewelry,' right?"

"Alright, it seems Kuma has already inherited the 'what you programmed on it', Iron Giant..."

Seeing Kuma climbing the red line like the Iron Giant to destroy the "energy source" made Rob feel sorry for the good man in the manga.

"Oh! Are these Kuma's memories? This is becoming more complicated thing by thing... it seems Bonney is on her way to find out everything before Kuma's death fully in his final raid that I don't know if it will succeed or fail."

"Wow, a Devil Fruit ability that can make wonders!"

Thinking about the extent of Kuma's devil fruit's oddness, Rob felt the desire to eat this fruit, but he remembered that Kuma had already eaten it since he was a child and canceled this thought.

"I didn't believe Nikyu-Nikyu fruit could work like this... interesting."

Kuma who was in the flashback looked similar to the current Kuma, the king of the Sorbet kingdom almost.

"These Seraphims are interesting they can even think and make decisions by themselves, they look like clones of real humans instead of just robots." Seeing the Seraphims reminded Rob of their original selves, where they looked similar to them a lot in their current ages.

<code>"It looks like the real cloned human has finally taken a step, the person Vegapunk asked for help is you... Stussy."</code>

"The Rocks Pirates - Miss Buckingham Stussy... a cloned woman, huh?"

"So, I was the fool all this time, I brought a copied human into my pink room, and even fuck her! Dammit!"

Rob tried to control his nerves but he couldn't.

Thinking that her true identity was just a member of the world government, he was wrong all the time, because her true identity was much deeper than that.

She was actually a copy of Edward Weevil's mother, Buckin!

The people responsible for replication her were: Dr. Vegapunk, Ceasar Clown, Vinsmoke Judge, Queen, and Buckingham Stussy herself was the fifth member with them.

Rob felt like he was the fool all this time.


In New World, on an unknown island:

Inside a lonely house, away from a small village next to a river that runs through the forest and spring meadows.

Buckingham Stussy, 52 years old, felt a cold shiver for some reason.

At the age of 50, she still resembled a younger version of her copy, Stussy, who joined the art store instead of her short and old-looking form at the age of 72 in the future.

If Rob sees her, he will assume that she is Stussy's older sister, but in reality, she is the same person!

"Weevil! Where are you!? What are you doing!"

After feeling a cold shiver without knowing the reason, the first concern that came to her mind was to search for her 12-year-old son and ensure his safety.

So, she opened the door and ran to look for him.

After all, this child was the fruit of her love and the only link she had with her lover, Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!



Upcoming chapter titles (spoilers):










Chapter 413: Rob's impression of chapter 1073 of One Piece!

Chapter 414: Who is a doctor?

Chapter 415: "I'm already negative!"


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